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Evil Dead


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Okay, I saw this movie yesterday and being a fan of the Evil Dead, the original, I was curious to see it.

This movie was supposed to scare the hell out of you and not be funny or campy like the original.

Well, yeah, it was gory and blood was flying everywhere as well as limbs, but honestly, not scared much.

It basically was the same storyline, except the people were in the cabin to help one of their friends to kick drugs. Well, I bet once the shit hit the fan, they had some drugs to take! lol

Pretty good makeup with the scary eyes and all, but really nothing new.

I watched the dvd, the Collection last night and I think there were more gory ways of killing and torturing people in that movie, than Evil Dead. It was entertaining and my God when will people learn not to open books that are wrapped in plastic and bond by wire? lol

The actors were nice enough, so it was sad to see them go, but honestly after awhile with the running and screaming and body parts flying and blood everywhere, I was glad to see it end.

My question is: if anyone has seen this movie, did you stay after the credits, because after I saw the movie, I found out on facebook that there was something added after the credits. I hate when they do that shit. Anyway, would love to know if anyone knows what it was?

Would have been cool to see Bruce Campbell come up and find the book again! But not sure what happened, but I'm pretty sure a sequel is at hand.

Next week: Lords of Salem, by Rob Zombie. Hopefully, this movie will be disturbing.

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I went to the theatre last night expecting to have the shit scared out of me by the "Most Terrifying Movie I Will Ever See".

It didn't scare me...at all.

It had every scary movie cliche in the book, right down to the dropped car keys during the attempted frantic escape.

Honestly, it was a Twilight-esque take on the Evil Dead.

Those demon voices those chicks try to make..LOL!!!

6 out of 10 at best.

Blood splatter factor was amped up.


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I hated it! I wish I had walked out. As with the Halloween remakes and Nightmare on Elm Street remake, this movie had zero charm and zero subtlety. You don't give a shit about any of the main characters, and the demons are the same boring and played out demons from a million other modern horror movies.

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At the end of the credits:

Bruce Campbell appears as Ash, in a silhouette, he turns towards the camera and says "Groovy".

thank you. I had a feeling it had to do with him. Anyway, it was okay, but not the scariest movie at all.

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I hated it! I wish I had walked out. As with the Halloween remakes and Nightmare on Elm Street remake, this movie had zero charm and zero subtlety. You don't give a shit about any of the main characters, and the demons are the same boring and played out demons from a million other modern horror movies.

Yeah, that's what I felt. The noise from the "evil dead" sounded like the predator and as for the evil eyes, seen that so many times.

The original ones were great because of Bruce Campbell. He was just so damn awesome! It was campy, but still good to watch.

Yeah, I liked the first Rob Zombie Halloween because it showed more of Michael's childhood, but the second one sucked big time! A nightmare on Elm street did the same thing showing how Freddy was the molester, but you can't beat Robert England as Freddy.

I think someone out there needs to make some new horror movies that hasn't been done. It's the same old shit with people getting massacred or cut to pieces. Seen it all.

I hope the Lords of Salem is good. I read that Slash was supposed to do some horror movies that were different and work with new directors, but haven't heard nothing about it.

The last movie I liked and was a little scary was Mama, but it was also very sad. I think the new movie, The Conjurer looks very spooky. The evil spirit is behind you and I really hate it when you don't know what's behind you. lol Saw the preview and that looked good, so we'll see.

There's also a new movie with Eli Roth coming in May, but I forgot the name of it, but I do like Eli Roth.

I wish I could make a good horror story and get it made, because if the continue to make these horrible re-makes of classic movies, horror fans will stop seeing them.

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it really is hard to be "scared" by a movie. i mean when you are a kid watching horror movies sure you have not seen it before, you are shocked. if you watch horror movies over the years, there really isnt all that much that can scare you any more.

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I thought it was okay. However, it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. It didn't scare me (wasn't expecting it too), but I thought that it excelled in its technical aspects such as cinematography. I don't 't think the original was that good to begin with. Imo, the only reason to watch it is for its early 80s camp vibe and Bruce Campbell (his character, Ash, doesn't do anything cool until the second one anyway).

Edited by IndiannaRose
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I liked it, thought it was about as good as an Evil Dead remake could be.

Always amazes me to see people who take horror movies seriously enough to rate them on a scale of 1 to 10, lol. Of course, some are better than others, but they're all entertaining in the same campy and sick way, the only one I can think of that is a truly great film is the Shining.

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it really is hard to be "scared" by a movie. i mean when you are a kid watching horror movies sure you have not seen it before, you are shocked. if you watch horror movies over the years, there really isnt all that much that can scare you any more.

This is the frustrating part, I like spine chilling, creepy movies that make you jump & have you in suspense waiting for something to happen but I've seen everything people recommend and not scared through any of them. Unless you like heaps of gore & disturbing stuff your luck is out.

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The only movie that scared the shit out of me and bothered me for a while was the Ring, the American version.

I don't know what about that movie but I was so disturbed by it for weeks. I kept trying to figure it out and to this day have not watched it again.

I have since then watched The Ring 2 and Ringu 1 and 2 and The Grudge 1, 2 and 3 and they haven't bothered me. One day I will have to watch The Ring again and see if I'm over it.

Mama had some scares in it, but like I said the ending was very sad to me, so it didn't bother me much.

I heard Incidious is scary, but I haven't seen it yet.

I think if a movie can scare you not just with images but with a good storylilne then that's the fun of it, but all this gory bloody shit over and over again is just too damn predicable and not scary when you see what's coming before it does.

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I liked it, though admittedly I was dragged to it and haven't even seen the originals.

You have to see the originals. They were campy fun for the time.

Evil dead, Evil dead 2 and my all time favorite one, Army of Darkness. Bruce Campbell is so damn funny!

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