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  1. It is funny. The minions are going to singing, rocking out, ok ok. Dru has a baby now and the minions must be babysitting and that song is the background song. As for the band, $$$$$, that s all that $$$$$$$ matters. They are more than $$$$$$ thrilled. Everyone, if they are lucky, sells their music $$$$$ commercially for movies, tv commercials, anything, everything. Slash did his SCOM bit in the commercial. I forgot what the product or business was. It is something funny for the older generation, then young adults in the 1980s, to now laugh at when you take your grandkids to see the new minions movie. Me, an 8 yr. old in my life already booked us to see Minions new movie.
  2. There will never be peace in the Middle East. There has not been since Jesus. I think it is would best if the Palestinian Arabs surrender and move to Jordan, Eygt, Lebanon,Saudia Arabia, etc. ENGLAND surrendered to the colonies Native American Indians surrendered,moved on to reservations, or assimilated to cities and towns. Japan n The USA found a lasting peace. Germany became two countries and lived so peacefully for deacades until it became one again. The USA surrendered to Vietnam All of the countries in the Middle East should just leave each other alone..
  3. Marc Cantar’s deli restaurant attacked https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-11-01/canters-deli-antisemitic-graffiti-los-angeles-jewish-business-israel-hamas
  4. China and Russia backs Palestine. Nevermind Russia invaded Afghanistan. Your enemy is my enemy and you ,my enemy, is my friend because of it. Russia is a friend of Afghanistan. USA is not. USA backs Ukaraine. Let’s start WWIII and just be done with it.
  5. My prediction….like how Earthshattering, lol, They will finish their Never Ending Tour in this Lifetime for now. Enjoy their home lives, regular routines of regular life, personal other business interests, and then start up this Never Ending Tour again. 2025.
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