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Guitarists that can match up to Bucket?

Vincent Vega

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Every time I hear this Slash talk about what he is and isnt...You guys want GNR to be a band thats different sounding than what they were...those New guys have to play his stuff and respect his stuff for their bread and butter...and not vise versa and that says a lot. Most them have hacked and butchered and more or less faithfully REPRODUCED his contributions to the phenomenon GNR. Who gives a fuck if Buckethead has more talent in his little finger than Slash has in his whole body? Buckethead didnt contribute shit to the overall scene of GNR... especially when you go to events and its classic GNR BLASTING THROUGH THE LOUDSPEAKERS..the market forces have spoken... Nu GNR is destined to be a cult band at this rate.

They were a club band based Blues riffs...harder edged ..and yet you show up to the forum and slag on him ..because you percieve he cant play like BH or BF..thank GOD he doesnt...or it wouldnt be GNR's sound.......Even Axl said in that Rolling Stones interview that his quest was to make it sound like it was GNR...say anything to you fellas???.EvenAxl was on a quest to find a guitarist(s) to give nuGNR the GUNS sound... to do so is to try to relicate the quircky dynamics that was in play from club days to Argentina...

You fuckers wouldnt even be here to whine about whose "better" and cry about how boring he his or "untechnical" or blah blah blah.... day after day month after month and year after year....but it comes back to this..

He was the one that got them to the top...helped them to stay on the top helped established them ect.. What ever the real story of him moving on is...is only speculation and rumour.

Axl got some amazing things he would have never had from him----- that has to this very day and will remain in world culture Always associated with Slash.

Im not hearing a single song of CD and all its magnificent brilliance played anywhere remotely like the very LEAST of any of AFD UYI LIES songs. The market forces have spoken.. loud and clear.

Edited by rockerman
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Every time I hear this Slash talk about what he is and isnt...You guys want GNR to be a band thats different sounding than what they were...those New guys have to play his stuff and respect his stuff for their bread and butter...and not vise versa and that says a lot. Most them have hacked and butchered and more or less faithfully REPRODUCED his contributions to the phenomenon GNR. Who gives a fuck if Buckethead has more talent in his little finger than Slash has in his whole body? Buckethead didnt contribute shit to the overall scene of GNR... especially when you go to events and its classic GNR BLASTING THROUGH THE LOUDSPEAKERS..the market forces have spoken... Nu GNR is destined to be a cult band at this rate.

They were a club band based Blues riffs...harder edged ..and yet you show up to the forum and slag on him ..because you percieve he cant play like BH or BF..thank GOD he doesnt...or it wouldnt be GNR's sound.......

You fuckers wouldnt even be here to whine about whose "better" and cry about how boring he his or "untechnical" or blah blah blah.... day after day month after month and year after year....but it comes back to this..

He was the one that got them to the top...helped them to stay on the top helped established them ect.. What ever the real story of him moving on is...is only speculation and rumour.

Axl got some amazing things he would have never had from him----- that has to this very day and will remain in world culture Always associated with Slash.

Im not hearing a single song of CD and all its magnificent brilliance played anywhere remotely like the very LEAST of any of AFD UYI LIES songs. The market forces have spoken.. loud and clear.

Doesn't have much to do with this thread though

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Every time I hear this Slash talk about what he is and isnt...You guys want GNR to be a band thats different sounding than what they were...those New guys have to play his stuff and respect his stuff for their bread and butter...and not vise versa and that says a lot. Most them have hacked and butchered and more or less faithfully REPRODUCED his contributions to the phenomenon GNR. Who gives a fuck if Buckethead has more talent in his little finger than Slash has in his whole body? Buckethead didnt contribute shit to the overall scene of GNR... especially when you go to events and its classic GNR BLASTING THROUGH THE LOUDSPEAKERS..the market forces have spoken... Nu GNR is destined to be a cult band at this rate.

They were a club band based Blues riffs...harder edged ..and yet you show up to the forum and slag on him ..because you percieve he cant play like BH or BF..thank GOD he doesnt...or it wouldnt be GNR's sound.......

You fuckers wouldnt even be here to whine about whose "better" and cry about how boring he his or "untechnical" or blah blah blah.... day after day month after month and year after year....but it comes back to this..

