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The Conjuring


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I saw this movie last weekend and I thought it was one of the best horror movies in a long time.

The acting was excellent and I know it's supposed to be based on a real event, but I just don't believe in stuff I don't see for myself.

Anyway, the way it was filmed, it felt like you were watching a "real family" in danger.

From the beginning scene to the end it gripped you and didn't let go.

I hope that they do another one because it left you wanting more.

There were some scenes that will make you jump but I've seen so many horror movies that I kind of knew what to expect, but there were a couple of scenes that made you think about this movie a few days after you see it.

If you love horror movies that are made well and don't have a man in a mask killing you, then this is the movie for you.

Think of the Exorcist and the 60's movie, The Haunting. It's what you don't see that's terrifying.

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I saw this movie last weekend and I thought it was one of the best horror movies in a long time.

The acting was excellent and I know it's supposed to be based on a real event, but I just don't believe in stuff I don't see for myself.

Anyway, the way it was filmed, it felt like you were watching a "real family" in danger.

From the beginning scene to the end it gripped you and didn't let go.

I hope that they do another one because it left you wanting more.

There were some scenes that will make you jump but I've seen so many horror movies that I kind of knew what to expect, but there were a couple of scenes that made you think about this movie a few days after you see it.

If you love horror movies that are made well and don't have a man in a mask killing you, then this is the movie for you.

Think of the Exorcist and the 60's movie, The Haunting. It's what you don't see that's terrifying.

The Exorcist and The Haunting are superior to The Conjuring, imo.

I wasn't blown away, it was alright, but I was pissed at myself for buying in to the hype and not waiting for blu-ray. :shrugs:

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One of the better horror movies I've seen recently. Enjoyed it on the same level as The Woman In Black and Insidious. Heard Sinister was good, but still have yet to watch it.

Sinister was excellent. Another movie that wasn't the same old tired plot. Lots of twists and turns.

Just saw the preview for Insidious Chapter two, that's what they are calling it now. Looks scarier than the first one. I recently saw the first one on dvd and chapter two takes place right after the first one ended. It looks crazy! This one I'm definitely seeing in the movie theatre. I expect this movie to stay with me for awhile. It opens Friday the 13th, in September.

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I heard it sucked and wasn't scary

At the screening I was at, 4 senior ladies, prob 70 at least, walked in and sat down.

I was considering approaching them and asking if they had entered the wrong theatre by mistake.

I decided not to. I figured maybe they just enjoy ghost stories, and I was also curious to see how it played out.

They sat there with "meh" expressions, they didn't jump, scream, flinch, not once.

In fact, the entire audience didn't, not once, no tense nervous laughter, nothing.

The old ladies didn't walk out like we predicted.

In fact, they walked out looking bummed that they blew money on it.

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One of the better horror movies I've seen recently. Enjoyed it on the same level as The Woman In Black and Insidious. Heard Sinister was good, but still have yet to watch it.

I remember digging The Woman in Black. Sinister was pretty awesome too. Some real "holy fuck!" moments in it.

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I dunno. The trailer looks dumb.

I can't take horror movies seriously anymore. They either have to absurdly clever or hilariously cheesy and bad for me to enjoy it.

Gory horror movies take themselves too seriously. And paranormal activity kinda ruined ghost movies.

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I'm going on the weekend to see The Conjuring so I've just skipped over a lot of the posts so I don't know too much about it, I was told today it is supposed to be the scariest movie ever made. However that was said about Psycho which is scary & The Exorcist which was also a biggie for the 70s.

I have watched so many horror movies, Mama I didn't find that scary but it was good. So I'm not thinking this will be all that frightening, I've run out of really creepy spine tingling movies to watch which really disappoints me. I really need the stimulation of a creepy movie that makes me jump & squirm, cannot find any that do this so hopefully this movie on the weekend will be good.

I think it all depends on what you find scary, people say Rec was one of the scariest & The Sixth Sense but I didn't find them particularly scary. Slasher movies aren't my thing either, I've downloaded one for tonight but with only 2 stars on imdb I'm not thinking it's going to do much for me either. It's a long long time since I've seen a movie that has stayed with me, Megan is Missing was disturbing & The Strangers was disturbing - if anyone knows of anything coming up that's creepy as hell let me know. I'm getting kind of desperate here. :no:

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I heard it sucked and wasn't scary

At the screening I was at, 4 senior ladies, prob 70 at least, walked in and sat down.

I was considering approaching them and asking if they had entered the wrong theatre by mistake.

I decided not to. I figured maybe they just enjoy ghost stories, and I was also curious to see how it played out.

They sat there with "meh" expressions, they didn't jump, scream, flinch, not once.

In fact, the entire audience didn't, not once, no tense nervous laughter, nothing.

The old ladies didn't walk out like we predicted.

