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Game of Thrones Season 6 Discussion Thread *No Spoilers*


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It is not so bad. I think I would like the food better. The south is too fishy. Plus Winterfell and Dreadfort seem to be comfortable during winter. Winterfell had advanced plumbing with hot water from the hot springs and Dreadfort was built by a volcano or something. Winterfell has a greenhouse so veggies can be grown.

I wouldn't mind going to Sunspear though. Dornish girls are like Middle Eastern or Hispanic girls. Dorne is made up of three peoples, First Men which are a minority, they mostly live in The North, The Andals, who make up most of the south and the dominant group, the Rhoynar which come from Essos and the last group of people to migrate there, the first being The First Men then the Andals. They were fleeing the Valaryians I guess.

Edited by Georgy Zhukov
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I was surprised at how well Winterfell was equipped for Winter when I read that in the books, not really sure why as it needed to be well prepared for Winters. With that in mind being on the Wall must be terrible at Winter, its pretty shitty at the best of times.

Highgarden seems like a good place, not too warm or cold, not too wet or arid.

As for Dorne, always associated it with a mediterranean culture.

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Rewatching Breaker of Chains. Man, Sam leaving Gilly in Moletown was a terrible fucking idea.

Also, I know Cersei kept saying "no" but her hands said different. Like she knew it was bad, but she did want Jaime. I don't know what story the director is saying, it seems to change a lot, but Cersei's words never match her actions.

Really liked Oberyn in this episode, the dialogue with Tywin is one of the best in the series. I think he will be very memorable for viewers.

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From Salon.com:

Let’s say for the sake of this argument that there was no ambiguity about that scene between Jamie and Cersei this week, and that — despite protestations to the contrary from the director Alex Graves — Jamie raped Cersei. Jamie also killed a defenseless King Aerys, he pushed a child out of a castle window with the intention of killing him, he has three children from an incestuous relationship with Cersei, and he strangled Lord Rickard Karstark’s innocent son to death. Yet audiences have been willing to overlook all of these bad deeds because we’ve become smitten with Jamie over the course of the last season due to his relationship with Brienne.

But what’s interesting here is that the audience processes these other moral crimes in such a way that allows us to continue to sympathize with Jamie Lannister, but instead of attempting to process the rape of his sister next to the corpse of his oldest son in such a way that might allow us to continue sympathizing with him, the response has been to reject the rape. Murder, incest, and sex next to your dead son are all somehow excusable in our minds, but the rape crosses a line that makes it impossible to further sympathize him. So, our answer is to basically vilify the director of the episode and the show runners for allowing a terrible person to do something more terrible than our minds will allow us to forgive.

It’s not that I don’t get it, either. If Walter White or Boyd Crowder or Jax Teller or Francis Underwood had violently forced themselves upon someone sexually, it would’ve become impossible to root for those characters. That’s where the conflict comes with Jamie Lannister. It’s not the rape itself that is the problem — there have been other instances in Game of Thrones in which characters have been sexually abused, and in some cases, in far worse ways, but that hasn’t stopped us from watching the show. It’s the idea of losing Jamie Lannister as someone with whom we can root. That, we cannot abide!

So, instead of accepting what it might mean for Jamie had he raped Cersei, we reject the act as a blunder on the part of the director, and in the episodes to come, we will probably retcon out of our minds and continue rooting for a murdering, child-killing, incestuous character. Why? Because sexual crimes are just worse, that’s why.

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Everyman has to have a code as Omar would say. Jaime has none. He does become a more likable character but you can't forget that he is a murderer. But in the book, Jaime is not a rapist. Though the only woman he has ever been with is Cersei.

The series presents us all sorts of characters we love and loathe but the characters we love are killers too. Robb Stark may be noble and honorable, but he did little to prevent his own men from murdering peasants, looting, raping and burning villages. They were just as bad as the Lannisters. I think only Stannis would punish his men for doing so, but I can't remember the source.

