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SCOM solo & guitar feel

W 23 Axl III

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Not for nothing, but isn't it amazing how no one can play the 2nd half of the SCOM solo the right way. Say what you want about Slash and his technical prowess, but shit, no one can STILL touch his feel. Robin used to butcher the 2nd half of the solo, and even BBF cant play it with the right feel, flow and intensity.

I know BBF and 4tus are both very talented, this is not a hate thread. Just an observation.....

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Nobody can play it like Slash did.

Just like nobody will make Buckethead's stuff sound like Buckethead.

Just like nobody can make a fretless guitar sound like Ron.

Different guitarists sound different.

Ron plays it with his own feel, which means it's technically very accurate, no dead notes whatsoever, incredibly clean. But yes, it does not sound like Slash...because he isn't. :shrugs:

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Nobody can play it like Slash did.

Just like nobody will make Buckethead's stuff sound like Buckethead.

Just like nobody can make a fretless guitar sound like Ron.

Different guitarists sound different.

Ron plays it with his own feel, which means it's technically very accurate, no dead notes whatsoever, incredibly clean. But yes, it does not sound like Slash...because he isn't. :shrugs:

Very fair response, and you are right on.

Of course they can't. Slash is a way better guitarist than any of them.

Im all about Slash, but he isn't a better player than BH, BBF or probably even 4tus. Of course he is a better player than Robin or DJ. But whatever, that doesn't matter....its about who makes the most appealing music/solos. IMO, Slash, while not the best technical player, makes the most appealing music (really solos....throw in an Izzy chord structure, some Axl vocals and....oh wait a second...)

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when it comes to playing guitar in a technical , robotic if you like, way then bbf and bh are your choice but when it comes to feeling when there is nothing between a player and his axe slash is up there with some of the top players.

I hate when people say "feel", what feel? His out of tune bends and his terrible use of the same blues scale for 20 years isn't feeling.

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when it comes to playing guitar in a technical , robotic if you like, way then bbf and bh are your choice but when it comes to feeling when there is nothing between a player and his axe slash is up there with some of the top players.

I hate when people say "feel", what feel? His out of tune bends and his terrible use of the same blues scale for 20 years isn't feeling.

LOL Yea, throw Jimmy Page into that mix too. Such terrible use of the blues scale. Who cares that they sold millions and millions of albums, each in their own bands. Who cares that they could create melodies that appeal to the greater world. They play that dam blues scale. Now, give me a solo like Shacklers. Yea....that is what I want. The sounds of elephants and what sounds like a circus, along with electric drills being placed onto the fretboard. Give me the elephant scale. Yes, give me that.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

when it comes to playing guitar in a technical , robotic if you like, way then bbf and bh are your choice but when it comes to feeling when there is nothing between a player and his axe slash is up there with some of the top players.

I hate when people say "feel", what feel? His out of tune bends and his terrible use of the same blues scale for 20 years isn't feeling.

LOL Yea, throw Jimmy Page into that mix too. Such terrible use of the blues scale. Who cares that they sold millions and millions of albums, each in their own bands. Who cares that they could create melodies that appeal to the greater world. They play that dam blues scale. Now, give me a solo like Shacklers. Yea....that is what I want. The sounds of elephants and what sounds like a circus, along with electric drills being placed onto the fretboard. Give me the elephant scale. Yes, give me that.


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you probably don't play guitar so you can't tell, if you do then good luck.

when it comes to playing guitar in a technical , robotic if you like, way then bbf and bh are your choice but when it comes to feeling when there is nothing between a player and his axe slash is up there with some of the top players.

I hate when people say "feel", what feel? His out of tune bends and his terrible use of the same blues scale for 20 years isn't feeling.

LOL Yea, throw Jimmy Page into that mix too. Such terrible use of the blues scale. Who cares that they sold millions and millions of albums, each in their own bands. Who cares that they could create melodies that appeal to the greater world. They play that dam blues scale. Now, give me a solo like Shacklers. Yea....that is what I want. The sounds of elephants and what sounds like a circus, along with electric drills being placed onto the fretboard. Give me the elephant scale. Yes, give me that.

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Don't forget "plays from his ___" (___ usually being heart or soul).

Its pretty simple. What solos have an identity? The end of Twat (BH) definitely does. TIL's solo tries very hard but doesnt get there imo. BH's Sorry solo almost gets there too.

But I can give you a top 20 of Slash solos that are recognizable and have their own identity. So whether you say "feel" or "touch" or whatever, all it means is the solo stands on its own. Blues scale, harmonic minor or major pentatonic scale, who cares? The blues scale is simply a minor scale with an added flatted 5th note anyway. Give me a solo I will remember that has......feel, intensity etc. If you use the blues scale, Im fine with that.

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The truth is, people covering other people's music NEVER feels or sounds right. You may personally like or dislike it more, but it never sounds the same.

I'll give you that. It never sounds the same. But that doesn't mean it doesn't sound right.

For example, GNR's cover of "Whole Lotta Rosie" may not sound the same, but it sure fucking sounds right.

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Slash can't play the way Slash played it back in the day. Saw him live in Belfast, he fucking owned the new songs but scom was definitely the most lacking. His heart isn't in it, he should just leave it for new guns. The major difference between new gnr and slash solo is axl plays the fuck out of both the old and new songs equally, whereas slash seems to be awesome on his newest material, good on a few classics but lacklustre for the biggest hits.

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when it comes to playing guitar in a technical , robotic if you like, way then bbf and bh are your choice but when it comes to feeling when there is nothing between a player and his axe slash is up there with some of the top players.

I hate when people say "feel", what feel? His out of tune bends and his terrible use of the same blues scale for 20 years isn't feeling.

LOL Yea, throw Jimmy Page into that mix too. Such terrible use of the blues scale. Who cares that they sold millions and millions of albums, each in their own bands. Who cares that they could create melodies that appeal to the greater world. They play that dam blues scale. Now, give me a solo like Shacklers. Yea....that is what I want. The sounds of elephants and what sounds like a circus, along with electric drills being placed onto the fretboard. Give me the elephant scale. Yes, give me that.

I don't think album sales equal a better musician.

I also do prefer the Shackler solo, because it's different. Its been too long (50 years!) with people playing the same blues scale over and over again. It's been too long. Im ready for a change, which is why I think Axl was intelligent in choosing Bucket/Bumble, they are different and actually GOOD guitarists.

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The truth is, people covering other people's music NEVER feels or sounds right. You may personally like or dislike it more, but it never sounds the same.

I'll give you that. It never sounds the same. But that doesn't mean it doesn't sound right.

For example, GNR's cover of "Whole Lotta Rosie" may not sound the same, but it sure fucking sounds right.

There's no possible way to argue who plays something "better". But guitar players all have a feel, a certain way they play the notes that can't be duplicated. It's like a finger print to the ears. It's one of the reasons I liked Robin's approach to the old songs. He knew he couldn't sound like Slash, so he brought his own flavor to the music which I really appreciated. When you listen to SCOM and he's doing that solo, you're not comparing the two which to me, is a GOOD thing.

By the way, Whole Lotta Rosie...imo, only sounds right coming from AC/DC.

Edited by Nintari
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