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Big guns on CD2?

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To expand a bit on what I wrote earlier: I think a case could be made that GN'R fans have a history of being gullible. Of course, Axl's erratic behaviour and the band's ridiculous dysfunctionality is largely to blame for newbie fans expecting too much. But in addition you have fans who expected "new guns" to rival the classic lineup, fans who expected that just because great talent was combined great music would result, fans who believed axl's words on when new music would come out, and etc. But lately I think the fan base has (diminished) and wised up. Massively wised up. People, in general, don't trust whatever they hear from the band anymore, people don't expect new music to take the world by storm like AFD did, people don't expect Gn'R to ever become the greatest rock band again. People have become less disillusioned andmuch, MUCH more realistic. I simply don't find this fan base more gullible anymore than other fans. So no, I don't agree. But at the same time the pendulum has swung. Now you have fans who almost seem to compensate for earlier positivism by being overly negative and dismissive of anything that could and should be construed as good news. Kids tend to be a bit black and white and the whole fan base comes off a bipolar at times. Slow cycle bipolar. And this defeatism is equally unrealistic, in my opinion, in addition to oozing unpleasantness rather than benign optimism. And I guess some of this is bitterness and failed expectations talking, but some is probably also caused by that interesting social dynamics where people tend to prefer to say things that will be welcomed (look at Facebook), rather than things that are plausible and resasonable yet not within the current "zeitgeist".

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I believe Axl has stopped working on new music because he has lost control and support funding from his label.

lately I think the fan base has (diminished) and wised up. Massively wised up. People, in general, don't trust whatever they hear from the band anymore, people don't expect new music to take the world by storm like AFD did, people don't expect Gn'R to ever become the greatest rock band again. People have become less disillusioned andmuch, MUCH more realistic.

Try adding the accountants at the label to this roster also. They look at Axl and look at Taylor Swift and know immediately which horse to back.

The labels know that music fans care about as much for a new album from this line up as your average music fan cares about Slash's album - i.e. about 35K sales in week one and then off a cliff after that.

It's over for GNR in terms of global buzz and album sales unless the old line-up gets back together. As much as that pains certain folks here and as unlikely as it all is, its the only real serious money spinner these men have left to call upon.

When there is less pride and ego than $$$ floating about....something could happen but I doubt it.

Edited by Intercourse
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I believe Axl has stopped working on new music because he has lost control and support funding from his label.

lately I think the fan base has (diminished) and wised up. Massively wised up. People, in general, don't trust whatever they hear from the band anymore, people don't expect new music to take the world by storm like AFD did, people don't expect Gn'R to ever become the greatest rock band again. People have become less disillusioned andmuch, MUCH more realistic.

Try adding the accountants at the label to this roster also. They look at Axl and look at Taylor Swift and know immediately which horse to back.

The labels know that music fans care about as much for a new album from this line up as your average music fan cares about Slash's album - i.e. about 35K sales in week one and then off a cliff after that.

It's over for GNR in terms of global buzz and album sales unless the old line-up gets back together. As much as that pains certain folks here and as unlikely as it all is, its the only real serious money spinner these men have left to call upon.

When there is less pride and ego than $$$ floating about....something could happen but I doubt it.

maybe that is not even their ambition anymore, and it's not my ambition either i mean it is unrealistic to think GN'R could ever take over the world today with the current music business and all the sheeps who listen to simple music. I think Axl is just fine with how things are, performing in every country for the real fans that stuck with him and who still enjoy a kickass live show this band can deliver. As for new music, if the release it, it is because Axl wants it axl wants to be creative again and wants to bring new music for the fans and to fill in and create different shows than we have seen the past 5 years. Not to make big money and to dominate the billboards because that is not likely to happen anyway unless a november rain 2 or something comes out.

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I believe Axl has stopped working on new music because he has lost control and support funding from his label.

Which would seem plausible except for the fact that he hasn't given any inclination of not wanting to release new music, nor has any band members said Axl has given up, and because Richard very recently said that Axl was laying down vocals in the studio. But if we take away all of this then, yes, I would be apt to think he has stopped working, and that would be a plausible reason.

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I believe Axl has stopped working on new music because he has lost control and support funding from his label.

Which would seem plausible except for the fact that he hasn't given any inclination of not wanting to release new music,

Think about that for a second..why would Axl admit such a thing? He's supposed to be an artist not a cabaret singer.

Not releasing music would be an admission of defeat considering the grand ambitions he so publicly shared about trilogies etc over the years.

Also, think about what's happened the last 6 years...

- Axl said "Don't know, don't care" when asked about new music. Sound like a man who enjoyed releasing CD 1?

- Pitman when asked about the whereabouts of new GNR music stated that there was no point in releasing music any more as you can't get paid - wonder where he got that stance from? The boss maybe?

- Bumble stated that this band have never made music together.

- Dizzy, GNRs longest surviving member doesn't even know if there is anything happening musically.

- The rumor mill was in overdrive saying that Axl was clearing house.

- Richard may be speaking the truth but Axl was in and out of studios for over a decade for CD with years of nothing to show...