And the peasants are not so innocent themselves. Sure they are defenseless for the most part, but peasants would steal gold, weapons from dead soldiers, even kill wounded soldiers to make it easier for them to steal. I think in the end everyone is human, just some are sadistic such as Joffery and Ramsay.

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From Salon.com:

Let’s say for the sake of this argument that there was no ambiguity about that scene between Jamie and Cersei this week, and that — despite protestations to the contrary from the director Alex Graves — Jamie raped Cersei. Jamie also killed a defenseless King Aerys, he pushed a child out of a castle window with the intention of killing him, he has three children from an incestuous relationship with Cersei, and he strangled Lord Rickard Karstark’s innocent son to death. Yet audiences have been willing to overlook all of these bad deeds because we’ve become smitten with Jamie over the course of the last season due to his relationship with Brienne.

But what’s interesting here is that the audience processes these other moral crimes in such a way that allows us to continue to sympathize with Jamie Lannister, but instead of attempting to process the rape of his sister next to the corpse of his oldest son in such a way that might allow us to continue sympathizing with him, the response has been to reject the rape. Murder, incest, and sex next to your dead son are all somehow excusable in our minds, but the rape crosses a line that makes it impossible to further sympathize him. So, our answer is to basically vilify the director of the episode and the show runners for allowing a terrible person to do something more terrible than our minds will allow us to forgive.

It’s not that I don’t get it, either. If Walter White or Boyd Crowder or Jax Teller or Francis Underwood had violently forced themselves upon someone sexually, it would’ve become impossible to root for those characters. That’s where the conflict comes with Jamie Lannister. It’s not the rape itself that is the problem — there have been other instances in Game of Thrones in which characters have been sexually abused, and in some cases, in far worse ways, but that hasn’t stopped us from watching the show. It’s the idea of losing Jamie Lannister as someone with whom we can root. That, we cannot abide!

So, instead of accepting what it might mean for Jamie had he raped Cersei, we reject the act as a blunder on the part of the director, and in the episodes to come, we will probably retcon out of our minds and continue rooting for a murdering, child-killing, incestuous character. Why? Because sexual crimes are just worse, that’s why.

That doesn't really reflect my views. Whilst I support Jaimie's decision to kill Aerys, I am not a fan of his character, and do take issue with the rest of the actions the article mentions. I was pretty pleased when he lost that hand, and I wasn't tricked by the attempted humanization of him in S3 with Brienne. I do not root for Jaimie, or really anyone in the show... except Braun maybe, he's just great. Arya too. And I really hope Stannis get's himself together, because I feel like he's a great guy without the influence of his red concubine.

And Oberyn is fucking great, Georgy you're definitely right, I think the actor is essentially perfectly cast, and the character will be memorable. Right and of course there was Ned.... but yeah, in general, there's not too many people to root for in the show, and I know that wasn't your original post downzy..... but somehow I got there. :lol:

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As of now, the only people to root for is Stannis, Jon, Sansa and Arya. Brienne too I guess. Wish they focus more on Blackfish. He is a tough mother fucker.

What about Tyrion? Seems like a good guy born into a bad family. Did what he could to protect Sansa and his girlfriend (her name escapes me).

I want Tyrion to win...

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As of now, the only people to root for is Stannis, Jon, Sansa and Arya. Brienne too I guess. Wish they focus more on Blackfish. He is a tough mother fucker.

What about Tyrion? Seems like a good guy born into a bad family. Did what he could to protect Sansa and his girlfriend (her name escapes me).

I want Tyrion to win...

tyrion IMO gets white washed in the show compared to the books, in reality he really isnt a nice guy :lol:

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As of now, the only people to root for is Stannis, Jon, Sansa and Arya. Brienne too I guess. Wish they focus more on Blackfish. He is a tough mother fucker.

What about Tyrion? Seems like a good guy born into a bad family. Did what he could to protect Sansa and his girlfriend (her name escapes me).

I want Tyrion to win...

tyrion IMO gets white washed in the show compared to the books, in reality he really isnt a nice guy :lol:

Yeah I heard Dany isn't so benevolent either in the books.

