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did axl's poor eating habits deny fans at the brooklyn bowl a full show?


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SHOW UP ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!

ALWAYS BE REGULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus Christ you fucking people always have a new demand in your pocket for the guy :-D

Edited by MarlaHooch
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This whole topic is weird, Fact is that when people get old their metabolism slows, eating badly can make you gain weight, As can many medical conditions! For all we know Axl is a diabetic.

....heart problems can make you retain fluid too. kidney problems and various types of cancer.

Maybe the dude just let himself go slightly but i don't personally know any 50 year olds who are in great shape.

Cut the guy a break.

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SHOW UP ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!

ALWAYS BE REGULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus Christ you fucking people always have a new demand in your pocket for the guy :-D

You forgot




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I think Axl is basically a normal guy. Hes going to eat a breakfast burrito at a truck stop with a beer. I dont really want to see Axl look like hes fresh out of the spa. Listen to Rocket Queen is that salad and a diet pepsi music?

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anyone can get sick.

yeah, sure. but we're not talking about anyone. we're talking about this guy... getting comped chicken wings and beer all night.



I was looking for that comparison. I'm betting sarcasm.

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How do we know that he wasn't withdrawling from oxy? That can give you a really bad case of the shits.

If Axl went into an Oxy habit after the heroin days of GNR i'd be shocked. Plus with Axl's bank account I highly doubt that he'd be going through withdrawals anytime soon. He'd probably do the Iboga Treatment.

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anyone can get sick.

yeah, sure. but we're not talking about anyone. we're talking about this guy... getting comped chicken wings and beer all night.


Shit, that's one scary photo...someone should show it to Axl, maybe he'd realize how bad his current state of fitness is... :no:

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Dude, you're ridiculous... anything can cause the shits and barfs... bad salad dressing, chicken wings, fecal infected celery sticks....

Your grasping at Axl hating straws here... I was pretty impressed that they went on... if this happened back in the day, Homefuck would have cancelled the next 10 gigs... people have cancelled shows for less. And really, who cares if they cut a few songs? They still delivered a long set. "So if your gonna shit yourself...Then darling, don't refrain..."

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This forum really is awesome.

On the front page of the GNR forum we have a thread about what caused Axl to get the shits.

If this was HTGTH, mass bannings would have been handed out like North Korea hands out trips to labor camps.

It is important we be allowed to discuss the sad state of affairs with this band in an open and honest way like this as it is cathartic for a fan base that is literally and figuratively tired of being shit on by Axl.

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Okay, it's probably a virus going around. I doubt it was Axl's poor eating habits. I could have been food poisoning too.

Why is it always Axl's fault?

GNR have been touring for over 3 years now and Axl has played all the shows and the shows are 3 hours long. I'm sure in some cities like Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Lubbock, Axl had to pay fines for playing over 11:00 pm. so why would Axl now pretend to be sick or purposely eat something to make himself ill to postpone or shorten a show?

God, is it Axl's fault it if rains too? I think it's Axl's fault for globing warming too. And possibly the start of WWII. Oh wait, he wasn't born then! It's too much!

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This forum really is awesome.

On the front page of the GNR forum we have a thread about what caused Axl to get the shits.

Totally agree! It sucks ready that Axl had to bail on such a cool show cuz he got the shits. But it would have sucked even more of we weren't allowed to talk about it.

Shame... If axl had spent two bucks on diarrhea pills, the people who spent $150 would have gotten a full set. But you're right that he could have cancelled the whole show. So I guess everyone should feel incredibly blessed

Edited by HisRoyalSweetness
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omg, this post! :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

I'm not denying the possibility that fortus can maddog a pile of free chicken wings too.

Are you somehow implying that the amount of food a person eats decides whether or not they will get diarreah?

If you eat a single chicken-wing a year and it the necessary bacterias are there, you will still get diarreah.

:rofl-lol::rofl-lol::rofl-lol: You guys crack me up!

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I'm not denying the possibility that fortus can maddog a pile of free chicken wings too.

Are you somehow implying that the amount of food a person eats decides whether or not they will get diarreah?

If you eat a single chicken-wing a year and it the necessary bacterias are there, you will still get diarreah.

This I am excellent point. But by your own reasoning, if axl ate 24 extra spicy chicken wings before performing, wouldn't he have been 24 times as likely to get the poison chicken wing?

Way I see it, whether he got sick from eating a pile of wings or just statically leveled his odds of picking up stray bacteria due to the sheer volume of chicken wings he consumed, it's kind of a small distinction that doesn't really change the larger point.

Edited by HisRoyalSweetness
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the guy is 50 fucking years old!

lay back and enjoy what we have left before there is nothing left

I'd love to see how you guys would do at that age with people pissing and moaning every chance they get at your place of work..

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On a serious note,let's hope he isn't having gall bladder trouble.A bad gall bladder/stones can cause the shits and it doesn't always presents itself all the time. I've heard of people having their gall bladders burst and they had no symptoms until then.

Some people it's just a mild to moderate case of heartburn this was how it was with myself. Then gradually over weeks months or even yrs it gets worse and worse.

With some people,every time they eat a meal that's greasy or not,they have the shits with gall bladder trouble.

Like I said,I presented with heartburn and too much stomach acid for years. And I mean from my teenage yrs until my 30s. Then started the bouts of the shits here n there. Could be months and months between bouts. Then started the feeling of have a balled up fist under my rib cage that kept getting worse. And sure enough,I had a huge gall stone.

Edited by SweetRose
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But it would have sucked even more of we weren't allowed to talk about it.

It's not a case of not being "allowed" to talk about it... it's the case that you constantly post these smarmy threads that serve little purpose than to get a rise out of people.

How are we supposed to know what caused his stomach bug? Maybe it was poor eating habits, maybe it was a bug, maybe the only reason you're speculating is because you get a great big kick out of laying the bait down and watching people take it.

We get it - Axl should be taking better care of himself. Do you need to seize every possible opportunity to point it out with a fresh thread every 3 days? Could you have maybe posted this in the show thread instead?

Or would that just not get you enough attention?

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