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The Breaking Bad Finale Discussion Thread [SPOILERS WITHIN - UP TO FINALE]


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Holy shit, Samuel L. Jackson AND Bob Odenkirk on Talking Bad next week?!? That will be all time!

Could it mean...possible surprise guest appearance on the show!?

You mean Samuel in BrBa? Doubt it...last week they had a chick from Modern Family on Talking Bad :lol:

Fucking Todd.

I love the FBI(?) dudes that interview Pinkman in this episode and in season four.

Good episode. I didn't think Todd had the 68% meth mentioned last episode.

Nice to see the IRS didn't show up like in the spoilers.

68% was Declan's cook - Todd was 74% Lydia said.

Right. I didn't think Todd was the one cooking for Lydia when she confronted Walt.

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Not putting this in spoilers since it aired on tv already. Did anybody see the preview for next weeks? At the very last frame with Hank, does it look like somebody is pointing a gun at him? It looks very blurry but it certainly seems like it...

Those previews were so vague - I'm thinking they were meant to throw you off...I really didn't get much out of them.

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She had asked for Todd... but Walter wouldn't allow it

i think you're getting the fake leaks mixed up with the real show.

Is the preview for next week's episode online anywhere?

They're really not even worth trying to get a hold of. More confusing than anything else.

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Not putting this in spoilers since it aired on tv already. Did anybody see the preview for next weeks? At the very last frame with Hank, does it look like somebody is pointing a gun at him? It looks very blurry but it certainly seems like it...

Those previews were so vague - I'm thinking they were meant to throw you off...I really didn't get much out of them.

True. Same for last week. They're barely even cock teases and borderline on totally useless. But the last frame almost certainly seemed like a gun was pointed on Hank...

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Getting real sick of whiny Jesse. If he's still being useless by episode 4 I'm changing my avatar to Todd.

true... he knows how to "bargain", even with his life

He's not gonna die... right?!.. right?!

Depends. Is the Saul spinoff confirmed? And if so, does it take place before, after, or during BrBa?

Yes it's confirmed, and Gilligan has explicitly stated that existence of the spinoff in no way implies that Saul is safe.

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It does look like there's a gun pointed at Hank in the preview.

I rewatched the scene, paused it and definitely didn't see a gun. I think what you're talking about is a shadow (of possibly a person) in the upper left background...not a gun though....but hey, I could be wrong.... :shrugs:

true... he knows how to "bargain", even with his life

He's not gonna die... right?!.. right?!

I seriously doubt it. From everything I read, I think Saul is one of the few characters that survives - apparently there is an anticipated spin off show, with him starring in it.

Edited by Kasanova King
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Not gonna lie. Was totally off put by Walt's flat out rejection at offing Hank. Especially with everything that's at stake now with the truth out.

Nice and shocking to see Walt still has somewhat of a moral compass. He's family. Case closed.

And then you have the Hank and Skylar diner scene being very revealing on Hank's perspectives. Hank wasn't joking when he said he couldn't give a shit about family in this case last week. Nailing Heisenburg is all he desires now. Pretty interesting points here.

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Not gonna lie. Was totally off put by Walt's flat out rejection at offing Hank. Especially with everything that's at stake now with the truth out.

Nice and shocking to see Walt still has somewhat of a moral compass. He's family. Case closed.

And then you have the Hank and Skylar diner scene being very revealing on Hank's perspectives. Hank wasn't joking when he said he couldn't give a shit about family in this case last week. Nailing Heisenburg is all he desires now. Pretty interesting points here.

Agree with the Hank thing... seriously you can poison a child and kill 10 people within 2 minutes... but not Hank

Fuck outta here

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Getting real sick of whiny Jesse. If he's still being useless by episode 4 I'm changing my avatar to Todd.

true... he knows how to "bargain", even with his life

He's not gonna die... right?!.. right?!

Depends. Is the Saul spinoff confirmed? And if so, does it take place before, after, or during BrBa?

Yes it's confirmed, and Gilligan has explicitly stated that existence of the spinoff in no way implies that Saul is safe.

Getting real sick of whiny Jesse. If he's still being useless by episode 4 I'm changing my avatar to Todd.

true... he knows how to "bargain", even with his life

He's not gonna die... right?!.. right?!

Depends. Is the Saul spinoff confirmed? And if so, does it take place before, after, or during BrBa?

Yes it's confirmed, and Gilligan has explicitly stated that existence of the spinoff in no way implies that Saul is safe.

That's really my only complaint about this half of the season so far. It's been done before, and better. Just seems too out of thin air and forced.

As for the Saul spin off. I don't know. Saul's a great character within the context of the show. But his own show? Can't say I'm that intrigued at this point. I don't think he's a strong enough character to carry that weight.

Edited by Bobbo
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