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Looking back on 2006...

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I'v stuck to the same formula since first seeing rock am ring 2006. People should have stopped complaining about irrelevant things outside of the music and you still get that today. Even if it's a really bad one off show you have a thousand people that think he can do no good ever and won't look into anything else. There's no question that there was a certain style back in 2006, which he has lacked other times. He pulled it off good whereas most would just look like a huge jackass. Really need to applaude him plus the whole band on that tour.

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Yeah Axl was in great physical shape back in 2006. His hair style was a mess though that ruined his overall looks and style...


Vocally by the end of the year we had the best Axl Rose vocals since pretty much ever! Rasp and controlled voice everywhere - even during November Rain!!

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I had no problem with the band or Axl being fat or his dumb hair.....I was just tired of the same boring-ass setlist every night. He threw shit like "Liquor and Whores" in there instead of stuff like TWAT and Catcher, which had leaked at the time. It was the setlist that was killing it for me...that and NO album of course.

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I think the same thing now that I thought at the time. Axl sounded strong. He looked weird but was in good shape. BBF seemed out of place. Finck was the man. It was getting super boring with the same songs and no album.

Yep. Every bitching and moaning when it comes to Axl and his GNR is justified. There's always people complaining because there's always something wrong. People are never happy because Axl always fucks up somehow. I enjoyed most of the 2006 "era" but I can't NOT remember how pathetic Rock in Rio Lisboa was, for example. Classic Axl sounding like shit when one of his shows is live on TV. Better and TWAT were still fresh and having Robin playing those was a delight, so there were more positives than negatives. It was cool, I wish they had released CD by then.

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I think the same thing now that I thought at the time. Axl sounded strong. He looked weird but was in good shape. BBF seemed out of place. Finck was the man. It was getting super boring with the same songs and no album.

Yep. Every bitching and moaning when it comes to Axl and his GNR is justified. There's always people complaining because there's always something wrong. People are never happy because Axl always fucks up somehow. I enjoyed most of the 2006 "era" but I can't NOT remember how pathetic Rock in Rio Lisboa was, for example. Classic Axl sounding like shit when one of his shows is live on TV. Better and TWAT were still fresh and having Robin playing those was a delight, so there were more positives than negatives. It was cool, I wish they had released CD by then.

I was in that RIR and it sounded fine.

The TV broadcasting sounded like shit. You can see in some songs that even the mic doesn't capture Axl's voice. On the TV you can barely hear the guitars.

In this case, the TV broadcasting was as bad as the youtube.

Axl was great in 2006.

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guys, Axl never had cornrows that we know of. He merely had braids tied back into a pony tail. I'm surprised more people have never wondered what he looked like back then without the ponytailed braids.

This is from 04/05, his braids were a little longer than 06, but it gives you a pretty good idea.


i think that's a cool look for axl

Yeah Axl was in great physical shape back in 2006. His hair style was a mess though that ruined his overall looks and style...


but this is badass.

his 06/07 hairstyle was the best, with and without the goatee.

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Watch this:

The sound changing @56sec - More voice volume / Less guitar volume

@1min47sec ... the mic fails ... looks like Axl's voice is missing ...again @2min05sec and @2min14sec ... you can see that he is singing but there's no sound of his voice.

There's other examples of the broadcasting failure ... but, again, It's always Axl's fault :)
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