He was the one that got them to the top...helped them to stay on the top helped established them ect.. What ever the real story of him moving on is...is only speculation and rumour.

Axl got some amazing things he would have never had from him----- that has to this very day and will remain in world culture Always associated with Slash.

Im not hearing a single song of CD and all its magnificent brilliance played anywhere remotely like the very LEAST of any of AFD UYI LIES songs. The market forces have spoken.. loud and clear.

Doesn't have much to do with this thread though

Really? look at the fucking disrespect these threads dissolve into where hardly any body stops and goes "OH right..Slashs stuff was the reason these guys even got their fifteen minutes of fame as GNR guitarist in the first place."

ANd funny enough its kind of a spit in Axls face because Axl wouldnt be there either...and in his letter before he started out in 2002 in Asia he acknowledged that.. look it up.. not taking away from the contiributions of the Alumni,,,something like that... look it up.

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Every time I hear this Slash talk about what he is and isnt...You guys want GNR to be a band thats different sounding than what they were...those New guys have to play his stuff and respect his stuff for their bread and butter...and not vise versa and that says a lot. Most them have hacked and butchered and more or less faithfully REPRODUCED his contributions to the phenomenon GNR. Who gives a fuck if Buckethead has more talent in his little finger than Slash has in his whole body? Buckethead didnt contribute shit to the overall scene of GNR... especially when you go to events and its classic GNR BLASTING THROUGH THE LOUDSPEAKERS..the market forces have spoken... Nu GNR is destined to be a cult band at this rate.

They were a club band based Blues riffs...harder edged ..and yet you show up to the forum and slag on him ..because you percieve he cant play like BH or BF..thank GOD he doesnt...or it wouldnt be GNR's sound.......

You fuckers wouldnt even be here to whine about whose "better" and cry about how boring he his or "untechnical" or blah blah blah.... day after day month after month and year after year....but it comes back to this..

He was the one that got them to the top...helped them to stay on the top helped established them ect.. What ever the real story of him moving on is...is only speculation and rumour.

Axl got some amazing things he would have never had from him----- that has to this very day and will remain in world culture Always associated with Slash.

Im not hearing a single song of CD and all its magnificent brilliance played anywhere remotely like the very LEAST of any of AFD UYI LIES songs. The market forces have spoken.. loud and clear.

Doesn't have much to do with this thread though

He is right that this discussion wouldn't even be happening without Slash's contributions in the first place. TWAT is the only solo on CD that is even remotely close to Slash's best work in GN'R.

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Really? look at the fucking disrespect these threads dissolve into where hardly any body stops and goes "OH right..Slashs stuff was the reason these guys even got their fifteen minutes of fame as GNR guitarist in the first place."

ANd funny enough its kind of a spit in Axls face because Axl wouldnt be there either...and in his letter before he started out in 2002 in Asia he acknowledged that.. look it up.. not taking away from the contiributions of the Alumni,,,something like that... look it up.

I know, if it wasn't for Slash, Duff, Adler, Izzy and Axl these forum wouldn't likely exist. But that's not directly related to a discussion about Bucket and guitarists who are technically better than him.

He is right that this discussion wouldn't even be happening without Slash's contributions in the first place. TWAT is the only solo on CD that is even remotely close to Slash's best work in GN'R.

Certainly agree with the bolded part. But I reckon it's something we all know already :shrugs:

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I have to admit I've finally succumbed to nostalgia for Buckethead. Yeah he was weird in style but with people like Lady GaGa being huge that kind of shit is acceptable now. And as much as I like Bumble--he's a nice guy, he's a great rhythm player and good at lead parts, IMO, he doesn't compare with Buckethead in terms of soloing or his lead skill. Where Bucket could play almost any style ranging from the rigidly technical to the fluid and emotional, Bumble seems to be a very messy, shred focused player. He seems to be like a sloppier version of Bucket with 10 times less the range or talent. It's like replacing Mick Taylor with Ronnie Wood.

If you had had to pick a replacement, who would you have picked--Who could fill that sort of similar technical meets emotional, wide ranging style?

This guy:


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lol at people who tihnk slash is better than bbf.

Better?..no..from a "technical point of view...but certainly much more appreciated(world wide) and certainly much more in demand and certainly much much more recognized. That being said...BBF is a good replacement across the board as a lead guitarist. He'll do.