In fact, they walked out looking bummed that they blew money on it.

I've just come home from The Conjuring & have to say apart from 2 or 3 jumps I didn't find it scary at all. Nobody in the audience screamed & I actually laughed at a couple of scenes as they looked so ridiculous. It was a good movie, the actors were great but I am very disappointed I didn't watch it through my fingers like I did Paranormal Activity.

I think the problem is once you've seen a haunted house movie you've seen them all, not much more they can add.

I also think I've watched so many horror movies they don't phase me any more. :no:

I would recommend it though if you believe in evil spirits & hauntings.

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I heard it sucked and wasn't scary

At the screening I was at, 4 senior ladies, prob 70 at least, walked in and sat down.

I was considering approaching them and asking if they had entered the wrong theatre by mistake.

I decided not to. I figured maybe they just enjoy ghost stories, and I was also curious to see how it played out.

They sat there with "meh" expressions, they didn't jump, scream, flinch, not once.

In fact, the entire audience didn't, not once, no tense nervous laughter, nothing.

The old ladies didn't walk out like we predicted.

In fact, they walked out looking bummed that they blew money on it.

I've just come home from The Conjuring & have to say apart from 2 or 3 jumps I didn't find it scary at all. Nobody in the audience screamed & I actually laughed at a couple of scenes as they looked so ridiculous. It was a good movie, the actors were great but I am very disappointed I didn't watch it through my fingers like I did Paranormal Activity.

I think the problem is once you've seen a haunted house movie you've seen them all, not much more they can add.

I also think I've watched so many horror movies they don't phase me any more. :no:

I would recommend it though if you believe in evil spirits & hauntings.

Yeah, I agree. I didn't jump at all. Some scenes when they showed the witch's face were a little scary, but since I've seen so many horror films I did know what would be coming up next.

I think Insidious 2 is going to be a killer movie. The first one was scary because it was always so dark and creepy, but yeah, I really don't believe in ghosts and I just hate it when people say the dead want to live again and keep trying to come back.

If that's the case, when do we get a chance for peace after life and free from stress and worrying? I think it's crazy to think the dead always want to kill the living. lol

I hated that witch because of what she did to the mothers and the kids. The mother in me was really pissed at that.

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I heard it sucked and wasn't scary

At the screening I was at, 4 senior ladies, prob 70 at least, walked in and sat down.

I was considering approaching them and asking if they had entered the wrong theatre by mistake.

I decided not to. I figured maybe they just enjoy ghost stories, and I was also curious to see how it played out.

They sat there with "meh" expressions, they didn't jump, scream, flinch, not once.

In fact, the entire audience didn't, not once, no tense nervous laughter, nothing.

The old ladies didn't walk out like we predicted.

In fact, they walked out looking bummed that they blew money on it.

I've just come home from The Conjuring & have to say apart from 2 or 3 jumps I didn't find it scary at all. Nobody in the audience screamed & I actually laughed at a couple of scenes as they looked so ridiculous. It was a good movie, the actors were great but I am very disappointed I didn't watch it through my fingers like I did Paranormal Activity.

I think the problem is once you've seen a haunted house movie you've seen them all, not much more they can add.

I also think I've watched so many horror movies they don't phase me any more. :no:

I would recommend it though if you believe in evil spirits & hauntings.

Yeah, I agree. I didn't jump at all. Some scenes when they showed the witch's face were a little scary, but since I've seen so many horror films I did know what would be coming up next.

I think Insidious 2 is going to be a killer movie. The first one was scary because it was always so dark and creepy, but yeah, I really don't believe in ghosts and I just hate it when people say the dead want to live again and keep trying to come back.

If that's the case, when do we get a chance for peace after life and free from stress and worrying? I think it's crazy to think the dead always want to kill the living. lol

I hated that witch because of what she did to the mothers and the kids. The mother in me was really pissed at that.

We were discussing that very issue last night Val, I was saying it stresses me out that once this life is over it will continue after death & I'll still be stressed & my friends laughed & said it will be different. Not to mention reincarnation, I said I wonder if we get a choice cos I don't want to be forced to come back LOL

The bit I laughed at was the girl being thrown around the floor (as they do in all haunted houses) & someone else grabs her & they are thrown around, then someone else & I thought of a spoof where they could have all these people grabbing each other & all sliding around the floor. One of the jumps was in the trailer on tv so I am mad that I knew it was coming as it was one of the creepiest moments.

Honestly I think the 80s were the best for horror as they started the haunted houses, the babysitters being taunted on a phone & those movies were very creepy at the time. Now they just copy those movies & not bring anything new to the screen. People will always remember or know of Amytiville but how long will they remember the Conjuring?

Another note - why do ghosts haunting houses always break things, empty drawers etc? Why don't ghosts fold washing, put dishes in the dishwasher & tidy up?

Edited by rock4eva
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