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Faith No More new album 'Sol Invictus' out May 19th


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(New Mike Patton Interview)

The only reproach that I could make concerning the album is the length: only 10 tracks in less than 40 minutes. Have you used everything?
Oh no, far from it. We have put aside a nice bunch of tracks! I do not know what we are going to do with them but there are plenty of others…I could not say exactly how many but at least enough to constitute an album. Those that we selected were those that fit the best…

You are telling that there will be other Faith No More albums?
We hope so. But it is hard to say, and the new record has not even been released yet, so let us breathe man (laughs)



Edited by realpoti
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Setlist tonight was good, but not what I'm hoping for myself. I'm spoiled after the last shows set where they played the first half of the show with only new songs. I'd love for that, but don't know if I'll get anything like it. Hoping though.

Still excited for next Saturday either way.

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Setlist tonight was good, but not what I'm hoping for myself. I'm spoiled after the last shows set where they played the first half of the show with only new songs. I'd love for that, but don't know if I'll get anything like it. Hoping though.

Still excited for next Saturday either way.

So you'd rather they play more new stuff? Hmm. See I saw a setlist in CA where the first 6 songs were new. I think that's a little weird given that the album isnt even out yet. Its FNM so I honestly wouldnt care if they came out and did Gregorian monk chants for 2 hours, but still I think you'd want to hear a lot of older stuff. Thats why most of us are going.

Is it me or are they playing a lot of KFAD on this tour? Thats not a complaint, I love that, but I find it noteworthy

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That's a solid set list. I'll be at the show tonight but I'm American and don't have a Canadian phone, so I likely won't post until Sunday. I'll post any highlights since the set list will be easy to find

I wish yahoo gave view counts. Would like to know how many people watched

Is it weird to anyone else that they play pre Patton stuff like Spirit? There is a ton of Patton stuff to choose from and that's how everyone knows them. Would much rather hear Be Aggressive, Just a Man or Malprctice than Spirit or As The Worm Turns

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That's a solid set list. I'll be at the show tonight but I'm American and don't have a Canadian phone, so I likely won't post until Sunday. I'll post any highlights since the set list will be easy to find

I wish yahoo gave view counts. Would like to know how many people watched

Is it weird to anyone else that they play pre Patton stuff like Spirit? There is a ton of Patton stuff to choose from and that's how everyone knows them. Would much rather hear Be Aggressive, Just a Man or Malprctice than Spirit or As The Worm Turns

Spirit is a cool song. They should also play Faster Disco, I love that one.

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Just an incredible show. Patton is as good live as you'd think, pulls off all the crazy stuff. Hudson was a pleasant surprise. They're just a bunch of pros. Main difference from the Detroit set:

-Land of Sunshine instead of From Out of Nowhere

-Be Aggressive! Pleasant surprise.

-Digging the Grave and matador

-Last cup of sorrow

-Closed with I started a joke

Highlight to me was Caffeine. That song just sounds incredible live. The new stuff translates well live too. Sunny Side up worked well.

All in all one of the best shows I've seen in awhile, check them out if you can

Edited by bt88
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Can't wait until Friday. I'll be happy regardless, but I hope I get a Sol Invictus-heavy set. Also hope I don't get Evidence because I don't like that song.

Also, I wish they wouldn't do as many Chuck-era songs as they do, but I guess they're still part of the bands history. I really would only care to hear a few of them, but would rather they focus on more Patton-era stuff.

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Ah I didn't realize it had leaked already :P. I'm not the biggest FNM fan just because I've never given them a real proper listen beyond Epic. Figure I'll start with the new record and work my way back.

Other than listening to bits and pieces from Angel Dust and The Real Thing here and there, I never gave them a proper listen either. Absolutely loved the new album so worked my way back as well, and honestly, they might just be in my Top 10 bands now. I'm even working my way into Patton's other side projects (Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, Fantomas) because of how much I like his vocal style.

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During a live interview on HuffPost Live, which aired yesterday (Monday, May 11), McKagan stated about how he ended up playing the Gimp at the Wilter show: "Their 'Gimp' guy got stuck in traffic or something — something like that — and Patton asked if I'd be the 'Gimp.' And I'd just gotten to the gig, me and another friend. I'm wearing all black, and everybody else was wearing white. 'Cause they [FAITH NO MORE] play in white, and everybody backstage, their crew, they all have white on. The guy I came with, Jerry Cantrell [ALICE IN CHAINS], he wore white, because he had gone to the show the night before. I picked him up, [and I said], 'What are you doing wearing all white?' He's, like, 'FAITH NO MORE white, dude.' [i was, like], 'Oh, yeah, I blew it.' But being the only guy dressed in black, I was the instant 'Gimp.'"

Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/duff-mckagan-how-i-ended-up-playing-gimp-at-faith-no-mores-los-angeles-show/#kRH8GZUsSVE6MLCG.99

Thinking I'll wear just white to Philly :awesomeface:

Don't have white pants, though,

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What have you guys seen in terms of response from critics? I've read maybe 5 reviews from actual outlets, not just some guys blog, and so far the critical response is positive. Theyre praising how lean the album is which I agree with. It's short but doesnt waste a minute

Dickbags in the comments were like "its not that good, low energy, I want Jim Martin" but I shouldnt even be paying attention to comments. Bets on the Pitchfork score? I'll go with 7.8

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I haven't seen too much, but that will change today after they streamed the album. The few things I have seen have all been very positive. High praise across the board so far.

What have you guys seen in terms of response from critics? I've read maybe 5 reviews from actual outlets, not just some guys blog, and so far the critical response is positive. Theyre praising how lean the album is which I agree with. It's short but doesnt waste a minute

Just the 10 tracks, it's a lean machine. It seems so 2015. No need for a 15 track album when you've got so much material already. Faith or Bust.

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