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AXL ROSE Demands Withdrawal Of All Quotes Regarding 'Sydney 500 V8 Supercars' Performance - July 14, 2010 Read


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According to Australia's rock station Triple M, GUNS N' ROSES frontman Axl Rose has demanded the withdrawal of all his quotes used on the official press release that was sent around the country announcing the band's upcoming appearance at this year's Sydney 500 V8 Supercars street race.

GUNS N' ROSES will make its second trip to Australia since 1993 when it performs a one-off gig on Saturday, December 4, at ANZ Stadium, following the weekend's first event around the Olympic Park circuit.

"To mix GUNS with this massive Sydney event will be a blast," Rose was quoted as saying in the original press release.

"We will be in Europe just before we head to Sydney so it will be great to come out and chill around Australia for a while, spend a bit of time getting around and soaking up the relaxed Aussie vibe.

"When we came back in 2007 it had been about 14 years between tours in Australia and we had a complete ball.

"Bring on Sydney and the V8 Supercars. Hopefully I can get a ride in one of those big beasts while I'm there."

According to The Daily Telegraph, it's believed V8 Supercars officials are paying GUNS N' ROSES more than AUD $1 million (around USD $886,000) to perform the solitary gig, included in the AUD $91 price (around USD $80) of Saturday's admission.

Tickets go on sale from Monday, July 19.http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=142986

Edited by justmike66
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It says he demands a withdrawal of his quotes, so they repost his quotes. Lol.


Par for the course regarding the media's integrity,nonexistant.

Withdrawal of the quotes... man it just gets dimmer as it goes along doesn't it? Nothing in the quotes made him look bad, in fact it made him look more human. I don't understand the silence on his part. He punishes the media by not talking, ok thats fine, but he is also punishing the fans, or am i a "detractor" because i'd like it if my musical idol actually spoke once in a while?

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The quotes must have been fabricated?

That may be true but we have heard that before, im not 100% convinced that the quotes were fabricated. Too much stuff in GnR world gets put out and then retracted for me to believe its always "it must have been fabricated".

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The quotes must have been fabricated?

That may be true but we have heard that before, im not 100% convinced that the quotes were fabricated. Too much stuff in GnR world gets put out and then retracted for me to believe its always "it must have been fabricated".

True. I moreso quoted that because I think that was the excuse behind retracting it.

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"We will be in Europe just before we head to Sydney

Maybe this is the part Axl objected to. We all know that GN'R doesn't like to give out any tour information before the last minute.

But its not like Gun's won't be in Europe, they have posted the Euro dates on their Facebook, and what Axl said was hardly specific...

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"We will be in Europe just before we head to Sydney

Maybe this is the part Axl objected to. We all know that GN'R doesn't like to give out any tour information before the last minute.

But its not like Gun's won't be in Europe, they have posted the Euro dates on their Facebook, and what Axl said was hardly specific...

Really? The OZ show is December 4 --- the last Euro date on their Facebook is October 14 --- I'd hardly call that "just before."

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"We will be in Europe just before we head to Sydney

Maybe this is the part Axl objected to. We all know that GN'R doesn't like to give out any tour information before the last minute.

But its not like Gun's won't be in Europe, they have posted the Euro dates on their Facebook, and what Axl said was hardly specific...

Really? The OZ show is December 4 --- the last Euro date on their Facebook is October 14 --- I'd hardly call that "just before."

I simply meant that Guns touring Europe before Australia was no big secret.

Also for a band that took 14 years to put out an album and 7 years between tours(1993-2001) i thinkl a month and a half difference is close enough to "just before", this is Guns we are talking about.

Edited by Young_Gun
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Settle down Young Gun - I'm not trying to start a fight with you. Why do YOU think Axl retracted his statement? I already gave my best guess.

Sorry, my apologies. We are all just guessing here in the end.

My guess is that Axl didn't like what ended up being written, even though he probably said it. We all have seen what happened on the official site when we were promised(or told) that we would get live streams of the 06/07 shows only to have them retract the whole thing and never mention it and the whole LAX assault incident. He is also doesn't like the media very much. I know its not too specific but i think Axl didn't want to sound too enthusiastic. For the some reason i think he would be bugged by the "Hopefully I can get a ride in one of those big beasts while I'm there" part but i could be wrong. Its very strange..

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Guest gunns5

lolol at you guys.

promotion is promotion is promotion.

Axl is drawing more attention to the event, by creating something from nothing. You honestly think he cares if some publicist made up a few quotes when hes basically launching one of the biggest events that is on the Sydney calender this year?

hes simply promoting the event

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lolol at you guys.

promotion is promotion is promotion.

Axl is drawing more attention to the event, by creating something from nothing. You honestly think he cares if some publicist made up a few quotes when hes basically launching one of the biggest events that is on the Sydney calender this year?

hes simply promoting the event

Hmmm i dunno man. People said the same thing about the LAX incident, that it was "set up". I really don't think Axl cares about promotion, as evidenced by the release of his white opus album Chinese Democracy. All the previous shows had little promotion so i don't think thats the case. You are right about it getting attention though, but who outside the Guns forums would know or notice? You might be right though.

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Guest gunns5

I wouldn't be worrying about this, I would be more worried about the train system that buckled to cater to the 10 000 crowd from acer arena in 07, compared to a possible 200 000 people at the v8/gnr event.

Sydney trains are very unreliabe and pretty fucking seedy to boot

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