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Posts posted by Lio

  1. As a quick aside: Just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who offered me advice over the past year or so on here. Things are going AMAZINGLY for me at the moment, so I just wanted to say thanks to ya'all as well as apologize for being a stubborn jackass at times in the past.

    No thanks to MyGNR for most of the relationship advice I've been given, I've been doing the opposite most of the time and it's working out amazingly.


  2. I'm almost 39. I think what's difficult is the juxtaposition between the (relative) wisdom you gain as you age and the lost opportunities of youth. Of course you couldnt ever go back and do things differently because a young persons perspective differs vastly from someone who is 40 + anyway.

    I'm reasonably okay with it at the moment , more so than when I was about 32 actually. I think losing a parent gave me some perspective and also seeing how difficult issues like housing and employment are for my daughters generation (age 22) I'm happy enough having been a 70's kid, I can't stop getting older but there's a good chance I'll be able to do it comfort, in my own home, with a pension and opportunities for travel and other nice stuff.

    However starting to get saggy and wrinkly does suck but then so does having an immovable face that looks like it's in a wind tunnel. What can you do? Buy less mirrors is possibly the best answer.

    I don't mind aging, I am in a much better place compared to when I was young.

    More self esteem, self acceptence, more care for other people's feelings and problems, I like myself a whole lot more.

    But I don't like getting wrinkled, that part sucks a whole lot!

    I kind of agree with my contemporaries :heart: I don't feel as old as I am and I am in a much better place than when I was young, but aging does scare me in the sense that I am getting older and it closes certain doors, it limits my possibilities, so to speak. I also worry about my health, although I'm (reasonably) healthy. I feel like I'm alarmed much faster when I think something is wrong with me. When I was younger, I didn't much care for my health, now it's starting to worry me more.

    I had to pull out a few grey hairs a few weeks ago, though, and I absolutely hated that.

    • Like 3
  3. This April fools day is definitely not better than the old one.

    What was the old one?

    MYGNR became MyPearlJamforum for a day and it was hilarious. Good times. Seems you missed it by a few days :(

    I think the threads are still somewhere, but this is the only one I could find after a quick search: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?/topic/206460-its-time-to-retire-the-pearl-jam-name/page-2#entry3945537

  4. Adam Clayton is the cool one. Doesn't he play drums?

    No he plays bass. Larry Mullen Jr. plays drums and he's considered the "cool one".

    Yeah Adam is the old one. Larry said in an interview only he and Bono are handsome in the band.

    That's true, but Adam did get Naomi.

    Or rather, it was true. Both Bono and Larry have become really old. Best not wear my glasses when I go see them.

  5. I've been there a few times. The only time GNR was discussed while I was there, was when Axlfan4life was streaming the Vegas concert live :wub: That was fun.

    I like it, but it's been a while since I've been on there.

  6. Is there a link of the thread or post where Axl blasted out at Madison? After she was kicked out or removed as an Admin, she came here as a normal person? As you said she was in in charge of everything before Subsy, So I assume she did spent a lot of time here and she would be a big GNR fan, so does she drops by here or she has no contact with anyone from here now?

    I think she pretty much disappeared afterwards. She has posted a few times in the last six months or so, so she at least visits the forum from time to time.

    EDIT: I think the rant was awful and totally inappropriate, but I can't help but LOL at the For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

    • Like 1
  7. The outcome of this is that when a pilot has to use the restroom, an air stewart will have to stay in the cockpit with the other pilot.

    So that a 19 year old air Stewardess can rugby tackle the fully grown male co-pilot in an emergency?

    And what if the steward(ess) has bad intentions? We're just so irrational. There is no 0% risk.

  8. Why not? It's not like they're still in the early dating stage. They're talking about moving in together. If she loves him, she can take it. If you can't be honest about your feelings and anxieties to the one you love and wish to spend your life with, what's the point? Sorry, I don't get it.

    They've been together what? Three months? Four months?

    :lol: Didn't you like know your wife exactly 1 year when you married? Or have I made that up?

    I'll stay out of it now. After all I'm only a married woman. What the heck do I know about women and relationships. I'll leave it to the experts. :)

    I suppose your husband did a lot of talking about panic attacks and loneliness and insecurities in those early months, did he? You just couldn't resist it? :lol:

    :lol: Well, you know me. Our case was different, we were already best friends. No need to hide your feelings from your best friend :heart:

    If she loves him, she can take it.

    but it doesn't seem that she wants to:

    Then I dropped her home yesterday and said we can get through this and she told me she didn't know and needs to get her head around things.

    besides it seems that he may really need to take some time off to fix himself

    I don't disagree with you. But if she doesn't want to, why would he hide his feelings and anxieties to try and keep that relationship afloat?

