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Does Axl make enemies for pretty much no reason?


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Are you kidding? Every time a band's name comes up here, people can't wait to jump into the thread to whine about how much they suck. We all like to give our opinions on bands we like or don't like. The difference is if you're famous, your words are amplified, especially if it's on camera and it takes on a higher level of meaning. But in the end, it's just Axl getting asked a question, and offering his opinion.

Even while they were still living in poverty and nobody knew who they were, with guys with connections to help his band like Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley hanging around, Axl was able to quickly realize what fucking asshole douchebags those two clowns are (especially Simmons). I gotta respect that.

Gene Simmons had nothing to do with GNR at the time, and he never would have done what Paul did in telling them what to do as a band. Gene talks a lot of shit, but isn't a douche because he let Van Halen have their demo he paid out of pocket for and tore up the contract he had with them. If anything, Van Halen were being dicks to him because they wouldn't let him put a KISS demo out they played on for the box set.

What are you talking about? please elaborate, I've never heard this story. I know about simmons and the demo, but what box set?

The KISS Box set, there's a demo of "Christine Sixteen" Eddie and Alex played on but didn't make it onto the box set.

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I think that Iron Maiden sucks because I don't like them, boring stuff it has nothing to do with Axl. Iron Maiden is boring metal but it's not my fault that most of "classic" metal bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest are boring to me. I fucking love Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Pantera but Iron Maiden is complete shit whole New Wave of British Heavy Metal is.

And I actually like Kiss music a lot, but there are more of company then band. AC/DC is also huge company but I never get impression that they are doing it for money, they are 100% about music but Kiss is a joke and where is Ace ?

I think Gene talks a self-depreciating game when it comes to the music, because he's putting the band up against The Beatles and Rolling Stones. They were hacks in comparison but just going by their music, the setlist was still able to stand up in '96-98.

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Groghan you're one of the weirdest people I've come across online. I am by far no Axl sympathizer but I understand how they feel more than how you feel. You come here pretty well every day and almost all your posts are serious about how you think the people who worship Axl are wrong and weird. Why do you care so very much how they feel? I don't get it. Are you jealous? Do you really think these people are so awful you need to post about these posters constantly? You're weird. You're wrong.

What's he jealous of again? People who make excuses for Axl's every move and praise his ever action and non action? Yeah that makes sense. It's super weird to find people who do that odd. Groghan adds a lot to the forum and is a big fan is Axl and the band. He's just not crazy like some people.

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Groghan you're one of the weirdest people I've come across online. I am by far no Axl sympathizer but I understand how they feel more than how you feel. You come here pretty well every day and almost all your posts are serious about how you think the people who worship Axl are wrong and weird. Why do you care so very much how they feel? I don't get it. Are you jealous? Do you really think these people are so awful you need to post about these posters constantly? You're weird. You're wrong.

""""Groghan you're one of the weirdest people I've come across online."""" - you must not spend much time online. Seriously, even at this forum we've had a lady who posts under multiple screen names, has conversations (even arguments) with herself, and has been banned multiple times from every GnR forum out there. But that's cool, I'm not offended. I'd rather you thought I was "weird" than boring.

""""I am by far no Axl sympathizer but I understand how they feel more than how you feel."""" - no problemo! Just a difference of opinion. I love Axl Rose's music and wish he'd put out albums than one every 20 years. I wish he'd concentrate on music and give his current band a chance to shine....rather than spending all their time worrying about lawsuits, Slash, baseball cards, playing weddings, insulting fans, etc.

""""You come here pretty well every day and almost all your posts are serious about how you think the people who worship Axl are wrong and weird.""" - well, except for the many posts where I talk about CD being my favorite album of the last decade, Axl being my favorite singer since 1988, and how I wish that Axl would share his music with his millions of fans. But your second part is true, I do think celebrity worship is weird and creepy. People who worship Justin Beiber, Kim Kardashian and Axl Rose - yes, I find it weird and creepy.

"""""Why do you care so very much how they feel? I don't get it.""" - this is a FORUM. A place where people come to chat. So in your world, I'm the "weird" one for chatting about GnR on a GnR forum. But people who literally worship a rock singer......people who actually defend him for beating up women.....those are the "normal" ones? I don't "care so very much" how anybody feels. I come to a forum to chat about GnR with other GnR fans. If people DIDN'T post their opinions on a forum - said forum would die.

""""Are you jealous?"""" - THat is an odd question to ask. Jealous of what? Can't really give you an honest answer on that, as I don't understand what you mean. Surely you aren't asking if I'm jealous of people who worship rock singers? If that is what you are asking, then no. Like YOU said, I think people who worship celebrities are weird and creepy.

"""""Do you really think these people are so awful you need to post about these posters constantly?"""" - Yes sir. Just like they constantly post about me. See, that's what happens in the real world when people discuss things. Each side presents their argument, opinion, their side of the story. Your bias is showing. You have no problem with the Nutters "constantly" voicing their opinion. But other people can't? How does that make any sense?

"""""You're weird."""""- uhhh, OK. Why do feel the need to insult people you disagree with?

"""You're wrong."""" - uhhhh, OK. About what? Let me list the things I probably touch upon the most and you tell me why I'm wrong

1. Axl should release music more often for his millions of fans

2. Celebrity worship is creepy

3. CD is the best rock album of the last decade

4. Axl Rose is the best rock singer of our generation

5. I don't agree with men who beat up women

Which of those things am I wrong about?


Interc - thanks, man. That's what forums are all about. If people want 24/7 Axl worship, there are forums out there for that.

