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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]


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All the Jessie hate got me thinking about what characters I hate and to be honest I don't hate any of the characters. Actually probably only Skyler but she hasn't bugged me this second half so I'm good. Jessie and Hank team thing only seems right looking at it in retrospect and the rat thing is something the drug business is use to so it never really surprised me. Also I feel Jessie been through enough, for everything he put Walt into Walt dragged Jessie through hell and back. I'm not saying Jessie's innocent or that I even root for Jessie but I find my self in the middle of this fight almost wanting the show to go back the way it was but as we all know someone has to die. Which is why I really dug the ending on this latest episode leaving us to wonder what exactly will happen and knowing BB anything can happen.

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seriously though is anyone still a Jesse fan?


Only through a strange sense of commitment. I still do feel like he'll redeem himself in the end though.

Not so sure about that - he violated just about every moral law/code known to man now - he was a drug abuser (and has gone back to it), murderer, drug dealer and now he's a flat out rat. Granted, he apparently has "good intentions"...are those intentions really to get Walt off the streets or are they to get Walt off Jesse's back and revenge for Brock??

Rat and as always someone's bitch

he's just Hank's bitch now, Hank doesn't even give a fuck about him...

He needs to die!

I'm not so sure how I feel about a Saul spin off

I hope it's goo

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Skylar (not even a Saul fan) is actually the only one I like.

Walt has put her through some BS of epic proportions.

I honestly do feel bad for her and the kids.

You are definitely one of the few Skylar fans....but I see your point...but then again, not only has she cheated on Walt, she has fully blown 'broken bad' now....lol...

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Skylar (not even a Saul fan) is actually the only one I like.

Walt has put her through some BS of epic proportions.

I honestly do feel bad for her and the kids.

You are definitely one of the few Skylar fans....but I see your point...but then again, not only has she cheated on Walt, she has fully blown 'broken bad' now....lol...

But who doesn't like Saul?


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I hope Walt goes full Scarface mode on everyone. I want to see him using the M60 and bullets flying everywhere while he screams - "Walt is dead, my name is Heisenberg"

Acid baths for Jesse, Hank, Marie and Skyler.

I gave you a plus one till I realized you said Acid bath to hank too :max:


although he's probably dead now thanks to Meth Damon

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Hank and Gomie, both dead? Does Jesse escape?

I think they're dead as much as that sucks. All our favorites can't live, right?

Could Walt kill Jesse himself? Could this be the "unforgivable act that turns the audience" against Walt for the last time? Or was that simply putting the hit on Jesse last episode?


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