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If you could go back in time what year and place would you go?

Haters Gonna Hate

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I think Victoria was just as influential as Elizabeth.

Yes, and she was also incredible. But whilst I love a good pair of Victorian earrings, give me a farthingale and a starched ruff anyday over ruffles and bustles. ;)

Elizabeth had more power though.

I'm not too great at my history, but was the British Empire not at it's peak during Victoria's time?
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I think Victoria was just as influential as Elizabeth.

Yes, and she was also incredible. But whilst I love a good pair of Victorian earrings, give me a farthingale and a starched ruff anyday over ruffles and bustles. ;)

Elizabeth had more power though.

I'm not too great at my history, but was the British Empire not at it's peak during Victoria's time?

It was, but largely due to the course that QEI set it on. Industrial revolution was also conveniently going on during Victoria's reign. Elizabeth had a much harder time of it than Victoria did. She resisted marriage which would take her power away and hand it over her husband and deflected so many assassination attempts, and on top of that managed to actually build a stable and prosperous economy. Remarkable, and she did that largely on her own with nothing but a mess behind her from her father and sister.

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Pax Britannica was between 1815 and 1914. After World War I they went into decline.

Elizabeth I had more power than Victoria, Victoria was a figurehead and nothing more. But under her she had a rather stable government.

Edited by Georgy Zhukov
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19 August, 1588, Tilsbury, UK.

To hear QEI make her famous speech.

Then shoot her multiple times in the throat with an M16. Think how you'd change history!

Welcome back!

Thanks JD!

What? Shoot the most intelligent, most determined, most capable redhead to ever walk the planet? That woman was awesome and did more than any monarch before or after her (in my opinion anyway) to make England a stable and powerful country in its own right. I know Graeme will probably have a thing or two to say about her, but she was an extraordinary woman who achieved a lot in a male dominated world. I'd love to shake her hand and then ask if I could try on all her clothes and jewels. Especially this outfit:


Yes! I just murder influential figures just so I can come back to the present day and see what the effect is.
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I think Victoria was just as influential as Elizabeth.

Yes, and she was also incredible. But whilst I love a good pair of Victorian earrings, give me a farthingale and a starched ruff anyday over ruffles and bustles. ;)

Elizabeth had more power though.

I'm not too great at my history, but was the British Empire not at it's peak during Victoria's time?

Yeah but Liz 1st knacked the Spanish so surely that earns her some serious cool points? :lol:

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I think Victoria was just as influential as Elizabeth.

Yes, and she was also incredible. But whilst I love a good pair of Victorian earrings, give me a farthingale and a starched ruff anyday over ruffles and bustles. ;)

Elizabeth had more power though.

I'm not too great at my history, but was the British Empire not at it's peak during Victoria's time?

Yeah but Liz 1st knacked the Spanish so surely that earns her some serious cool points? :lol:


One of the reasons I want to hear her give the Tilsbury speech.

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I think Victoria was just as influential as Elizabeth.

Yes, and she was also incredible. But whilst I love a good pair of Victorian earrings, give me a farthingale and a starched ruff anyday over ruffles and bustles. ;)

Elizabeth had more power though.

I'm not too great at my history, but was the British Empire not at it's peak during Victoria's time?

Yeah but Liz 1st knacked the Spanish so surely that earns her some serious cool points? :lol:

I know a certain Spaniard that gets reminded of that on a regular basis. :awesomeface: Edited by Aaron_H
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Victoria was a constitutional monarch whereas Elizabeth was absolute. Thing is about England during the 16th century, it was a poor, fairly insignificant country on the periphery of Europe. This is unlike Victoria’s Pax Britannica. Elizabeth’s England did not have the power of Catholic Spain/Portugal or France. That makes the defeat of the Armada all the more heroic.

I bet Graeme's favourite English monarch is Edward I, 'the Hammer of the Scots' haha.

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Many consider the defeat of The Spanish Armada to be the beginning of England's rise to power.

If I had to choose a favorite monarch it would probably be Henry II Plantagenet.

I wouldn't mind visiting the days of Alfred the Great and also William the Conqueror. But I don't speak Saxon and Norman.

Edited by Georgy Zhukov
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Had a lot of trouble with his kids.

I like Queen Anne. In my opinion Britain emerged as a power during her reign. The Act of Union happened. We captured Gibralter and Minorca which gave us Naval ascendency in the Med. British armies were on the continent successfully fighting the armies of Louis XIV.

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Victoria was a constitutional monarch whereas Elizabeth was absolute. Thing is about England during the 16th century, it was a poor, fairly insignificant country on the periphery of Europe. This is unlike Victoria’s Pax Britannica. Elizabeth’s England did not have the power of Catholic Spain/Portugal or France. That makes the defeat of the Armada all the more heroic.

I bet Graeme's favourite English monarch is Edward I, 'the Hammer of the Scots' haha.

Her reign was just pure genius. People completely underestimate what an uphill battle she had and the fact that she continued this for 40 years and left Britain one of the most stable countries when she died is testament to her ability. She rocked!!!! And man, she did it with the greatest style of anyone. What a knockout she was!

Mary Queen of Scots was pretty badass in 5th grade history.

She was a spoilt little brat and was more French than English. Getting her head chopped off didn't help her much either. :lol:

So yeah, pretty badass. :thumbsup:

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I wouldn't mind going back to when Henry the 8th was killing his wives for not giving him sons - with modern day science of course to back up the fact that it is the man who is responsible for the sex of the baby, not the woman.

Whether that would stop him killing his wives I don't know, could have been more to it than just that.

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I would go back to around 10,000 B.C. and see the development of civilization.

And just think you could be the first to invent the wheel and be King................. :lol: .

The wheel and farming. I will also introduce bronze and iron.

I would also go back and meet Julius Caesar. One of the greatest men that ever lived. I wouldn't stop his murder though. That is one of the defining moments in history.

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