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Everything posted by MaskingApathy

  1. Yeah he's dying it for sure. I don't think he's got hair attached to his hat but it's definitely starting to become thinner. I know what photo you're talking about though.
  2. Would love to hear them try Locomotive, I think they would do it better than GnR.
  3. Or he doesn't care. When SMKC was doing YCBM on the WOF tour he used Les Paul for that also.
  4. I think it's the UYI boxset that reminded him of them. My guess is he had probably not heard or thought of DDM and BA in years then heard them again when going through the stuff for the boxset and thought maybe I'll try them with SMKC if we're not doing them in GnR.
  5. Before she died, that woman admitted that she made the accusations up. He never did any of that.
  6. Just missing that harmony vocal in the chorus but it sounds great otherwise.
  7. Oh so he was one of the many who were invited to submit an audition tape. I don't think he actually jammed with them though right? Wonder why it didn't go anywhere but I'm glad we got him in SMKC because he's a great bass player too.
  8. Yes. They were playing with a different bass player who wasn't a good fit then Fitzy mentioned TK.
  9. https://www.loudersound.com/news/slash-dandy-warhols-acid-rock-collaboration
  10. I've met Trev briefly once (at an SMKC show actually) and we have some mutual friends. I never felt any kind of smugness or anything like that. He's definitely trying to carve his own path now as a producer and guitarist.
  11. Trev is awesome, I never knew that though. He's done well for himself though, got some cool projects going on now.
  12. Yeah looks like it. They cut some good songs unfortunately.
  13. Full show here: https://apurofutbol.net/embed/eventosstar?r=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%3D%3D
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