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Game of Thrones Season 6 Discussion Thread *No Spoilers*


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Fuck books. Reading the summaries on the Wikipedia pages for the books saves so much time and money.

For people who obsessively pay attention to casting credits like me - why the fuck is the chick who plays Gilly in the main cast now, yet Oberyn is just a guest star? Kind of stupid.

Because of books for sure ;)

And it's not kind of stupid ;)

If you're referring to


the fact that Oberyn dies later in the season, I'm already aware of that but they promoted the actress who plays Talisa to the main cast in the third season and she died as well.
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But the reason lots of them are freaking out is that the final scene never appeared in the books and changes the dynamic of what is known about the White Walkers.

I don't care about it but many of them consider it a spoiler of The Winds of Winter (the next book) and don't really know how to react to it :lol:

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But the reason lots of them are freaking out is that the final scene never appeared in the books and changes the dynamic of what is known about the White Walkers.

I don't care about it but many of them consider it a spoiler of The Winds of Winter (the next book) and don't really know how to react to it :lol:

Now they know how nonreaders feel.

I think this was my favorite episode of the season so far. But I've said that immediately after viewing all the episodes (except 2 which is my least favorite hands down). Though there were a lot of things I got nitpicky with, but they were things that most people probably wouldn't notice or care about.

I found a couple of the Mereen extras really distracting. When Dany is doing the "myhsa" walk there is this really unconvincing guy who walks out behind her after she passes doing a half assed fist pump, and he's just failing so hard at looking genuinely happy it's almost laughable, yet he's the most obvious one to look at. And then when the masters are all rounded up one of them is hunched over and looks like he's laughing. I guess he was trying to look scared? Again he's the guy your eye catches first.

Preview for next week

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As of now, the only people to root for is Stannis, Jon, Sansa and Arya. Brienne too I guess. Wish they focus more on Blackfish. He is a tough mother fucker.

What about Tyrion? Seems like a good guy born into a bad family. Did what he could to protect Sansa and his girlfriend (her name escapes me).

I want Tyrion to win...

tyrion IMO gets white washed in the show compared to the books, in reality he really isnt a nice guy :lol:

Yeah I heard Dany isn't so benevolent either in the books.

she isnt :lol:

Don't you think some of that is going to come out in the show too though? There's something about Dany on the show that makes me very wary of her.


Pretty ominous.

People getting confused about Jamie... I don't think that was an error at all on the director's part like some people seem to think. He's done a lot of terrible things. The conflict for the audience is intentional, and it's also a reminder that the boundaries in Westeros are different in a lot of ways to what they are for us.

Looking forward to next week, ep 4 was great. Glad to see Pod is going to stay in the picture too.

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Is GRRM coming clean with The White Walkers? I really hope that is in the book.

Anyone else hoping to see Missandei naked?

If the White Walker revelation isn't in TWOW I would be very surprised, show is now getting to the point of having possible future book spoilers.
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The ratings for this episode were the highest the show has ever had. Even more than the premiere.

They're doing a really good job of placing an "oh shit" moment in each episode to spark discussion/debate/hype throughout the week. Purple Wedding, incest rape, White Walkers with baby.

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Is GRRM coming clean with The White Walkers? I really hope that is in the book.

Anyone else hoping to see Missandei naked?

If the White Walker revelation isn't in TWOW I would be very surprised, show is now getting to the point of having possible future book spoilers.

it really is starting to piss me off to be honest. the show never showed the difference between the "others" and "white walkers" now we are getting spoilers to all this? no real point waiting for the rest of the series i have been reading for 10 years is there?

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Do you mean the Wights and White Walkers?

yeah in the tv show they really never tell you the difference they just kind of mash them up. in the books the others are killed by dragonglass and the wights are killed with fire and are immune to dragonglass. they kind of changed their appearance a little as well.

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According to HBO, the White Walker we see at the end of the episode is the Night's King.

That's confusing. I've also read a "Coldhands is the Night's King" theory. Which, to me, seems more plausible somehow. It was also hinted that the Night's King was a Stark, also called Bran. Which might explain Coldhands' interest in Bran?

Seen a "Coldhands is the Prince that was promised" theory as well. With Dany, Bran and Jon being the 3 dragons he needed. But that seems extremely far-fetched to me.

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Question - has the backstory (Roberts Rebellion and the Mad King) been adequately explained in the show?

I started watching the show about a year ago and finished the first season + a little of the second before stopping and not coming back to it until a month or two ago. So I don't really remember if it's all been explained.

I just took some time to really delve into the backstory. Pretty interesting stuff. They could do a TV show on that alone. Though it's obviously not possible since the actors wouldn't be able to play significantly younger versions of themselves.

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Question - has the backstory (Roberts Rebellion and the Mad King) been adequately explained in the show?

I started watching the show about a year ago and finished the first season + a little of the second before stopping and not coming back to it until a month or two ago. So I don't really remember if it's all been explained.

I just took some time to really delve into the backstory. Pretty interesting stuff. They could do a TV show on that alone. Though it's obviously not possible since the actors wouldn't be able to play significantly younger versions of themselves.

it is missing a little back story. you might get more next season since a portion or roberts rebellion is explained in the 5th book, other than that the other big reveal about the rebellion is a lot of the stuff involving lyanna stark and the battle ned stark had at the temple of joy in dorne, this is told in a dream that was cut in the tv show. it should have happened after ned passed out from his injuries after being confronted by jaime. here is a good video of that, in which it places the dream in between the points it was cut in the show.


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The ratings for this episode were the highest the show has ever had. Even more than the premiere.

They're doing a really good job of placing an "oh shit" moment in each episode to spark discussion/debate/hype throughout the week. Purple Wedding, incest rape, White Walkers with baby.

Ser Pounce = ratings.

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Is GRRM coming clean with The White Walkers? I really hope that is in the book.

Anyone else hoping to see Missandei naked?

If the White Walker revelation isn't in TWOW I would be very surprised, show is now getting to the point of having possible future book spoilers.

it really is starting to piss me off to be honest. the show never showed the difference between the "others" and "white walkers" now we are getting spoilers to all this? no real point waiting for the rest of the series i have been reading for 10 years is there?

I only read the books just before season 3 started so I don't really mind, however I understand why people who have been reading the series for many years well before the show started will be getting annoyed at book spoilers that are included.

Guess it had to happen eventually as GRRM isn't exactly pushing to get the next book out.

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