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As of now, the only people to root for is Stannis, Jon, Sansa and Arya. Brienne too I guess. Wish they focus more on Blackfish. He is a tough mother fucker.

What about Tyrion? Seems like a good guy born into a bad family. Did what he could to protect Sansa and his girlfriend (her name escapes me).

I want Tyrion to win...

tyrion IMO gets white washed in the show compared to the books, in reality he really isnt a nice guy :lol:

Yeah I heard Dany isn't so benevolent either in the books.

she isnt :lol:

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I do like Stannis, but to try to pretend he is this "good guy" is silly. Dude burned to death lords that had been loyal to him. Their only transgression? Not believing in the same god as him.

Thats just from show. If I break out the books, I can point out other acts(imo) of cruelty.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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Do you think we get to see The Mountain soon? You hear a lot about the guy but it's been awhile (first season?) since we've seen him.

We've seen him since, but they re-cast him and haven't referred to him by name when he's in the scenes I think.

1st season Mountain: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1947403/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t141

2nd &3rd season Mountain http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1613839/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t78

In the 4th season there will be a third guy playing Gregor Clegane.

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Do you think we get to see The Mountain soon? You hear a lot about the guy but it's been awhile (first season?) since we've seen him.

We've seen him since, but they re-cast him and haven't referred to him by name when he's in the scenes I think.

1st season Mountain: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1947403/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t141

2nd &3rd season Mountain http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1613839/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t78

In the 4th season there will be a third guy playing Gregor Clegane.

As if this show isn't difficult enough to keep track of all the characters, they have to continually recast the actors to play them. Thanks for the run down. I don't really recall seeing the Mountain in any other season other than the first one (then again, you don't forget someone cutting off the head of a horse).

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Lithium is playing The Mountain this season.

I do like Stannis, but to try to pretend he is this "good guy" is silly. Dude burned to death lords that had been loyal to him. Their only transgression? Not believing in the same god as him.

Thats just from show. If I break out the books, I can point out other acts(imo) of cruelty.

Yeah, that is what I like about the series. Stannis is good if he listens to Davos. Varys sums up Stannis best, a truely just man. He will follow any law whether it is the laws the Targs left, the ancient laws of man (which is why he followed his older brother Robert over The Mad King) and the laws of religion. So what he needs is a good lawyer and Davos is actually one of the smartest characters in the book. He is as honorable as Ned Stark, but is more pragmatic and has a lot more common sense.

The characters that are truely good are boring. I can't even name them. Only one that ever comes close is Sansa but she is learning the game and is getting quite good at it. Truely evil characters would be Joffrey, Cersei and Ramsay who is one twisted fuck. His father Roose is not evil, but he likes to play with people.

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Lithium is playing The Mountain this season.

I do like Stannis, but to try to pretend he is this "good guy" is silly. Dude burned to death lords that had been loyal to him. Their only transgression? Not believing in the same god as him.

Thats just from show. If I break out the books, I can point out other acts(imo) of cruelty.

Yeah, that is what I like about the series. Stannis is good if he listens to Davos. Varys sums up Stannis best, a truely just man. He will follow any law whether it is the laws the Targs left, the ancient laws of man (which is why he followed his older brother Robert over The Mad King) and the laws of religion. So what he needs is a good lawyer and Davos is actually one of the smartest characters in the book. He is as honorable as Ned Stark, but is more pragmatic and has a lot more common sense.

The characters that are truely good are boring. I can't even name them. Only one that ever comes close is Sansa but she is learning the game and is getting quite good at it. Truely evil characters would be Joffrey, Cersei and Ramsay who is one twisted fuck. His father Roose is not evil, but he likes to play with people.

Good post.

I only disagree with the part I bolded. I think Pod, Brienne, Sam, and Davos are truly good, and I enjoy the chapters involving them.

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As of now, the only people to root for is Stannis, Jon, Sansa and Arya. Brienne too I guess. Wish they focus more on Blackfish. He is a tough mother fucker.

If you let me have just one complaint with the adaptation, mine would be with what they have done to the Blackfish. I hate how his only role on the show is to belittle Edmure.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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