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Is it bleaker than ever?

Vincent Vega

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I don't think Axl will ever put out an "album" as such again. Even a collection of the older songs. Like I said, it's possible, but I doubt it. The evidence is as follows:

+ He didn't even want to put out Chi Dem when it came out, he thought it wasn't ready. Since the label won't push hard for another album, will it ever be "ready"?

+ He hid during the release. Not only did he not want to release it he hid in a cave and pretended nothing was happening. He plugged his ears, shut his eyes while the label was (almost certainly) screaming at him to go out and promote it. He wouldn't even tour the album. He was scared. That's what I get from it. He waited until it all died down THEN did something - a hardly promoted tour and a couple interviews. Why would he put himself through this again if he doesn't have to?

+ The reception to Chi Dem was poor all from fans, sales, and critics. If no one cared about "the most hyped of album of all time" why would he bother with another?

+ He spoke big in the past - a trilogy, 30 songs, a double album, "same time next year", which all fell through. Why? The plan he already had he gave up on.

+ He said he doesn't care about when the next album comes, hasn't mentioned a word about it, and still talks about CD (as of a few months ago) like it's current.

The above reasons are the main reasons. The above point to never releasing anything again. Two more just to show you how their isn't a lack of evidence:

+ The band he built his vision around isn't with him any longer. This also effects the "releaseability" of the songs he has in the can if he wants to make this new band seem like a real band.

+ One album 15 years after the last, if we go by that time ratio we have to wait until 2020-something by which point Axl won't be in the game anymore. That's just numbers, that's not a chief reason.

All these points go against releasing an album ever again. Mostly a fresh new new album but by and large anything at all aside from various leaks and maaaybe a single song dumped on some soundtrack/video game/single. It's not some wild theory I pulled out of my ass. The only evidence there is for the band doing anything in the future is what the paid men say of which I have no concern for and place no value in.


new leaks = could be fake, remix album hardly counts unless it's new songs which doesn't make sense in a "remix" album so I don't know about this.

Bumbles talking about a new song = Bumble talks, DJ talks, Tommy talks, I talk, you talk

rumours about a new tour = to me this points AWAY from a new album

the band focusing more on promotion and merch = they need money because of lower ticket sales, same for "up close and personal" and "meet and greet with the amazing DJ Ashba"

Axl having talked about before of a follow-up = hardly, source? I think I remember mentioning it briefly just as a "oh ya someday" in between lines of "don't care" and "focusing on CD still".

the band talking about recording and writing = Bumble talks, DJ talks, Tommy talks, I talk, you talk

* The fact that he wasn't happy about every aspect of the release of Chinese Democracy, does not suggest he won't release a new album in the future.

* The fact that he chose not to promote the release of CD which he felt was botched, does not suggest he won't release a new album in the future.

* The fact that he is focused on CD now, does not suggest he won't release a new album in the future.

* The fact that members have left did not stop him from releasing CD, and hence it does not suggest he won't release a new album in the future.

* The projection that the next album might take a long time is irrelevant in regards to whether he will release a new album in the future.

I agree that the poor reception of CD might have stifled his interest in releasing more music, but that's a HUGE might. I will also agree that his decision to scrap his original plan of a trilogy suggests that at least parts of the music recorded previously might not be part of his artistic vision any more, but it's still a HUGE leap in going from that to concluding he won't release any new music.

So to conclude I still believe you have very poor evidence for not believing that "anything will happen again, ever". Especially when we consider the following facts:

* There is lots of material recorded which could theoretically be released with a lot less effort than what would usually be required. I agree that Axl might not be very enthusiastic about this material, and the absence of former members might make it hard, but still, it is there.

* Richard and Dizzy talking about having been in the studio. I know you for some reason think they lie, but I don't. I believe they have been in the studio which clearly tells us that Axl is motivated for releasing again. This very fact nullifies everything you have said about questioning Axl's motivation.

* Various members of the band talking about working on a new record. I admit that Axl hasn't said anything about this in a while, instead saying he wants to focus on CD, but still it is a weak sign that something is up.

* 'Blood in the Water' and other leaks. BITW apparently is a remix on an unreleased song. I see no reason in releasing remixes of unreleased songs. The fact that Brain has been working on a remix album containing other songs than those on CD, suggests a follow-up will happen.

* Axl's original vision and intention. We only know things have been postponed, not cancelled. The fact that he has decided to focus on touring is NOT contrary to him still having his original plans, just postponed.

