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Everything posted by IzzysMissy

  1. Before the venue… before the fans… before anyone. Like we give a lot of things a pass on this fan board, but please let’s not start giving a pass to incompetent management. Venue employees who were watching the stage get taken down are the real heroes here. if it isn’t Axl that’s sick, it’ll be Slash and/or maaaaaaybeeeeee Duff. No other reason other than a steel (the stage build itself) issue would shut this moneytrain down.
  2. I’d be inclined to believe this having seen the current sales maps…. But sadly I think it’s his voice. Hopefully he can recover properly to finish the tour.
  3. I wasn’t referring to cancellations, I was referring to the time frames in terms of Axls voice. But ok, lol
  4. I’m absolutely amazed that this cancellation/postponement hasn’t been announced (yet) and that fans are finding out by being internet detectives. Hopefully it’s just this one show though since they are soooooo spread out this time around. Poor Axl man…. this is really too much strain on his voice. These tours need to be capped to ~20 shows and 6-8wk off cycles in between ~20 show runs, at minimum.
  5. ….yea I can’t quite tell if you’re kidding about this but I think that’s a hysterical thought..
  6. I was about to say - looks like he hasn’t posted in years!
  7. GD and GNR (and JGB too actually) are all listed back to back in my iTunes! Stevie has had stealies on his drum kit before, and Axl has talked about being a metal head hippie kid in Indiana - I love me some 77 and 89 shows.
  8. I definitely did some laughing and eye rolling reading this🫠
  9. Omg COT made it to mygnr!! The Heads and Phans in my life will never believe me🤣 COT is legit y’all - those who know, know.
  10. So both of these ideas are SUPER expensive to execute tour budget wise. It’s basically fly-in dates for everyone involved.. flights from diff points, hotels, transport… Metallica is pulling it off because the designed a 360 experience and have sold every ticket of that 360… 2wks on/2wks off means your still paying crew ongoing.. even if off weeks are half pay.. Weekend Warrior tours do very well when spaced out properly, but again, it’s all fly in dates. I think Axls voice has sounded best with 2 shows a week on 4 days rest.
  11. Just checked the charts - I don’t see it. Susan posted a screen grab that the song was #1 with iTunes or something but I can’t find it on any chart this week (though it should be as it did great in terms of YouTube clicks) I’ve listened to it a few more times. I dig the piano and the chorus is standard ok. I like that other people like it, but I just can’t get past all the layers of stuff. Sooooo much going on.. All chart listings: https://kworb.net/ww/ *image grab in Susan’s stories say #1 Worldwide ITunes chart (over dua lipa) - this is from last week and she just cut the date off.. omg 😆
  12. G-d…. I remember all the rumors and Jimmy kept HINTING it all night and I was watching in a college dorm with friends.. damn when they were announced and the camera panned to Axl.. And then Buckethead.. and.. it was just SILENCE in the room.. like 10 of us were just shocked into silence for 30 seconds until someone else z claimed “what in the fuck is this shit” and others started laughing. I was horrified. I don’t think I even listened to GNR until like 4 years later when I went to one of the Hammerstein shows in nyc.. I never need to see any of that footage again..
  13. Lol Izzy is secure in himself and doesn’t give a FUCK about any of it. Izzy’s contributions to gnr have allowed him to live the life that HE wants without having to justify it to anyone.
  14. It’s really interesting because in that video you posted… I can see the empty sections but my eye is trained for that so I’m very hyper vigilant. Look I’m not saying it’s “empty” per se, just saying that a baseball stadium for concerts gets about 38/40K caps with how the stage is set. it looks to me, based on the pics and video from the stage, that the uppers barely had anyone which made me speculate that capacity was about 20/25K. The place where the pitcher stands (mound) never gets used so the entire infield and outfield (area between the mound and the back wall) doesn’t have seats or a floor (it damages the grass for baseball and it’s still season here! Go Cubs Go!) just my thoughts and observations and opinions based on my trade. Not trying to insult or argue with anyone!
  15. Just looked at the pics posted by Del and Mrs Slash from the stage - floor looked full from the pit but the stands were.. empty. ESP up top. I’d say 60/65% (70 maybe as a stretch) sold but I can’t tell from just pics. At those percentages for a ball park it’s prob about 25/30K.
  16. It’s very interesting because I kinda feel the same way. Much better sound wise in the video than anywhere else - im still meh on the song itself, but I dig the video and launch. I really wish they did this before the tour started in June..
  17. That plus every other row seating on the floor! A few more nfl stadiums are light but the arenas and smaller rooms did great!. Honestly!
  18. I really like the video - I looooooove footage like that! Also, I feel it’s been observed in their socials (and discussed!) that there’s a pro crew filming! I’m sure it will be wild commentary by the time I wake up! Super exciting day in gnr world, for sure!
  19. Btw. This will help them sell seats here in the States. Very nice RS article, I’m very happy Axl is doing well!
  20. I linked the Reddit thread in the unofficial media thread ! Hubs was on Reddit past midnight and woke me. He’s so romantic❤️
  21. Y’all - hubby just sent me this gem from Reddit! re: The General as the Bside! go crazy!
  22. Lololol when you click that link and go to the article…. There are all sorts of pretty young girls with Axl… and smack in the middle of them all?? Andre Gilliot 🤣
  23. Sooooooooo… you don’t like it 🤣 also… agreed with basically all of it. I can hear and feel your frustration. Gonna smoke a bowl and get back to work!
  24. Good on y’all who are lovin Perhaps.. felt a bit too band-aid and recycled for my taste but I think it’s LOADS better than the other 2. I’ll give it another listen prob and am curious how it sounds live (I actually dig the piano parts) but honestly, it’s just a bit toooooo meh for me. To each their own and all, but deff not my cup of tea. a fab day to all! commentary is hysterical on all socials about this.
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