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Axl Rose - The Extended Interview (Aussie)


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Guest Gunns

I find it a little ironic that the interview was done through Adelaide now, considering they aren't playing Adelaide this time 'round. :lol:

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What a bunch of bollocks. Every artist in the fucking world can get to play in time, why he can't ? Why is everything so difficult with him ?

Several people, I think including Niven, have suggested that major stage fright is part of it, and it's not something he's gonna be open about.

On top of that he's been very open about his childhood trauma and various mental problems. Stick all that together and you've got a guy who can't cope with going on stage until he's mentally ready and to be fair, like he says, he's been a shit-tonne better in the last 3 years than any time before.

So every other artists gets on stage on time. But Axl frankly has more issues than just about any other artist, simple as.

I got over the late thing long ago. If you wanna be down the front then, sure, it's a knackering wait. But if, like most people, you've got seats or are cool standing in the GA wherever then it's actually kinda cool, i've found. Go for a meal have a few drinks, have half a night out and get well oiled, maybe see Baz if you're arsed or just rock up at about 10 with some more bevvies and you ain't got long to wait.

I have worked with kids who have this disorder- pathological demand avoidance http://www.autism.org.uk/about-autism/related-conditions/pda-pathological-demand-avoidance-syndrome.aspx

Obviously nobody can internet diagnose anyone but I have often thought there were similarities with Axl's mindset. It would explain the late starts better than stage fright. Interestingly a key thing with these kids was a lack of awareness of time, theirs or anyone elses, you just could not get them to do stuff (eg. getting ready for school) on a timescale other than their own no matter what the consequences. The physical passage of time meant nothing.

Just some food for thought but if Axl does have something like this he really can't help it and it probably is I his personal best interest to have a full time guardian (Beta) even though to the outside world it doesn't seem like a good idea.

Edited by alfierose
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Alright, I love Axl as much as the next GNR fan, but how in the fuck can anybody take this guy seriously?

Look man, it might not be obvious to you, but it's pretty clear that the man has his own way of thinking , behavior and probably, issues to deal with - it is so obvious that his brain really works differently and for many on the outside, it probably looks like he is crazy or not worth taking seriously. But, that's just not true - the more I see of Axl, the more certain I am that he is different in a way that probably accounts for his creativity and talent as well as out of the norm behavior. He may be bipolar or he may have ADHD - either or both of those would account for the inability to stick to schedules/mood swings/insane amounts of creatiity/verbosity etc. Of course, this is just speculation. Whether or not this hypothesis is true however, it is both tragic and appalling to see that Axl's 'fans' just don't appreciate that he IS different and that much of his behavior is not intentional or designed to upset them or anyone else - its just the way he is.

Oh it's painfully obvious.

I just don't see it as simply "being different", I see a paranoid man who can't accept responsibility for anything, we've known that about Axl for years though.

None of it has anything to do with his creativity, its the way he carries himself which is the unfortunate product of his early life before GNR, dealing with the spotlight and being in one of the worlds most popular bands, and eventually being surrounded by yes men. All that said there's still no excuse for being as paranoid and apparently out of touch with reality as he is.

This is just how I see it, I haven't walked a mile in the mans shoes, but he really believes everyone was out to get him and its pretty sad

I think if he has anything he has this..

Schizoid personality disorder

...researchers had hypothesized that unloving, neglectful, or excessively perfectionist parenting could play a role.


Interesting. Human psychology is fascinating. He could have any number of things, criterion is often similar and overlapping to the point where even professionals can't accurately diagnose someone. It is fairly clear however that he has an atypical mindset whatever the root cause.


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Questions were as good as could have been asked. Very well-thought out.

Especially seeing as it was over email - which can prove difficult.

Remember: Interviewer is interviewing for mainstream audience, not die-hard fans.

From our point of view, only disappointment is the lack of a new music answer. Just set the fucking record straight.

Guns N' Roses is selling out tours in most areas - no need to list them, by the way - based on the name. And based on the hits.

Axl sees newer songs being sang along to, because in the first few rows (barring Brazil etc), there are big fans. Every city has them. And they know Chinese Democracy.

But for goodness sake, it's not hard to tell it straight. Just say what you've been doing in the last five years - and if, because of touring, you've had no time to record or write, say it.

If you have, when do you think it will come out? Or why it may be delayed.

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I love how properly worded his responses are yet it kind of shows he's totally bonkers at the same time. :lol:

Cool that he did this, but I wish there would have been a couple more questions related to new music.

Edited by James Bond
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Just read the Blabbermouth comments below the interview. Axl is living in his own world. He is a loony no doubt. He might actually think that Slash and the old members are interested in working with him...

