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So… seriously though, what's left to talk about in the world of GnR?


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I haven't been posting here as frequently as I used to, for personal reasons mostly. But I've been wondering what's left for us to talk about in the world of GnR, since there won't be an album this year or maybe even next year… do we just keep talking about what might've been or could've been if the old band had ever gotten back together… or about what could be if Axl released another album… or will these forums just slowly fade away until no one posts here anymore? I mean, there are only so many times you can talk about the old feud, about how much you love or hate the new band, and blah blah blah, before it gets old pretty fast. Maybe Hitler threads, which was a joke btw, are not such a good idea :awesomeface: , but it seems to me that when boredom sets in, you can't help posting stupid shit. Just wonderin what you guys think.


Edited by TombRaider
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What was there to talk about in 2003-2005? Rumours about a new album or a tour just like now. GNR fans should be used to this by now...

Atleast in 2003-2005 we had an album name and a handful of songs. SOD, Maddy, IRS, Riad, OMG, SW, and CD.

Right now we have Going down, silkworms, omg, and bitw. No album title, not even confirmation they're working on an album.

As far as tours, another tour will just be CD world tour #4 or #5. Seriously, they've toured CD since 2001. CD is all toured out.

Edited by liers
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What was there to talk about in 2003-2005? Rumours about a new album or a tour just like now. GNR fans should be used to this by now...

Atleast in 2003-2005 we had an album name and a handful of songs. SOD, Maddy, IRS, Riad, OMG, SW, and CD.

Right now we have Going down, silkworms, omg, and bitw. No album title, not even confirmation they're working on an album.

As far as tours, another tour will just be CD world tour #4 or #5. Seriously, they've toured CD since 2001. CD is all toured out.

5 years after "Sympathy for the Devil," we already had 2 new singles ("Oh My God," "Sweet Child O' Mine '99"), a double-live album, and a name for the upcoming album ("Chinese Democracy").

All this during a turbulent time of lineup changes, and a near-extinction of the band, a long silent period of inactivity, that somehow yielded 2 singles, a live album, and concrete plans for a new LP.

Flash-forward to the present, it's 5 years since Chinese Democracy, we've had no new singles, no archival releases and no real indication that Axl Rose has any intent to release one more record.

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Something that TombRaider asks is kinda like a song were working on working title is Lament for Axl Rose:

Nothing left to say nothing left to do

Yet Iwake up in the world

with everything to prove

turn on the t.v. turn off my mind

sometimes I think about the future

and the pasts I left behind

and it dont let me go..it never lets me fly away

I never get to far down that road

no matter how hard I try

no matter what I do

or what I say

Im still here looking for you

to come around again

my long lost friend

It was a voice on the radio

the companions of my youth

that saw me through

the darkest nights of my soul

That showed me the world

and its ugly truths

about living and dying \

about laughing and crying

over love

love lost and found

Im still here waiting for you

to come around.

(seques into a earlier sample of my take on Mrs Robinson ...higher pitch)

Where have you gone Axl Rose the lonly world listens for you...x 3

Well i know where the sun

is hanging in my sky

I blinked my eyes a few times

and now Im

halfway through my life

Surrounded by a world of chaos

and political lies

hollowed out emotions

and no one pays the price

beg for revolution

that never seems to come

and all of this awareness

is like betrayal with a kiss....

( that verse is very much like You could be mine in rythme)


where have you gone Axl Rose the world turns its lonely eyes to you..

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Well, I can understand fans getting frustrated that there is no new GNR news, but I'm sure everyone can think of other things to do with their time besides complaining that there's now new news. lol

There are tons of other bands out there to follow who tour and do new cds.

GNR and Axl will always be important, but not to the point of taking up most of your time.

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Well, I can understand fans getting frustrated that there is no new GNR news, but I'm sure everyone can think of other things to do with their time besides complaining that there's now new news. lol

There are tons of other bands out there to follow who tour and do new cds.

GNR and Axl will always be important, but not to the point of taking up most of your time.

We are obsessed with this trainwreck called GnR

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It's already in UMG's hands, isn't that great news?

- Silkworms and Oh My God

- The Bumble Chats where he actually played a part of Atlas

- Elaborating new questions for DJ Ashba's next chat

I think that already makes some stuff to talk about right?

I wonder if silkworms and OMG will leak eventually?

Eventually, not any time soon.

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