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Everything posted by Ratam

  1. He already had numerous accusations, but accord his own statement they never has been canceled. It appear in UCR page.
  2. Now Tommy Lee is accused about sexual assault of something happened in 2003.
  3. Because Axl always keep in GNR. Different to Slash and Duff they has been own bands outside GNR.
  4. I guess bandana one is for the classic era, and the mustache one is about NewGNR era.
  5. Then these title is of poor taste, how Axl not realized? Axl live in his own planet...😁
  6. I think is to be poor taste put joke title to one song about such dramatic theme. It is the reason i doubt TG is about abuse.
  7. When i to start missing to Shacklermhrye suddenly appear @Rindmelon...
  8. yes, it call my attention. Is rare it reaction in they own page. Not happened with another releases.
  9. Ii think that management not understand nothing about music. They never belong the music business.
  10. I like more Perhaps, they should stop there, and just include some CD leftovers on the "next album". It TG release is nosense now they to take a break. But on Youtube i read most positive comments.
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