I tend to keep away from Blabbermouth comments, i end up walking away from them feeling confused and mentally exhausted.

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I think one of the most frustrating things about Axl is that he will give a four paragraph response and not really answer the question. He chooses interviews via email so he doesn't get asked any follow up. Everything is rehearsed. Also frustrating that he actually believes some of this stuff. So sad.

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I love how properly worded his responses are yet it kind of shows he's totally bonkers at the same time. :lol:

I know, dude is a trip. It's weird though, some people get their panties all in a bunch over the stuff he says, me, I think he's funny as hell.

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Sucks about really no answer regarding new music, but since some artists are not making new music or not touring anymore (David Bowie and Eric Clapton) not wanting to tour and Mick Jagger too. Also I just read that Billy Joel isn't inspired anymore to write music, so it's very possible that this is the case with Axl and even though DJ and others might be writing music, Axl just isn't all that interested or feels it's not his GNR.

Anyway, found it interesting that he read Slash's book. I heard he said nothing but nice things about Axl. Axl's not interested in writing a book himself. I think that would be one book I would read. I love how Axl talks about touring many places in front of thousands of fans and how he's very pleased with it. I guess he's happy with how things are with GNR.

I found it very interesting that Axl actually said he might remix AFD again. Would it be with the original members and just make the sound better or actually record it again with the new GNR? I don't think I would like it re-recorded, maybe just twicked to sound better, but no re-recorded, that would just be wrong.

Again talking about how he wasn't ready to tour in 91. I can believe this because some artists are just forced to do things and they wind up ill or dead. Elvis was used by so many people and I believe Michael Jackson was too. I'm glad Axl's experience didn't hurt or kill him.

Bottom line is he's Axl Rose and has always done and most likely do things the way he wants to especially now. He knows more about the business and knows what he wants at this time of his life. I don't feel he needs to please anyone or apolgize for the way he is. Love him or hate him, Axl is Axl and I doubt if anything or anyone will ever influence him to do something he doesn't want to do!

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What a bunch of bollocks. Every artist in the fucking world can get to play in time, why he can't ? Why is everything so difficult with him ?

Several people, I think including Niven, have suggested that major stage fright is part of it, and it's not something he's gonna be open about.

On top of that he's been very open about his childhood trauma and various mental problems. Stick all that together and you've got a guy who can't cope with going on stage until he's mentally ready and to be fair, like he says, he's been a shit-tonne better in the last 3 years than any time before.

So every other artists gets on stage on time. But Axl frankly has more issues than just about any other artist, simple as.

I got over the late thing long ago. If you wanna be down the front then, sure, it's a knackering wait. But if, like most people, you've got seats or are cool standing in the GA wherever then it's actually kinda cool, i've found. Go for a meal have a few drinks, have half a night out and get well oiled, maybe see Baz if you're arsed or just rock up at about 10 with some more bevvies and you ain't got long to wait.

I have worked with kids who have this disorder- pathological demand avoidance http://www.autism.org.uk/about-autism/related-conditions/pda-pathological-demand-avoidance-syndrome.aspx

Obviously nobody can internet diagnose anyone but I have often thought there were similarities with Axl's mindset. It would explain the late starts better than stage fright. Interestingly a key thing with these kids was a lack of awareness of time, theirs or anyone elses, you just could not get them to do stuff (eg. getting ready for school) on a timescale other than their own no matter what the consequences. The physical passage of time meant nothing.

Just some food for thought but if Axl does have something like this he really can't help it and it probably is I his personal best interest to have a full time guardian (Beta) even though to the outside world it doesn't seem like a good idea.

Actually he was diagnosed by psychiastris as a maniac depressive psycho, which I believe he is.

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Just reread the piece again.

The first half of the interview read very well but once the lateness and Slash was brought up it went a bit weird. It's interesting that Axl (to the best of my knowledge) never seems to attempt to understand Slash's motivations in a way that Slash (and Duff) have attempted to understand Axl's. Slash's motivation for doing the UYI tour, quitting the band and forging his own career to me seem to be based in a desire to remain productive, move forward and more recently probably stay sober and provide for his family, the same could be said of Duff.

It's as if Axl takes a very egocentric view of everything and doesn't quite get that people might have personal feelings and desires that are not connected to or derived from wanting to hurt him. As another poster said Slash will have wanted to tour in 91 because they were riding high on a wave of popularity and wanted to make the most of that yet to Axl he was an evil Svengali who wanted to break his mind, no offence to Slash but I don't think he is that clever.