You can cry our "sell out all you want..but what the fuck do you think Axl did when he put freak shows in that spot and it took two of them to kinda sorta make it a little bit like it was supposed sound ? All the uber skill in the world couldnt bring it back to the top of the mountain. So better? yeah I guess you could say "better"..but it makes me wonder why no one ever told him when he was alone- your a blue base hard rock band..they just thought he knew better. Well the grand experiment is still underway and the market forces have said what they have said and the honor still goes to that "sell out " junkie on the gibson with the top hat.

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So why did Robin, and why does DJ get so many solos when there's been guys like Bucket or Bumble in the band? :shrugs:

Even Axl knows super-shred gets old quick. It's fine to use as a spice in some songs that may need a kick. But if every NuGNR solo was all out shred, it would lose people.

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All you Bumble apologists make me sick.

Slash - Built the GNR sound with Izzy and Axl and Duff and Steve. The disrespect that this guy gets on a daily basis is just ludicrous. He helped make one of the best albums ever made. PERIOD. I personally find his works post-GNR to be an embarrassment and his conduct unethical and dishonest at best, but fact remains - he made Appetite. Without him that record does not exist. Put aside your bias and bullshit and realize he is one of the all-time greats.

Bucket - This dude is the new Guns N' Roses, are you kidding me? He built the backbone of every song that you heard on Chinese Democracy with help from Pitman, Axl, and Robin. Any music cred or respect for the new GNR was because of this guy yet you exiled him because of what? He wore a fucking mask? You smallminded philistines.

Bumble hasn't done SHIT yet he gets all the praise? Oh that's right, he ruined SR and Rhiad with some elephant noises. Forgot about that. You guys are ridiculous.

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I do have a giggle at the Bucket fans arguing that Bumble's superior technical wizardry means nothing. When I think about some of the Slash/Bucket arguments that occurred around 04/05 on this board...

I guess if you like Bucket's music better than Bumble's, the technical aspect don't mean shit.

And guess what? You're right. It's completely fucking irrelevant.

Guess that's why I'd listen to guys like Slash or Jerry Cantrell over a couple of guitar nerds with bumblebee guitars and kfc buckets any day of the week. :thumbsup:

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I'm talking about with Guns N' Roses, not his solo work.

Bucket wrote and recorded 30-something songs.

Bumble recorded over his work and toured on the success of something two other guitarists (Slash and Bucket) built.

I'm not hating on the guy but he has done nothing but fill an empty seat since Bucket left.

When he writes and records his own stuff then people can start to compare the two.

But until then it's a bad joke.

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All you Bumble apologists make me sick.

Slash - Built the GNR sound with Izzy and Axl and Duff and Steve. The disrespect that this guy gets on a daily basis is just ludicrous. He helped make one of the best albums ever made. PERIOD. I personally find his works post-GNR to be an embarrassment and his conduct unethical and dishonest at best, but fact remains - he made Appetite. Without him that record does not exist. Put aside your bias and bullshit and realize he is one of the all-time greats.

Bucket - This dude is the new Guns N' Roses, are you kidding me? He built the backbone of every song that you heard on Chinese Democracy with help from Pitman, Axl, and Robin. Any music cred or respect for the new GNR was because of this guy yet you exiled him because of what? He wore a fucking mask? You smallminded philistines.

Bumble hasn't done SHIT yet he gets all the praise? Oh that's right, he ruined SR and Rhiad with some elephant noises. Forgot about that. You guys are ridiculous.

I agree with everything you said.

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lets just bring back buckethead anyway and have 4 guitarists lol rock1

by the way i know its off topic but looks like DJ wont be touring with SIXX AM any time soon according to Nikki Sixx on Facebook.

Marie-Sophie Jobin

When will you go on tour with Sixx:A.M ?

Nikki Sixx-------------------------------------------------------

Hey Marie,We've always said we wernt a band that planned on touring..Demand made it happen on Cruefest,but i dont see us touring in the future..Not at this point anyway..:) xoxNikki

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Bumblefoot has more chops, more musical knowledge, and is a better composer. I'm a huge huge huge buckethead fan, I have listened to practically everything, that Nottingham Lace video that always gets linked, I uploaded that.

