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Axl Rose Chat #6 - mygnrforum - Dec. 14, 2008

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Thank You Axl so much for your insight! It's so great to have you back with us again. We missed ya! Your the reason that made me fall in love with rock music! I always loved how diverse your music style was and is! I've Held your music close to my heart for the past 21 yrs and I happy that your still doing what you love!

Happy Holidays and a safe Happy healthy New's Year!

P.S Come to Philly!! :xmasssanta: I wanna see you live some time! Never had the chance!

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-Think About You

-Out Ta Get Me.

I think we know for sure Axl wrote those songs.


I am not having a pop ... just saying ... he co-wrote them. Fucking awesome tunes ... :)

Oh, I know it was colobrative effort.

I was just saying don't dis-credit him for lyrics.

That'd be like saying yeah Izzy made a cool riff here and there.

All the original 5 are very talented and they all brought something to the band

I wonder if Axl would consider leting Stevie play a couple of song's live during the 2009 tour

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at least Axl is experimenting with new songs such as silkworms, shacklers revenge etc,

whats Slash's biggest move outside his comfort zone, slither? :lol:

please, I rather support someone that has the willingness and thurst to push themselves outside there comfort zone, and not go around in circles rehashing

the same old shit.

Wow your post is original and totally out of left field, I cant beleive ive never heard that before.

So because you prefer one thing mean you have to put another down ?

What happens if the next album is a straight ahead rock album, you gonna cry ?

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Thanks for that Axl, I always knew that you weren't the reason for the break-up, now when people tell me that it's cause of you, I've got evidence to prove them wrong!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Also, I'd like to thank you for taking the 15 years to make Chinese Democracy, cause I know it probably wouldn't sound the same if it didn't take that long, so thanks, it sounds amazing. Just don't take too long for the next one! :P

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No offense, but Axl sounds bitter as fuck. Especially about Slash. We're supposed to believe that everything that has happened is someone else's fault and EVERYTHING we've been told about him are all lies.

I think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

People love sayin' that middle trip. Easy to say but not so easy to prove.

Unfortunately it's not in the middle and I can back up every last line in my bit or I wouldn't be here.

You love his work and whatever else. More power to you!

And no, I'm not bitter at least in the sense of how you used it conveys. Felt good gettin' some of that off my chest and as I said that's just the tip.

If that's your honest impression it's definitely not rose colored lenses you're wearing. And I looked up the definition of bitter once in a pocket dictionary and got "having anger at something unjust or evil". I'm not angry but when I am with this particular someone who I thought was once my friend... the definition fits.

If you can prove everything then I will fully admit how right you are. But then again, how would you go about proving it all to us? It's kind of an empty statement because there's no time or resources to present the tapes/documents to prove to every Guns fan that what you're saying is the truth. So we just have to believe it or not believe it.

Axl, I'm not calling you a liar. I think there's plenty of truth in what you're saying. But you're trying to pin basically EVERY SINGLE THING that has happened over the years on Slash or the media and shit like that. Only truly gullible fucks or people who are just too excited about you being here to question you are going to believe that.

Thank you for posting anyway. It's really cool to come do this and you still kick ass in my book, even if I do like Slash a little more.

There are several books published out there and by reading one of these you can evaluate your own opinion. You can also watch and read thousands of Slash's interview attacking Axl for years, and for the first time you hear Axl's side. I do like Slash too more than you probably because I've started learning guitar when I was a kid inspired by Slash. So let's see if Slash comments on this revelation. To me, I can relate with Axl's story.


Let's enjoy the music dude!

Axl, I've been waiting for this revelation for years...... your PATIENCE is timeless, it means to me a lot.


Edited by axlrod
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You seem to only focus on the negative aspects of Slash, but you should never forget that you only wrote three songs on AFD. Who wrote the rest of the music ? ;)

I still think after reading your explanation that keeping the name is a rip-off both towards your former bandmates and the fans.

As Izzy said it:

How do you feel though knowing it's being said as a Guns N' Roses album?

Izzy: "Well, it's obviously not Guns N' Roses. I think all the fans know that. It's not even right that he uses the name, because he's the only guy left. I think ultimately it's gonna work against him because people are gonna say fuck you, wanker - that's what they'll call him here, right? 'You fucking wanker, that's not Guns N' Roses!' Hopefully, the maniac's good, cos if the music isn't good then he's gonna get the double-whammy..."

"In Guns N' Roses, I would come up with an idea for a song and the first thing that would always happen was Slash getting hold of it and going chunka-chunka-chunka!" He hacks out a blur of agressive riffs. "I'd be going, OK, it's already changed a little bit. Then Axl would come in and go, 'We've gotta do more lyrics, we've gotta have more vocals, more back-ups, let's layer this'. So by the time it was finished it was like, holy shit! What a monster!"


Guns N'Roses was the sum of you, Slash, Izzy, Steven and Duff. That's something you will never be able to change in most of GNR fans' hearts.

That's a great Izzy interview. I'd be more inclined to believe Izzy over anyone else in the band.

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thanks for slumming it with the peasants, axl. i think most of the time people in the biz end up getting so disconnected from reality that they have no idea how much something like this is appreciated by the fans. wherever the truth lies, its awesome that you take time out for a legitimate attempt at answering questions in your fan forum.

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And i don't give a damn about legally who ownes the name. I mean how 'rock n' roll' is that?
How "rock n' roll" is it to take someone, who is completely innocent, to court based on the errors of someone else?

When it comes to Axl, it's always someone elses fault.

And if Slash was such a liar, why didn't Axl sue him for the lies in his book? He could've cleaned Slash out and once in for all be victorious in this stupid war where nobody really wins.

Why are you talking about shit you know nothing about? In all seriousness, you should sit back and stop talking like you know anything about anything.

Man, you are just frustrating to read.

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And i don't give a damn about legally who ownes the name. I mean how 'rock n' roll' is that?
How "rock n' roll" is it to take someone, who is completely innocent, to court based on the errors of someone else?

When it comes to Axl, it's always someone elses fault.

And if Slash was such a liar, why didn't Axl sue him for the lies in his book? He could've cleaned Slash out and once in for all be victorious in this stupid war where nobody really wins.

Why are you talking about shit you know nothing about? In all seriousness, you should sit back and stop talking like you know anything about anything.

Man, you are just frustrating to read.

Ignore it. Not even worthwhile responding to guys like him.

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