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Most Embarassing Thing to Happen to You at a GnR Concert


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When I was in front row at Kansas City, I was standing right in front of where DJ Ashba played by the amps over on the right for a lot of show. He has his bottles of Jaeger set up strategically. I, being slightly intoxicated and also just acting crazy from my first GnR show, and just lacking common sense almost anywhere, started trying to get him to throw me one during Mr Brownstone. :rolleyes: Started motioning, you know, wave at DJ, point at the bottle, make the pouring back a drink motion, other assorted stupidity. And finally there's a moment of eye contact, you know those happen every once in a while if you're in the front row, and I point down at the bottle, make the drinking motion towards my mouth. But I swear DJ gave me the weirdest look. I realized he must not have seen I was pointing at the bottle and misinterpreted it as an "I'll suck your dick, DJ!" motion. Needless to say, I gave up on the Jaeger and decided I'd watch what Axl and Richard were doing there on the left for a while.

(If you make a "you might not have gotten the jaeger,but you probably still could have sucked his dick after the show" joke, you have been anticipated and are predictable)

Just a funny moment in the show looking back, because DJ probably wasn't even looking at me at the time I thought I was.

So, anyone else want to tell a story that makes themselves sound retarded for the amusment of everyone else?

Edited by Flayer
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When I was in front row at Kansas City, I was standing right in front of where DJ Ashba played by the amps over on the right for a lot of show. He has his bottles of Jaeger set up strategically. I, being slightly intoxicated and also just acting crazy from my first GnR show, and just lacking common sense almost anywhere, started trying to get him to throw me one during Mr Brownstone. :rolleyes: Started motioning, you know, wave at DJ, point at the bottle, make the pouring back a drink motion, other assorted stupidity. And finally there's a moment of eye contact, you know those happen every once in a while if you're in the front row, and I point down at the bottle, make the drinking motion towards my mouth. But I swear DJ gave me the weirdest look. I realized he must not have seen I was pointing at the bottle and misinterpreted it as an "I'll suck your dick, DJ!" motion. Needless to say, I gave up on the Jaeger and decided I'd watch what Axl and Richard were doing there on the left for a while.

(If you make a "you might not have gotten the jaeger,but you probably still could have sucked his dick after the show" joke, you have been anticipated and are predictable)

Just a funny moment in the show looking back, because DJ probably wasn't even looking at me at the time I thought I was.

So, anyone else want to tell a story that makes themselves sound retarded for the amusment of everyone else?

:rofl-lol: good stuff man

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I was on a VAC dressing the first time I saw Guns in '06. I had had surgery only a week prior so it was not necessarily an embarrassing way to go into the concert, just a little awkward. The security guy frisking people and checking bags at the door, not realizing what it was, asked to see what was in my bag. I'll never forget the look on his face. Probably more embarrassing for him than me. :lol:

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I was on a VAC dressing the first time I saw Guns in '06. I had had surgery only a week prior so it was not necessarily an embarrassing way to go into the concert, just a little awkward. The security guy frisking people and checking bags at the door, not realizing what it was, asked to see what was in my bag. I'll never forget the look on his face. Probably more embarrassing for him than me. :lol:

Thank you for prompting me Google image that to see what it was :xmasssanta:

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I was on a VAC dressing the first time I saw Guns in '06. I had had surgery only a week prior so it was not necessarily an embarrassing way to go into the concert, just a little awkward. The security guy frisking people and checking bags at the door, not realizing what it was, asked to see what was in my bag. I'll never forget the look on his face. Probably more embarrassing for him than me. :lol:

Thank you for prompting me Google image that to see what it was :xmasssanta:

I can only imagine, I should have put a warning. :lol:

The thing is, the actual surgery aside, the machine itself is just housed in fanny pack kind of bag. It's fairly well hidden so it really does just look like I'm carrying a man purse. Poor security guy. :lol:

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We got a suite for this tour. They have bottle service available. After thee show my wife and her friend attempted to sneak out the unopened beer. When drunk people attempt to be sneaky, they actually draw more attention to themselves. Security found their stash with ease. While my wife was unloading beer from her purse, the security guard said to her, ' hey, I went to your wedding'. Turns out my dad's best friend, a retired cop, moonlights as a security guard. Can't wait till that gets back to the old man.

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Probably when Baz and I had a few words at each other just after a show in 07. He tried to make me feel like a dick in front of a few people but once he was told to kindly shut the fuck up, it was cool. Had a few beers with him since and we've been sweet. Not all that embarrassing but very awkward.

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I was the only one jumping or moving in Sweden '06 during IRS. The rest of the crowd were practically dead.

Bumblefoot noticed me, laughed and pointed at me. He and Axl laughed.

I guess I was embarrassed on behalf of the bored Swedish audience.

I love Sweden btw, so don't take it the wrong way.

That kinda happened to me during a Loaded concert last friday. I was the only one singing, jumping' around and playing air guitar while they played Lords Of Abaddon.

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When the band was waiting to come out on stage at leeds festival last year i shouted BUMBLEFOOT when i caught sight of him in a moment of fanboy abandon and he gave me a wave - looked a little distracted/annoyed think cause of the whole late issue surrounding reading the previous night when their power was cut?..

Then when the gig started Fortus was slaying his guitar right in front of me and i just stared the poor fucker out but he didnt blink, for a while, then said "whassup bitch" and slayed some more. must of though i was weird lol

During PC Ashba ran by the crowd and i stuck out my hand and was able to pat him on the shoulder before having my hand slapped away by obligatory secruity heavy.

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