Sunny - exactly. I'm the poster child for what Team Beta and Axl has done to their hard core fan base. I might be the first person who was ever called an Axl Nutter on this forum. Axl has been my favorite rock singer since 1988. I listen to GnR more than I listen to all other bands combined. I see them live almost every time they come through my area (never to my state, I always have to fly to go see them). I absolutely love most of CD. And I'd gladly hand over a hundred dollar bill today for a new GnR album. From 88 to 08 I always took Axl's side, in almost all matters. I thought VR was one of the most boring sounding bands out there.

But more and more information comes out about what happened with the orginal band. Axl makes more and more mistakes and does things that shows he doesn't care about us (the fans). An incompetent management team takes over (a team that has no problem insulting band members and fans). And we get the cluster-f that we have today. And to top that off, we have "fans" who come to the board and worship and praise things that any normal person would see as embarrasments and failures. Which leads to all the negativity and fighting that goes on within the board.

Like the guys who defend Axl for his multiple assault charges against multiple females. They were crazy, they deserved it, he was on drugs, he had a bad childhood, one of the women was mean to him in 1385 in a past life. BUT I'm the "weird" or bad fan????

I'm as big of a die-hard fan of Axl Rose the singer as ANY poster on this forum. And have been for longer than 90% of the people who post here.

But I don't worship his every move, I don't worship him as a person, and I think he has made a mess of his career the past 15 years. He had the talent to be the biggest rock star that ever lived...........but unfortunately, lawsuits, fueds, Beta and her family, and getting even with all those who he felt were "out to get me" was more important to him than releasing music for his fans to enjoy. Which is why his career has went the way it has.

Axl feels like it is him against the world. Which I find sad, as there are millions of music fans who are on his side. But unfortunately...........he doesn't see that. And as long as he has Beta in one ear and his "camp" in the other ear feeding into his delusions, we'll continue to see the most talented rock singer of our generation never live up to his potential.

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Sunny - exactly. I'm the poster child for what Team Beta and Axl has done to their hard core fan base. I might be the first person who was ever called an Axl Nutter on this forum. Axl has been my favorite rock singer since 1988. I listen to GnR more than I listen to all other bands combined. I see them live almost every time they come through my area (never to my state, I always have to fly to go see them). I absolutely love most of CD. And I'd gladly hand over a hundred dollar bill today for a new GnR album. From 88 to 08 I always took Axl's side, in almost all matters. I thought VR was one of the most boring sounding bands out there.

But more and more information comes out about what happened with the orginal band. Axl makes more and more mistakes and does things that shows he doesn't care about us (the fans). An incompetent management team takes over (a team that has no problem insulting band members and fans). And we get the cluster-f that we have today. And to top that off, we have "fans" who come to the board and worship and praise things that any normal person would see as embarrasments and failures. Which leads to all the negativity and fighting that goes on within the board.

Like the guys who defend Axl for his multiple assault charges against multiple females. They were crazy, they deserved it, he was on drugs, he had a bad childhood, one of the women was mean to him in 1385 in a past life. BUT I'm the "weird" or bad fan????

I'm as big of a die-hard fan of Axl Rose the singer as ANY poster on this forum. And have been for longer than 90% of the people who post here.

But I don't worship his every move, I don't worship him as a person, and I think he has made a mess of his career the past 15 years. He had the talent to be the biggest rock star that ever lived...........but unfortunately, lawsuits, fueds, Beta and her family, and getting even with all those who he felt were "out to get me" was more important to him than releasing music for his fans to enjoy. Which is why his career has went the way it has.

Axl feels like it is him against the world. Which I find sad, as there are millions of music fans who are on his side. But unfortunately...........he doesn't see that. And as long as he has Beta in one ear and his "camp" in the other ear feeding into his delusions, we'll continue to see the most talented rock singer of our generation never live up to his potential.


Fantastic post. Once again Grogan is right on the money. And I feel the same way, Axl used to be a fantastic signer and frontman, but over time his delusion's have made his career into a nostalgia act. It's unfortunate, because he and his band had a ton of potential, but he let it all slip away. And I also used to be a Axl supporter after I found this forum. I always took his side, always had the "he's the last man standing" mindset. After reading his essay on here from 2008. I began to believe him.

Than, Rock In Rio came. After a year of kick ass touring, we and the world and presented with a out of shape Axl Rose forgetting lyrics and throwing hissy-fit's on stage. In fact, the biggest stage Axl's played in YEARS. And what did we get out of it? Estranged. That's it. A song that the new band have FUCK ALL to do with. Now, were stuck with Axl Rose who basically a shell of his former self. And his management team don't help either with their "complaint's, complaint's, complaint's" bullshit. For some reason, they delude themselves into thinking people wanting what's best for GN'R are the bad ones, and people who follow and agree with every move GN'R made (even if it's bullshit) are the good one's. And it's a shame that surrounds himself with yes-man, who seemingly don't push him and just let him do as he pleases. It's unfortunate, because it's like Elvis Presley during his later years. Fat, bloated, surrounded by yes-man out for his money, constant touring. It's a shame to realize how Elvis was such a young kid when he first started, so much potential and talent, and he ended up to be a mere shadow of his former self in the late 70's before his death.

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A lot of us feel the same way. We love Axl's work, find him interesting as hell, and supported him all along. Now I didn't hate Velvet Revolver and was willing to check out their stuff, but I didn't go see them live. Come to think of it, I probably should have. I've always been a Slash fan. But a much much bigger Axl Rose fan.

But as ridiculous as the wait for CD was, the 5-year wait since then has been even more absurd. Time went by and it became a joke. This is all just wasted time, that he can never ever get back. It's just a goddamn tragedy, but all the more frustrating because he never does anything (that we can see) to even try to reverse course.

Now as for Groghan, I agree with him on a lot of stuff but I do think he makes basically the same post, way too often. Celebrity worship is creepy and weird, we get it, most of us agree with it. In fact, we got it the first 900 times he posted it.

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