  9. Why not? It's not like they're still in the early dating stage. They're talking about moving in together. If she loves him, she can take it. If you can't be honest about your feelings and anxieties to the one you love and wish to spend your life with, what's the point? Sorry, I don't get it.

    They've been together what? Three months? Four months?

    :lol: Didn't you like know your wife exactly 1 year when you married? Or have I made that up?

    I'll stay out of it now. After all I'm only a married woman. What the heck do I know about women and relationships. I'll leave it to the experts. :)

  10. Why not? It's not like they're still in the early dating stage. They're talking about moving in together. If she loves him, she can take it. If you can't be honest about your feelings and anxieties to the one you love and wish to spend your life with, what's the point? Sorry, I don't get it.

  11. Police have apparently found something in his home (on his computer?) that could be an explanation.

    I agree with GG. It seems plausible that he had hidden depression from his employer. Maybe he was on some kind of antidepressants. I heard they never test pilots on the use of drugs, medication, alcohol or whatever in Europe. Pilots can get psychological help, but only if they ask for it themselves. Which they probably hardly do, of course. There are no regular psychological screenings.

    Time will tell. (Maybe.)

  12. I think you can never rule out things like this. There is no absolute safety. A few years ago, a Belgian bus with school children had an accident and lots of kids died. To this day, some parents believe the driver actually wanted to commit suicide. It appeared that he'd suffered a depression and had been on antidepressants. Officially, it was classified as an accident, but we'll never know, of course.

    Let's say there was a steward sitting with him in the cockpit. If he could fly the plane into the mountain in cold blood, despite panicked reactions from crew, passengers and traffic control, I think he could've done something about the steward beside him too :shrugs:

    True but at least its a chance. Without the other person there is ZERO chance.

    Yes, I get what you mean and I thought the same thing when I heard about it. It's only natural to want to eliminate as many risks as possible. You're right, a chance is always better than no chance.

  13. I think you can never rule out things like this. There is no absolute safety. A few years ago, a Belgian bus with school children had an accident and lots of kids died. To this day, some parents believe the driver actually wanted to commit suicide. It appeared that he'd suffered a depression and had been on antidepressants. Officially, it was classified as an accident, but we'll never know, of course.

    Let's say there was a steward sitting with him in the cockpit. If he could fly the plane into the mountain in cold blood, despite panicked reactions from crew, passengers and traffic control, I think he could've done something about the steward beside him too :shrugs:

  14. Sometimes, when I read all these things, I ask myself if I'm really that weird. I'm totally not like (nor have I ever been) like those birds you're always talking about, Len.

    I mean, I get Lithium, he's young and enjoying life and it's all good. He's looking for some fun, not thinking about the next step and moving in together. Like I said, different intentions. And I don't mean a guy sobbing in your lap for an hour is particularly attractive, but you must be able to express your insecurities or issues, whatever they might be, no? Doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.

    But like I said, maybe I'm just weird that way.

  15. There we go, fucked things up big time.

    How so? Just stay cool. It'll be okay.

    She apparently can't take in what she's learnt about me this week - that I'm feeling insecure, and finding it hard to cope with other people being so unpleasant on holiday.

    It's like she's checked out of this relationship and I'm the only one willing to fight. She's shown so little affection, and I needed a bit of care and love from somebody this week.

    She's let me down at the most crucial time after I've supported her for so long.

    Sorry for being blunt, but I think you just need to gently remove your tampon.

    Haha, I was quoted and I read that as a comment to me and thought: WTF?!

    Anyway, I think Chris has other expectations from this relationship than you have of your endless supply of Tinder girls. Not everyone's a player like you.

  16. Not ideal that we've been blanked by our holiday companions, the weather is making the roads too dangerous to cycle and we had £2k of stuff stolen when the villa was broken into.

    I'm out of self pity and told her to pull herself together because she said she's incalable of holding relationships together. I'm more confident that things will get back on track, but I'm going to need to dominate this and push her away from her own insecurities.

    That seems like the holiday from hell. No wonder everyone feels miserable. I'm confident you can sort it out though.

    Like SM said, the first vacation is always a test, even more so if you're with other people that you don't really know well (have I got that right?), and then everything going wrong.

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