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Posts posted by Kwick1

  1. I don't think one outgrows music that they love. What I think does change listening habits and actions. Between 88-92, I only listened to GnR everytime I was in the car. At bars, I would shout out a GnR song but the only cover played in Lubbock of GnR was Paradise City and it was hardly recognizable. I would have followed the band around to shows had I not been in school. Today my actions have grown up but my love for GnR remains and will remain until the day I die. 

  2. @Gracii Guns, metabolism doesn't necessarily slow as you get lighter. It slows if the body isn't adequately fueled. This is the reason it's important to eat calories that fuel the body and not empty calories. And yes, men usually have an easier time with weight loss due to muscle mass. What does slow as one loses weight is calorie burn. The body has to work harder the heavier it is and burns more calories. 

    Great job on the weight loss and doing the couch to 5k!!!

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  3. 4 minutes ago, guitarpatch said:

    GNR doesn’t have complete control over every facet besides their involvement (which the alternative would be to not release anything and stay off the road)

     Completely agree and well said (entire post) I'm only quoting the last part because we all know that is just an action that Axl has been known to take. I'd rather simply not spend on stuff I don't want and see my favorite band performing and have the opportunity for new music. 

  4. I have a recurring nightmare leading up to races, where I'm running in the race but there's all these obstacles that force me to stop and pass a mental or physical challenge before continuing in the race. Not hard to realize the meaning since these dreams always come during heavy training blocks. Or I'm running in a house winding thru lots of rooms. Any other runners have these dreams? 

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