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Hey Marc, do you ever feel like you're spilling too much on old friends or that you're selling out on the friendships?


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Honest question. Marc, i recall one of your posts where you said -- about why you promote your book here and so on -- <paraphrasing> "it's just the way i'm built (even though Axl and others may be opposed to it)". I don't know whether you have gone into more detail about your reasoning here or whether you would really want to, but (i thought i'd ask anyway) do you ever feel uncomfortable that you are essentially trading on old friendships. Do you very much consider that your public and unexpected relating of their conversations (on a wide variety of subjects) from decades ago might be something they feel a bit violated by? thank you for reading.

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Well bearing in mind that Marc is still in fairly regular contact with most of the past members other than Axl I can't imagine it's that big of a deal to them.

@Marc: Have you spoken to Slash/Duff/Steven etc about your contributions here and if so what did they have to say?

I imagine Axl hates you more than he hates salad at this point but from what you've said on here I've never had the impression that anybody else had an issue with this section.

Edited by Dazey
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Thank you. We really appreciate your participation here. If you said you love Axl I guess there are many good thing about him, he seldom shows. And that´s a real shame


As well as contradictions, on one hand Axl wants to make the old band disappear. And on the other hand he has share the stage with Izzy and Duff

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Marc doesn't tell all. Most of the info is already available and he more or less confirms it. Alot if questions he won't answer if he feels its crossing the line.

Thats right. Most of what I say are facts and some is just my opinion based on how I see things. When I give my opinion is when I say the words "I think" before I say what I say. The things that I feel are too personal, I don't talk about. Slash knows that I'm here doing this and doesn't care because he is proud of his accomplishments. I know be wants to blame Axl for everything that went wrong but he is wrong too. I wish he would read my posts because I think he would see things differently.

Izzy is a very private person but I know how he feels about the music the old band made together and other then the drug talk, I think he would agree with what I do. As far as the drug talk, that info was common knowledge that Slash and Duff and Steven already talked about in much more detail in their own books and Slash and Desi talked about in Reckless Road.

Axl would love to make the old band disappear which would only hurt his future. When I post things that I know Axl doesn't agree with, my hopes are that he either reads it or finds out about it from someone in the camp that might have seen it. The way I see it is maybe he will understand what I'm trying to say and look at things in a different way than he already does. I know that he used to respect what I had to say before he thought that I had betrayed him my putting out my book when I did.I love Axl with all my heart and just kills me to see him living with all that pain from the past and I know that if he just could understand both sides, he might understand why things went wrong. I also think that if Slash would have kept he opinion to himself while he was drunk and bad mouth Axl after the split, things would not be as bad right now. Then again he was upset that if fell apart and blamed Axl for it and vented.

I feel that I am just the peace keeper here. When I first came here and saw all the fighting, I felt that it was my job to try and stop it. Slash and Axl wanted different things in 1995 and you can't blame either one of them for it. This stuff means a lot to me and was a big part of my life and I'm very proud of it and think it would be a crime to hide it from the people that want to know about it. I know that their music have changed peoples lives and I feel all I'm doing is helping people understand somethings. There are millions and millions of fans and I was the first fan so I do what I do to help others that have questions.

wow, I thought this was just going to be temporary, i'm glad to see you stayed on board. I figured all the bickering and bashing would have turned you off. Did you read these boards before as a "guest" or anonymous user?

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Thank you for replying, Marc.

I came here in 2007 to try and answer questions about Reckless Road and then I saw all the fighting AXL VS Slash so I thought I would stick around and try to break it up.

Do you mean with the legal battles they were having and so on, or fighting amongst the fans?

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Marc doesn't tell all. Most of the info is already available and he more or less confirms it. Alot if questions he won't answer if he feels its crossing the line.

Thats right. Most of what I say are facts and some is just my opinion based on how I see things. When I give my opinion is when I say the words "I think" before I say what I say. The things that I feel are too personal, I don't talk about. Slash knows that I'm here doing this and doesn't care because he is proud of his accomplishments. I know be wants to blame Axl for everything that went wrong but he is wrong too. I wish he would read my posts because I think he would see things differently.

Izzy is a very private person but I know how he feels about the music the old band made together and other then the drug talk, I think he would agree with what I do. As far as the drug talk, that info was common knowledge that Slash and Duff and Steven already talked about in much more detail in their own books and Slash and Desi talked about in Reckless Road.

Axl would love to make the old band disappear which would only hurt his future. When I post things that I know Axl doesn't agree with, my hopes are that he either reads it or finds out about it from someone in the camp that might have seen it. The way I see it is maybe he will understand what I'm trying to say and look at things in a different way than he already does. I know that he used to respect what I had to say before he thought that I had betrayed him my putting out my book when I did.I love Axl with all my heart and just kills me to see him living with all that pain from the past and I know that if he just could understand both sides, he might understand why things went wrong. I also think that if Slash would have kept he opinion to himself while he was drunk and bad mouth Axl after the split, things would not be as bad right now. Then again he was upset that if fell apart and blamed Axl for it and vented.

I feel that I am just the peace keeper here. When I first came here and saw all the fighting, I felt that it was my job to try and stop it. Slash and Axl wanted different things in 1995 and you can't blame either one of them for it. This stuff means a lot to me and was a big part of my life and I'm very proud of it and think it would be a crime to hide it from the people that want to know about it. I know that their music have changed peoples lives and I feel all I'm doing is helping people understand somethings. There are millions and millions of fans and I was the first fan so I do what I do to help others that have questions.

Considering much of the NuGuns setlist is made up of songs recorded by the old Guns and the fact that Axl can't or won't release new music it seems odd of Axl to say he wants to bury the old band while he lives off of that legacy............... :shrugs:

I hope you are able to patch things up with Axl some day Marc as you sound like a good friend but as long as Axl hates Slash so much it seems to me you are caught in the crossfire........

Man I would love it if you would write another book someday giving more details on the birth of GnR and the music scene on the strip back in the 80's in general as you share so many great stories here that are no in your book.........

Edited by classicrawker
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Marc, the original Gn'R fan haha. Thanks for everything man. Great to have you here.

Ha, that's funny. 100% true to. How awesome to have the first Guns n Roses fan on the board.

And it really can't be stated enough, Thanks for all you're time Marc.

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Without Marc, we wouldn't have the information we have. He was with them since the beginning, he was there 24/7. There's no one NO ONE in this forum that can provide that kind of info.

Regarding the OP's question, I have not read one single post with 'too personal' information about Slash or Axl, so yeah, what Marc does should not affect anyone.

The highlight of this forum is his presence, definitely.

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