It's great that he obviously has a lot of affection for the current band, I wish he would do them the honour of releasing something with them. Maybe if as he says he has limited interest in social media he doesn't realise how much this is needed to concrete the band in public. Explains though how BBF gets away with his rants, I bet they are never brought to Axl's attention.

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What a bunch of bollocks. Every artist in the fucking world can get to play in time, why he can't ? Why is everything so difficult with him ?

Several people, I think including Niven, have suggested that major stage fright is part of it, and it's not something he's gonna be open about.

On top of that he's been very open about his childhood trauma and various mental problems. Stick all that together and you've got a guy who can't cope with going on stage until he's mentally ready and to be fair, like he says, he's been a shit-tonne better in the last 3 years than any time before.

So every other artists gets on stage on time. But Axl frankly has more issues than just about any other artist, simple as.

I got over the late thing long ago. If you wanna be down the front then, sure, it's a knackering wait. But if, like most people, you've got seats or are cool standing in the GA wherever then it's actually kinda cool, i've found. Go for a meal have a few drinks, have half a night out and get well oiled, maybe see Baz if you're arsed or just rock up at about 10 with some more bevvies and you ain't got long to wait.

I have worked with kids who have this disorder- pathological demand avoidance http://www.autism.org.uk/about-autism/related-conditions/pda-pathological-demand-avoidance-syndrome.aspx

Obviously nobody can internet diagnose anyone but I have often thought there were similarities with Axl's mindset. It would explain the late starts better than stage fright. Interestingly a key thing with these kids was a lack of awareness of time, theirs or anyone elses, you just could not get them to do stuff (eg. getting ready for school) on a timescale other than their own no matter what the consequences. The physical passage of time meant nothing.

Just some food for thought but if Axl does have something like this he really can't help it and it probably is I his personal best interest to have a full time guardian (Beta) even though to the outside world it doesn't seem like a good idea.

Actually he was diagnosed by psychiastris as a maniac depressive psycho, which I believe he is.

In the chats he did he said he's not bipolar.

The definate maybe comment falls in line with what Richard said, as far as new music later this year. Maybe their finishing up negotiations which is taking time because it includes the work of former members.

Also would explain why Ron is frustrated because he's doing mop up work again instead of making new music with this lineup.

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It's funny, in the beginning, it's just a few sentence answers that make sense.

Than, when we get to the late starts, Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame, and Slash, it's complete nonsense. Seriously, I really don't understand half the stuff he's talking about. He blames Slash for wanting to tour, like that's not what Rock bands do. I don't understand where he's coming from with some of the stuff he's talking about.

The "definite maybe," is a good sign though. I jus wish he would go more in detail about it like he did with the late starts and other stuff.

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The only relevant thing to come out of that interview is the part where he said Slash wanted to tour in '91 to break him (Axl), mentally. And it's only relevant because of how stupid it sounded.

Truth. This guy is deluded as hell. It's actually pretty sad.

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It's funny, in the beginning, it's just a few sentence answers that make sense.

Than, when we get to the late starts, Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame, and Slash, it's complete nonsense. Seriously, I really don't understand half the stuff he's talking about. He blames Slash for wanting to tour, like that's not what Rock bands do. I don't understand where he's coming from with some of the stuff he's talking about.

The "definite maybe," is a good sign though. I jus wish he would go more in detail about it like he did with the late starts and other stuff.

I don't think 'maybe' is a good sign particularly. It's my word of choice when my kids hassle me about something I don't really intend doing i.e. 'Mum can we have some sweets?'....'Maybe' (more often than not means no but I don't want to discuss this now so I'm saying maybe to stall you and get you off my case.)

Also see 'soon' and 'later'.

Edited by alfierose
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So what? Axl says lots of things man. Like the whole part about going late on stage. All I read was "bla bla bla I have nothing to say so I'll just say lots of stuff so it will look like I said something relevant."

No offense Manets, but I think it's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. When he doesn't say anything, people complain. Which, is understandable, given the desire to know what's going on with the band, their plans, etc. When he does say something, there are comments like yours of having "nothing to say".

I think it's more of a case of him not saying what people want to hear, be that in relation to a new album or something else, and the frustration that causes.


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Just read the Blabbermouth comments below the interview. Axl is living in his own world. He is a loony no doubt. He might actually think that Slash and the old members are interested in working with him...

Omfg are you serious?

Izzy and Duff sure wouldnt be opposed to it since they have no problem playing with nu gnr on stage.

Steven Adler would Jiz in his Pants if Axl Called him.

Matt would do anything to be an employee again.

Which leaves Slash. Do you really think Slash would turn down the chance to have a reunion?

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