* Bumblefoot talking about a new song (Goin' Down). Again, you seem to not trust Bumbles, I have no reason to not do so. The fact that this song was featured on setlists suggests it is ready to be played. Again, when a band has new songs ready to be played that suggests a future release.

* The band doing promotion and merch. Yes, hat could just be a way to cash in money, but there is nothing about Axl that suggests to me he is out there for money. I agree this is just interpretation and not strong evidence, but he really comes off as a man of vision: he showcases "new" members by giving them solos, he has a photographer that documents the tour and releases amazing shots of the band for free, he skipped HOF probably partially because the current members weren't showcased in any faction. This all suggests he want to create a new image in our minds of what GN'R is. And it is hard to not interpret this as part of gearing up for a future release, and much harder to see this as some complicated strategy for increasing tickets sales (audience come for the classics, not to enjoy Dj's swag and Bumbles posturing).

* The webpage has been revamped. Again, this fits in with the whole gearing up in anticipation of future releases. If he just wanted to tour and earn money he wouldn't waste money on long-term strategies like building a new fan base or strengthening the current lineup as Guns N' Roses.

* Axl seems to be in extremely good mood. He doesn't seem to be a bitter person disappointed by CD reception and just going through to motions to cash in money. He seems to really enjoy the touring, which also presents an explanation to why he has postponed the nest release.

Oh, there is pretty more, but I can't bother.

So, signs pointing in both direction, of course. When I look at it all and weigh up the evidence for both Axl quitting the game after this tour and for Axl continuing with GN'R with an eventual future release, I overwhelmingly end up believing in the latter. I feel it is supported by the largest amount of evidence.

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Well he keeps denying I'm providing any evidence. I've made my point. He made his. I don't even think he's wrong he just seemingly doesn't want to allow me to have the opinion I do. Making it seem outlandish and I'm bored as fuck as work.

Note: When my posts exceed two paragraphs I'm having a slow work day.

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Well he keeps denying I'm providing any evidence. I've made my point. He made his. I don't even think he's wrong he just seemingly doesn't want to allow me to have the opinion I do. Making it seem outlandish and I'm bored as fuck as work.

Note: When my posts exceed two paragraphs I'm having a slow work day.

No, I admit you have what appears to you as evidence, my argument is that most of it doesn't really support your case and the rest is pretty weak and is completely overwhelmed by all the evidence supporting a new release some time in the future.

But thanks for at least explaining why you believe what you do, that is more than most people would do, and even if we disagree I really appreciated you taking the time and actually trying to convince me my opinion is wrong. I like that.

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I've been in the GN'R online community since 2002...Been around for the dry spells, the dull moments, the great moments, the horrible ones...All those times, there was always one big elephant in the room that ensured that there was always something to talk about: CD hadn't been released, but we'd heard songs from it, and we could speculate about CD and have hope for it's release even in the driest spells.

But what about now? There is no album on the horizon as far as we've been told. The last time Axl talked about new music he seemed utterly disinterested in the idea of a new record. That was about 3 years ago...We get some vague mutterings here and there from the new band, but if the CD era proved anything, it's that the new band isn't really kept in the loop. I have no doubt that there is more material, probably a lot more actually, but the question is: Will it ever come out? If so, when? Is it even finished, or has Axl yet to set down vocals and lyrics? We don't really have any clue...We don't even have a title of the "next album" whereas we knew CD would be named CD since around 1999 or 2000. There was never a question of "IF" CD would come out, it was always more a question of "When?" We aren't able to ask WHEN about future material now, but we're forced to ask "IF" Axl will ever release new material....and that's pretty depressing in and of itself, the idea that Axl might never release anything new....

There's no leaks to talk about, there's no new songs in the set to discuss, there's no lineup changes. Any one of these three things would at the very least be cause for discussion, anticipation and possibly excitement. We have no idea what the future holds for GN'R...We don't even really have a clue what the next record will sound like. If we had a leak, or even just one new song in the set, it'd create a massive amount of discussion...

But instead we've got the same tour for the last 6 years basically with some covers and UYI songs thrown in, Axl lost his voice again and instead of sounding awesome like during 2010, he sounds like it's 2002 all over again. He's getting older and older every year. Most seem to be in agreement that Bumblefoot and Ashba are both lesser replacements and less likely to make great new music than Bucket and Robin were, so we have arguably subpar replacements. What is there to talk about? The exciting setlist? The fact that it's 2012 and Axl still comes on late? Bumblefoot's beard? Axl's ugly mustache or his weight? How great 2010 was? All we're doing lately is fighting amongst each other and right now there's nothing even worth fighting over, nothing fresh or new to debate and discuss except concerts where it's pretty much the same setlist every night...CD is going to be 4 years old, we never got any music videos, and there's not even a single leak of future material, there's not even any chat about a new album, not even a tentative title of it....

