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Are you basically an enabler if you support New GNR at this point?

Randy Lahey

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Are you basically an enabler if you support New GNR at this point? If Axl was releasing new material, I'd probably be one of the most enthusiastic posters on here, but I feel like we are just watching a train wreck at this point.

Edited by Randy Lahey
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I appreciate the frustration that everyone, myself included, is feeling. Might be because after the next couple of days, Guns have nothing planned, where as, the last few years, we have always known about an upcoming tour. Perhaps the silence will be good, You never know, September could see the band doing some studio work...

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at this point? supporter?

Maybe a nostalgia act
Not exactly a train wreck.
artistically a train wreck, yes, but financially it works for them

If the next year contains only live shows, this band is dead artistically

Edited by Crash Diet
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If the next year contains only live shows, this band is dead artistically



Since 2011 was the best I've seen them live out of 7 shows, no.

I do think this year needs to mark the end of touring and focus on releasing something.

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Most people who enjoy the current activities aren't enablers, they're just easily pleased.

Axl and this band are capable of better, but he seems unable to care or pull himself out of this dull repetitive mire.

Unfortunately both of these groups are constantly shouted down by the tiresome, boring fantasists who think the old band should reunite and 20 years on still can't handle the fact that mommy and daddy got divorced and any great work we get from Axl or Slash in the future will come from them seperately.

I'd love to see Slash do great work again. Unfortunately I found his tedious celeb-vocal solo albums of recent years boring, likewise Velvet Revolver. I'd love to see Axl do great work again - I enjoyed C.D. for the most part and even if he has no interest in continuing to write/record, it would be good to hear the rest of those sessions.

It's a sad situation, but hopefully we'll see at least a couple of more good songs out of them both before Grandpappy Death brings down the scythe.

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Just for the record, I've been publically calling this a damned voyage for the past decade. It was just way too obvious. I'm just hoping that we eventually get word that Axl is able to put aside the pettiness and reunite with Slash or just publically announce that he's done. I'll always remember him being the great artist that he was in the late 80s or early 90s, but the rest should have been an absolute abortion.

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I owe many of the most enjoyable shows I've ever seen to the guys in GNR, I've had the chance to spend time with them on various occasions and they've been great to me, so turning my back on them seems a bit harsh. At the same time, I do feel like their potential is being wasted currently and I'm unsure how to change that. It's a tough one.

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I do think this year needs to mark the end of touring and focus on releasing something.


Okay since CD came out 2009-2013: tour. Still longer than the UYI tour (not to mention 2001-02-06-07), enough is enough

Focus on new (or totally new) material already!

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that's a good way to put it,Randy.

nothing will happen until we STOP GOING TO CONCERTS.

Axl is like an addict conning everyone but his closest(us,the fans).we know the truth.

he will continue these soul dead shows until even bowling alleys wont sell.

then it's really over.and that's his bottom.and it WILL be too late to recover.

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Just for the record, I've been publically calling this a damned voyage for the past decade. It was just way too obvious. I'm just hoping that we eventually get word that Axl is able to put aside the pettiness and reunite with Slash or just publically announce that he's done. I'll always remember him being the great artist that he was in the late 80s or early 90s, but the rest should have been an absolute abortion.

This post brought to you by Hayley Mills. "If I can't have my real mommy and daddy, I don't want anyone!" *flips pigtails, slams door*

Next you'll be wanting that old barely competent crackhead to come back and replace the actually decent drummer (or Sorum, or Brain) they have now purely for nostalgia purposes.

Nah, sorry only a total moron would want something as stupid as that. :)

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Just for the record, I've been publically calling this a damned voyage for the past decade. It was just way too obvious. I'm just hoping that we eventually get word that Axl is able to put aside the pettiness and reunite with Slash or just publically announce that he's done. I'll always remember him being the great artist that he was in the late 80s or early 90s, but the rest should have been an absolute abortion.

This post brought to you by Hayley Mills. "If I can't have my real mommy and daddy, I don't want anyone!" *flips pigtails, slams door*

But it has become daddy with other women playing mommy and daddy's wedding album over and over.

Edited by Randy Lahey
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