If you believe to the contrary, I really question your ear. Yeah, he plays some very hard stuff, it's simplistic, no matter how weird it gets it's always simplistic. I might concede the chops argument because buckethead does some patterns that simply can't be played without very large hands, and I don't really think there's anything he couldn't do.

(I do like buckethead's solos better)

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All you Bumble apologists make me sick.

Slash - Built the GNR sound with Izzy and Axl and Duff and Steve. The disrespect that this guy gets on a daily basis is just ludicrous. He helped make one of the best albums ever made. PERIOD. I personally find his works post-GNR to be an embarrassment and his conduct unethical and dishonest at best, but fact remains - he made Appetite. Without him that record does not exist. Put aside your bias and bullshit and realize he is one of the all-time greats.

Bucket - This dude is the new Guns N' Roses, are you kidding me? He built the backbone of every song that you heard on Chinese Democracy with help from Pitman, Axl, and Robin. Any music cred or respect for the new GNR was because of this guy yet you exiled him because of what? He wore a fucking mask? You smallminded philistines.

Bumble hasn't done SHIT yet he gets all the praise? Oh that's right, he ruined SR and Rhiad with some elephant noises. Forgot about that. You guys are ridiculous.

This, a thousand fucking times this.

Bloody well said mate.

Bumblefoot has more chops, more musical knowledge, and is a better composer.

Based on what?

How do you know how much musical knowledge Bucket does or does not posess?

Composition wise Bucket absolutely slays Bumble - fact.

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All you Bumble apologists make me sick.

Slash - Built the GNR sound with Izzy and Axl and Duff and Steve. The disrespect that this guy gets on a daily basis is just ludicrous. He helped make one of the best albums ever made. PERIOD. I personally find his works post-GNR to be an embarrassment and his conduct unethical and dishonest at best, but fact remains - he made Appetite. Without him that record does not exist. Put aside your bias and bullshit and realize he is one of the all-time greats.

Bucket - This dude is the new Guns N' Roses, are you kidding me? He built the backbone of every song that you heard on Chinese Democracy with help from Pitman, Axl, and Robin. Any music cred or respect for the new GNR was because of this guy yet you exiled him because of what? He wore a fucking mask? You smallminded philistines.

Bumble hasn't done SHIT yet he gets all the praise? Oh that's right, he ruined SR and Rhiad with some elephant noises. Forgot about that. You guys are ridiculous.

When talking about GnR. This is basically true.

However, Bumble hasnt had the chance to shine yet, other than live of course....in which case he BLOWS Bucket or Slash out of the water.

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All you Bumble apologists make me sick.

Slash - Built the GNR sound with Izzy and Axl and Duff and Steve. The disrespect that this guy gets on a daily basis is just ludicrous. He helped make one of the best albums ever made. PERIOD. I personally find his works post-GNR to be an embarrassment and his conduct unethical and dishonest at best, but fact remains - he made Appetite. Without him that record does not exist. Put aside your bias and bullshit and realize he is one of the all-time greats.

Bucket - This dude is the new Guns N' Roses, are you kidding me? He built the backbone of every song that you heard on Chinese Democracy with help from Pitman, Axl, and Robin. Any music cred or respect for the new GNR was because of this guy yet you exiled him because of what? He wore a fucking mask? You smallminded philistines.

Bumble hasn't done SHIT yet he gets all the praise? Oh that's right, he ruined SR and Rhiad with some elephant noises. Forgot about that. You guys are ridiculous.

When talking about GnR. This is basically true.

However, Bumble hasnt had the chance to shine yet, other than live of course....in which case he BLOWS Bucket or Slash out of the water.

Good lord... you make it like there are worlds apart between Bucket and Bumble live with Guns. I can understand that the person you were replying to is being kind of harsh, and in turn, you say things that might be out of proportion. But its very clear that when Bucket and Bumble were live with Guns, there was not a huge difference in ability. Bucket under bent notes on the November Rain outro in Rock in Rio, Bumble has fudged up a few notes when doing solos. No one blew anyone out of the water live. You're making it out like its Joe Satriani and Fred Durst. Get over your bias, you are the one that started the piss fight. You could have just initially said "In my opinion, i think Bumble is better" and no one would have had issues with it. But instead you had to piss on Bucket at the same time. Notice i have never ever said Bucket is worlds better than Bumble or anything of the nature, i do think Bucket is better, but they are both in the virtuoso class.

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