Does anyone else agree it seems more bleak than it has in the past? As was sung in a great song, "Where do we go now?"

I have had a shit day working X Factor in Glasgow and I will take it out on you, hazaa!

As it is mygnr, I will be blunt.

Please, just feck off you complete knob end. Your posts are idiotic, there is nothing of any consequence, you speak negatively of Axl's weight and Axl's mousetache, and promote leaks blah blah blah.

Genuinely, please go away. You are the atypical someone that I would hate in real life. You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

There are people on this forum worth ten of you, and they do not post because you post this shit. Real genuine fans.

I would not even waste my spit on you to be honest.

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Can't we all just discuss our opinions on this rock n roll band, without having to present "evidence" and calling each other liars and cowards and retards if you disagree with somebody?

This forum should be a fun place to come chat with other GnR fans. But every single topic turns into a fight between the same people. Axl Worshippers vs Bitter Ex Fans full of Entitlement Issues Who Just Want a Reunion. And I have to say, the Axl Worshippers seem to be the most intolerant of other people's views.

Yes, I sometimes insult people. But dang, EVERY single topic turns into the same old back and forth bashing, between the same people, saying the same things.

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Please, just feck off you complete knob end. Your posts are idiotic, there is nothing of any consequence, you speak negatively of Axl's weight and Axl's mousetache, and promote leaks blah blah blah.

Genuinely, please go away. You are the atypical someone that I would hate in real life. You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

There are people on this forum worth ten of you, and they do not post because you post this shit. Real genuine fans.

I would not even waste my spit on you to be honest.

Honestly, something along these lines could be said to at least 15 people on here.

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Please, just feck off you complete knob end. Your posts are idiotic, there is nothing of any consequence, you speak negatively of Axl's weight and Axl's mousetache, and promote leaks blah blah blah.

Genuinely, please go away. You are the atypical someone that I would hate in real life. You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

There are people on this forum worth ten of you, and they do not post because you post this shit. Real genuine fans.

I would not even waste my spit on you to be honest.

Honestly, something along these lines could be said to at least 15 people on here.

Well, I am trigger happy tonight and my sentiments go to those 15 people who are on your list, username.

I am getting fed up with the idiots here. I maybe do not post here too often, but I like to read the forums in the mornings when I am having breakfast, and I hate the kindergarten posts here slating new gnr. I say, if you were not a teen in 1987, or do not understand how GN'R came together blah blah blah, then 'jog on', or whatever the young ones say now.

Edited by Mysteron
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You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

Great post man, it really annoys me to read people bashing Axl because he's not 25 years old anymore, or because he doesn't do what they expect him to

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You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

Great post man, it really annoys me to read people bashing Axl because he's not 25 years old anymore, or because he doesn't do what they expect him to

Yes it´s very funny to read that because these people don´t even stop to think that they will be 50 one day and that they won´t be like they were when they were in their 20´s. That speaks volumes of the kind of fans they are since they seem to be more interested in that stuff than in the music itself.

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You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

Great post man, it really annoys me to read people bashing Axl because he's not 25 years old anymore, or because he doesn't do what they expect him to

Yes it´s very funny to read that because these people don´t even stop to think that they will be 50 one day and that they won´t be like they were when they were in their 20´s. That speaks volumes of the kind of fans they are since they seem to be more interested in that stuff than in the music itself.

i'm sure axl handles the critics better than you, if you love him so much, go post in htgth where you can't have a negative opinion.

every public person will be analyzed, it's normal. people like to talk about people who changed their lives some way, even if that person is kinda stupid.

there may be some haters here but the fanatics are equally annoying.

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You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

Great post man, it really annoys me to read people bashing Axl because he's not 25 years old anymore, or because he doesn't do what they expect him to

Yes it´s very funny to read that because these people don´t even stop to think that they will be 50 one day and that they won´t be like they were when they were in their 20´s. That speaks volumes of the kind of fans they are since they seem to be more interested in that stuff than in the music itself.

i'm sure axl handles the critics better than you, if you love him so much, go post in htgth where you can't have a negative opinion.

every public person will be analyzed, it's normal. people like to talk about people who changed their lives some way, even if that person is kinda stupid.

there may be some haters here but the fanatics are equally annoying.

