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Whatever happened to Paul Huge?


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Any news at all on what he's doing? I can't imagine his royalties from OMG are paying for a life of luxury.

Is he living in his mom's basement? Is he selling used cars?

Or, is he out there dominating the charts, producing the biggest hits of the century?

If he was as incredible of a musician as Axl said, then where the hell is he?

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Don't know where he is but I doubt he's doing all that bad with Back Off Bitch, Oh My God, There Was A Time, Catcher In The Rye, IRS and Prostitute royalties. Too bad he's not working with Axl anymore his songs with Axl are my favorite from Chinese Democracy.

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He's locked in the vault along with CD2. With a bit of luck he'll get leaked too and can come and tell us what's in there and if it's worth the aggro.

Lol. That was a good one. Sad thing is, your probably right! Cryo-vacced in Axls vault with instructions of "only open if Axl run's completly out of ideas"

Edited by ll_tj1
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He get's money from Back Off Bitch, SFTD, OMG, IRS, TWAT, and CITR.

SFTD get's regular airplay on a few stations around here, so that gives him some money. People still buy CD and UYI, so that give's him some more money. So sure, he's not rolling in money, but with that and I assume a side job, he probably makes enough money to live comfortably. I assume that he probably has his own small band he plays with on the side.

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