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Guns N' Roses - Paradise City - Pro Shot Line Feed


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I don't understand why they aren't putting up the stuff from 2010 when he was in tour shape, some of those rival his supposed performing prime and would shut the endless OMG WURZ TOPHAT, OMG AXL ISN'T WEARING DEM FUKNKY BIKER SHORTS SO HE MUST SUCK crowd up who like to smear over any decent show these days.. it's nice to see they're having a good time and probably couldn't care less about such people but really hit them with some golden performances! Hopefully more to come as the shows go on.

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Same shit, different day. The band continues to be the tightest, best-rehearsed, most musically talented incarnation GNR has ever had, and Axl sounds like a 1950s cartoon.


The current lineup is an amazing ( albeit predictable ) machine, but the man at the wheel...

Can't understand what has happened to the voice he had back in 2010. :scared:

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Has Axl just forgotten how to sing in a year? Seems like such a rapid change in such a short space of time, of course people will talk about it needs time for his voice to warm up- but he's had what? 7/8 shows now..

Makes you wonder if he burnt out his voice from the last tour.

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It is odd that Axl's vocals are so low....one can only imagine from his past history that he "chooses" to sing certain ways on certain songs. The songs do at times suffer because of it..it is indeed strange to believe he can sometimes be the "weak" link in the band. Fuck I don't know, maybe he is just being "careful" with the voice so he doesn't have to cancel any U.S. shows. Which would be an enormous blow to the band, one I don't think they'll(him) can endure.

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It is odd that Axl's vocals are so low....one can only imagine from his past history that he "chooses" to sing certain ways on certain songs. The songs do at times suffer because of it..it is indeed strange to believe he can sometimes be the "weak" link in the band. Fuck I don't know, maybe he is just being "careful" with the voice so he doesn't have to cancel any U.S. shows. Which would be an enormous blow to the band, one I don't think they'll(him) can endure.

Have they cancelled any shows since the polyps in the 80s because he couldn't sing? Usually it's that he's in the wrong state when the show starts...

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It is odd that Axl's vocals are so low....one can only imagine from his past history that he "chooses" to sing certain ways on certain songs. The songs do at times suffer because of it..it is indeed strange to believe he can sometimes be the "weak" link in the band. Fuck I don't know, maybe he is just being "careful" with the voice so he doesn't have to cancel any U.S. shows. Which would be an enormous blow to the band, one I don't think they'll(him) can endure.

Have they cancelled any shows since the polyps in the 80s because he couldn't sing? Usually it's that he's in the wrong state when the show starts...


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One doesn't have to look to 2010 for THE POWER OF RASP <3

Good vid!

Indeed his rasp seems to be a bit back, but still a far cry from the 2010 'power'. His voice currently reminds me of sort of the 2006 tour where his rasp came and gone, from show to show... :shrugs:

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On that This I Love he's hitting every note it's just the power and rasp but he'll get that back in shape in time. His stuff isn't exactly a walk in the park to sing and many just take it for granted when he hits everything and then endlessly bitch when he's below his usual ridiculously high standard.

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I'm i the only one here that likes the 2002 voice? I'm not saying i prefer it but it suits many songs eg: Prostitute, Maddy, IRS, SOD etc...

I like it, too. There were times when it was really bad and squeaky, but I enjoy quite a few of the 2002 shows and performances. People tend to forget that the Mickey Mouse voice has been around since the AFD days and on all the albums at some point. The mental image of Axl is of crazy non-stop rasp power, but that has never really been the case. He's always been in and out of it except for that stretch in 1991 where he sounded like his throat was crushing glass every note and has never, ever been consistent on any tour. In fact, I think last year was the most consistent in terms of vocal range and sound than he ever has been on tour. He's always been hit and miss, even in his "prime". That's just his singing style.

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I'm i the only one here that likes the 2002 voice? I'm not saying i prefer it but it suits many songs eg: Prostitute, Maddy, IRS, SOD etc...

I like it, too. There were times when it was really bad and squeaky, but I enjoy quite a few of the 2002 shows and performances. People tend to forget that the Mickey Mouse voice has been around since the AFD days and on all the albums at some point. The mental image of Axl is of crazy non-stop rasp power, but that has never really been the case. He's always been in and out of it except for that stretch in 1991 where he sounded like his throat was crushing glass every note.

I don't know... In the Lies era he sounded pretty awesome.

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