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Movies with unneeded sequels/prequels


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Terminator 3

imho, any Terminator movie after T2 Judgement Day is an unneeded Cash Grab, especially the ones with the CGI Arnold.

Salvation of course wasn't needed, but that goes without saying, especially after listing T3. I did enjoy Salvation more than T3 though.

Didn't Arnold sign on for another Terminator movie?

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Terminator 3

imho, any Terminator movie after T2 Judgement Day is an unneeded Cash Grab, especially the ones with the CGI Arnold.

Salvation of course wasn't needed, but that goes without saying, especially after listing T3. I did enjoy Salvation more than T3 though.

Didn't Arnold sign on for another Terminator movie?

Last I heard he was going to be in the fifth (next) one. I think he said he wasn't going to have a major role. That could have changed though.

I think they were wanting to do a new trilogy.

Edited by luciusfunk
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I like Aliens, but it doesn't hold a candle to Alien. Too much an action movie, not terrifying enough to hold up against Alien.

Yeah, whats even worse is Alien 4.

No way. Resurrection is so much better than Alien 3 until the last half hour, then it goes to hell.

My contributions:


The Blues Brothers


Paranormal Activity

Dawn Of The Dead (Though, I suppose you could argue the Dead movies aren't directly related other than Romero)

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