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Black Sabbath Suck

Axl Knows

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The Tony Martin era has some good tunes too.

i agree with pretty much all points moreblack has made; plus bacardi, plus the thread's namesake user, Black Sabbath.

In my opinion, s/t & paranoid are just "good" albums. Master, all the way up to Never Say Die are fucking AWESOME albums. No way I could ever choose a fav between Master/4 (MAYBE I'd choose 4), Sabotage, etc. Just so fucking good. The RIFFS. HOWWWWWWW was Iommi able to come up with SO many fucking awesomely catchy riffs?

My lovedom for Sabbath didn't stop with Ozzy. Obviously loved Dio Sab as much as Ozzy era and I also love the Martin era, too. Iommi is just like, magical as a guitarist and songwriter.

Zeppelin on the other hand: not a fan.

One thing I'll never forgive myself for is not seeing Sabbath with Dio these last few years. If they reunite with Ozzy, hopefully they play more from Sabotage (would KILL to hear megalomania live), SBS upward.

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Whenever they work with Ozzy recently, it seems they lean almost exclusively on the debut album and Paranoid.

I would enjoy if they toured together again, and pulled out stuff like Spiral Architect, Hole In The Sky, Supernaut, Sabbra Cadabra...

ah yeah, you're pretty much dead-on correct with the debut/paranoid stuff being done live.

your wish list is pretty sweet. If someone had a gun and was like (wait, actually there's no need for a gun in this example)- i'll start again... if someone was like "out of that list; pick 1" I'd go with supernaut.

Someone tell me if they agree that The Writ would be a decent background song for the following movie scene:

(note: cut the crazy laughing out of the beginning so it's just that drugged-up sounding, jazzy bass twiddling).

Takes place in the 70s. Colors/scenes/wardrobes similar to the movie Blow with Jonny Depp & Boogie Nights. 4 late 20-something dudes, just get back to their seedy apartment somewhere in Beverly Hills. Dripping with sweat and silent thoughts of, "holy SHIT lol can you believe what we just pulled off???" are going through all of their heads simultaneously as they each drop black duffel bags and brief cases onto the floor/a couch/whatever. (*note: heavy part of the song/verse hasn't started yet... this is still the dreamy sounding bass part in the beginning of the song). Slow motion shows them opening the bags and revealing the shock on each of their faces as they see what could be millions of dollars in cash and cocaine.

Now the main verse of the song starts. Still in slow motion, cut to an aerial view of the 4 of them driving down a street in a convertible Impala, all high on cocaine, laughing and enjoying the breeze rushing through their longer hair as they know they are now set for life. Have all the money & drugs they could ever want; they're set.

Yeah. haha. that. that's my imagination of The Writ.

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I think Paranoid is my favorite album of theirs and there isnt very much outside of that album that I really enjoy. But to say that a band that so many artists cite as an influence, one of the most influential ever, is just awful and blatant trolling.

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I think Paranoid is my favorite album of theirs and there isnt very much outside of that album that I really enjoy. But to say that a band that so many artists cite as an influence, one of the most influential ever, is just awful and blatant trolling.

ahhhh dude, fall in love with Vol. 4. You will. Trust me on that one sir.

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I agree that Ozzy Sabbath sucked, but even then I think the main thing that attracted people to Sabbath was the guitar playing. At that point in time, guitar driven music had never sounded so heavy, there was a new intensity there that really shook people. Obviously I couldn't tell you much about that, I'm 19 years old, but I still remember the first time I heard those dark swells at the beginning of Iron Man, and it was fucking awesome

But yeah, Ozzy Osbourne has to be the most boring overrated vocalist of all time. The only redeeming factor is that he worked with Randy Rhoads, other than that, fuck Ozzy's voice, fuck ozzfest, fuck sharon, fuck his stupid fat ugly kids, fuck his dumb ass tv show, fuck his shitty songs, fuck everybody who thinks he's god... i can go on and on. If he wasn't the singer on one of the most recognizable songs of all time nobody would give a shit

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Ozzy fit that era of Sabbath perfectly, in my opinion. He definitely had a great doom metal voice and old Black Sabbath are sometimes seen as the first doom metal band. I honestly can't imagine those songs with another singer, and I think he fits in quite well. I think his voice fits better in Sabbath than the more upbeat metal in his solo career (though I like both). Just my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Black Sabbath?



my thoughts exactly wtf is wrong with some of these people. ozzy sucks? really? really? come on black sabbath is the shit and the godfathers of metal and hard rock and people are claming they suck oh well opinions are like assholes....

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It's serious alright. Any band who can't come up with vocal melodies that differ from the guitar lines shouldn't be getting airplay... they suck ass. Music for the sonically primitive.

Oh, and Page > Iommi.

I lol'd

The Tony Martin era has some good tunes too.

i agree with pretty much all points moreblack has made; plus bacardi, plus the thread's namesake user, Black Sabbath.

In my opinion, s/t & paranoid are just "good" albums. Master, all the way up to Never Say Die are fucking AWESOME albums. No way I could ever choose a fav between Master/4 (MAYBE I'd choose 4), Sabotage, etc. Just so fucking good. The RIFFS. HOWWWWWWW was Iommi able to come up with SO many fucking awesomely catchy riffs?

My lovedom for Sabbath didn't stop with Ozzy. Obviously loved Dio Sab as much as Ozzy era and I also love the Martin era, too. Iommi is just like, magical as a guitarist and songwriter.

Zeppelin on the other hand: not a fan.

One thing I'll never forgive myself for is not seeing Sabbath with Dio these last few years. If they reunite with Ozzy, hopefully they play more from Sabotage (would KILL to hear megalomania live), SBS upward.

They're gonna play the same setlist they've been playing for God knows how long if they reunite with Ozzy. Tony said that's why he got sick of touring with Ozzy; nothing ever changed.

TBH, I'd shoot myself in the foot before going to see the original Black Sabbath again, it was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Heaven And Hell on the other hand...seeing them 7 times wasn't nearly enough.

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Semi-on topic, has anyone else heard any of the stuff from the Heaven And Hell show with Glenn Hughes and Jorn Lande? And does anyone else find the idea of a Glenn Hughes reunion exciting?

Saw some of the vids of Jorne. Was really impressed with his voice. Liked the sound of it a lot.

Regarding Glenn, I think it would be cool to hear some newly recorded material, but I probably wouldn't be that psyched to see them live. I will never live down not seeing Sabbath with Dio. Can't believe I slept on opportunities to see such an important show. I don't mean to take anything away from Glenn, though. He's a great vocalist, i think, and seems like a really nice guy, too. Bless 'em.

At this point, I guess I'd be cool with seeing them with Ozzy again, provided the set list was a little more exciting than normally (hearing something like Wheels of Confusion or Killing Yourself to Live would be pretty rad).

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