Oh lookie here, we have a smart guy! dude, you are not the owner of this place and you have no right to tell me where to post and where not to post. And since people give their opinions about Axl I am entitled to mine as well. And I don´t love Axl, I like him which is different.

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You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

Great post man, it really annoys me to read people bashing Axl because he's not 25 years old anymore, or because he doesn't do what they expect him to

Yes it´s very funny to read that because these people don´t even stop to think that they will be 50 one day and that they won´t be like they were when they were in their 20´s. That speaks volumes of the kind of fans they are since they seem to be more interested in that stuff than in the music itself.

i'm sure axl handles the critics better than you, if you love him so much, go post in htgth where you can't have a negative opinion.

every public person will be analyzed, it's normal. people like to talk about people who changed their lives some way, even if that person is kinda stupid.

there may be some haters here but the fanatics are equally annoying.

And people who think they can label and/or judge someone they don't know and send them to post somewhere else are even more annoying

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You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

Yes because skipping out on a HOF induction and calling his fans 'cunts' is giving it his all to the people who want to see him.

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Well he keeps denying I'm providing any evidence. I've made my point. He made his. I don't even think he's wrong he just seemingly doesn't want to allow me to have the opinion I do. Making it seem outlandish and I'm bored as fuck as work.

Note: When my posts exceed two paragraphs I'm having a slow work day.

No, I admit you have what appears to you as evidence, my argument is that most of it doesn't really support your case and the rest is pretty weak and is completely overwhelmed by all the evidence supporting a new release some time in the future.

But thanks for at least explaining why you believe what you do, that is more than most people would do, and even if we disagree I really appreciated you taking the time and actually trying to convince me my opinion is wrong. I like that.

You both have great cases but it's GNR and nothing ever happens on time. So trying to base it on logic is retarded :xmassrudolph:

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Yes because skipping out on a HOF induction and calling his fans 'cunts' is giving it his all to the people who want to see him.

I find your logic here to be very flawed. He never committed to being at the HOF. He was under no obligation to be there. It's an unofficial and arbitrary institution. How does skipping the ceremony contradict the idea that he gives his all when he performs? Can you explain how one has anything to do with the other?

Also, how does calling Madison a cunt contradict the idea that he gives his all when he performs? Can you explain how one has anything to do with the other?


Because logically if he truly wanted to give it his 'everything' to the people who want to see him perform he would have played at the HOF. By Mysterion's own wording, his statement is false.

It doesn't have much to do with it, unless you want to take into the consideration his childish remarks lost him another few fans, but then he has less fans to give it 'everything' for.

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Because logically if he truly wanted to give it his 'everything' to the people who want to see him perform he would have played at the HOF. By Mysterion's own wording, his statement is false.

Mysteron said Axl gives his all for the people who do want to see him. He never said he gives his all where and when the people who want to see him decide they most prefer for him to do so. Your premise really doesn't make any sense and your attempt to reinterpret what Mysteron said is very weak.

When GNR comes to my town, I go to the show because I want to see the show. Axl gives his all for the people that want to see him.

GNR did not play in my backyard yesterday. I would have loved for them to play in my backyard yesterday. GNR not playing in my backyard yesterday is not proof that Axl doesn't give his all for people who want to see him, even though I am a person and I wanted to see him play in my backyard yesterday.

What you're saying just doesn't make any sense. Sorry man.

holy crap.

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Because logically if he truly wanted to give it his 'everything' to the people who want to see him perform he would have played at the HOF. By Mysterion's own wording, his statement is false.

Mysteron said Axl gives his all for the people who do want to see him. He never said he gives his all where and when the people who want to see him decide they most prefer for him to do so. Your premise really doesn't make any sense and your attempt to reinterpret what Mysteron said is very weak.

When GNR comes to my town, I go to the show because I want to see the show. Axl gives his all for the people that want to see him.

GNR did not play in my backyard yesterday. I would have loved for them to play in my backyard yesterday. GNR not playing in my backyard yesterday is not proof that Axl doesn't give his all for people who want to see him, even though I am a person and I wanted to see him play in my backyard yesterday.

What you're saying just doesn't make any sense. Sorry man.

By your definition, I would not consider his actions of showing up two hours late for his scheduled show giving it his all. You're wrong once again. Keep trying.

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