Axl may not be saying it...he's not saying anything concrete at all as usual in fact..but the one fact is that the music business is clearly not to Axl's liking any more (his CD saga spoke to it many times) and he's a long way from the star he was..pair that together and roll the dice and I'd say I'd be amazed if we have anything new with this band by next year or at all.

Axl feeds off of grandiose gestures and huge scale but there's not a record company on Earth going to pay for him to have that...unless the old crew are back.

Edited by Intercourse
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I believe Axl has stopped working on new music because he has lost control and support funding from his label.

Which would seem plausible except for the fact that he hasn't given any inclination of not wanting to release new music,

Think about that for a second..why would Axl admit such a thing? He's supposed to be an artist not a cabaret singer.

Not releasing music would be an admission of defeat considering the grand ambitions he so publicly shared about trilogies etc over the years.

Also, think about what's happened the last 6 years...

- Axl said "Don't know, don't care" when asked about new music. Sound like a man who enjoyed releasing CD 1?

- Pitman when asked about the whereabouts of new GNR music stated that there was no point in releasing music any more as you can't get paid - wonder where he got that stance from? The boss maybe?

- Bumble stated that this band have never made music together.

- Dizzy, GNRs longest surviving member doesn't even know if there is anything happening musically.

- The rumor mill was in overdrive saying that Axl was clearing house.

- Richard may be speaking the truth but Axl was in and out of studios for over a decade for CD with years of nothing to show...

Axl may not be saying it...he's not saying anything concrete at all as usual in fact..but the one fact is that the music business is clearly not to Axl's liking any more (his CD saga spoke to it many times) and he's a long way from the star he was..pair that together and roll the dice and I'd say I'd be amazed if we have anything new with this band by next year or at all.

Axl feeds off of grandiose gestures and huge scale but there's not a record company on Earth going to pay for him to have that...unless the old crew are back.

This is cherry picking of things that have happened. We also have Axl and band members talking about new music and releases. This combined with the other things I mentioned, particularly Richard comment on Axl being in the studio now working on new music, makes the statement that Axl has "stopped working on new music" implausible.

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Once they got the Best Buy deal it didn't matter what CD was really. Maybe a couple of Best Buy guys listened to it. But honestly it sounds pretty epic to me.

I love it generally but Rhiad and Scraped let it down badly. Scraped especially has no place on an album that has supposedly had years upon years of effort put into it. Fine, have a throwaway rocker on there, but it's not even an average one.

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says. If Axl is recording vocals now, then the situation is worse than I imagined. Axl said the album is done. Unless he's working on another album, looks like CD2 is far from done.

The last six years have shown Axl has no interest in releasing new music. He might have claimed otherwise but his past actions speak louder to me.

Edited by ProstituteComa
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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says.

So you agree with his statement that "I believe Axl has stopped working on new music" despite the very fact that Richard just said Axl was in the studio laying down vocals? :D This ties in veeeery nicely with what I said earlier about the pendulum having swung and members being unrealistically negative and cynical.

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says.

So you agree with his statement that "I believe Axl has stopped working on new music" despite the very fact that Richard just said Axl was in the studio laying down vocals? :D This ties in veeeery nicely with what I said earlier about the pendulum having swung and members being unrealistically negative and cynical.
Yeah whatever man... Can you blame me for not trusting in Richard's words? How is this any different from past interviews? If you want to believe him it's ok. I don't. You consider that unrealistic. What I consider unrealistic is the words from a side musician who has said the same thing over and over again through the years.
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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says.

So you agree with his statement that "I believe Axl has stopped working on new music" despite the very fact that Richard just said Axl was in the studio laying down vocals? :D This ties in veeeery nicely with what I said earlier about the pendulum having swung and members being unrealistically negative and cynical.
Yeah whatever man... Can you blame me for not trusting in Richard's words? How is this any different from past interviews? If you want to believe him it's ok. I don't. You consider that unrealistic. What I consider unrealistic is the words from a side musician who has said the same thing over and over again through the years.

Richard has never said Axl is laying down vocals before, as far as I know. He has said numerous times that the band will hopefully release music next year, and are working on it. I don't know, to me this justg means that some in the band HAS been working on new music and that he REALLY do hope they will release soon. I don't think he has ever been outright lying to us :shrugs:

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says. If Axl is recording vocals now, then the situation is worse than I imagined. Axl said the album is done. Unless he's working on another album, looks like CD2 is far from done.

The last six years have shown Axl has no interest in releasing new music. He might have claimed otherwise but his past actions speak louder to me.

You could turn it around though and look what happened to CD1. Yeah sure Dizzy, DJ and Richard have been talking about this new album for years now, but likewise CD1 was talked about for years. In the end it did come out and so I believe CD2 will be relased too. When is another question but I hope and think maybe by next year.

As for laying down vocals who knows what that is for. One album has already been recorded (+ the remix), but there are brand new songs too so I'm guessing that's the songs he's laying down vocals for now. If they're going to mix the old songs with the new for the final release I don't know. In my wildest dreams I'm hoping they're working on a double album (wasn't it supposed to be a trilogy?), but one album for now will be fine.

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I could see Axl not wanting to put the cream of the crop on the first album IF - that's a big IF - the plan was to release three albums in a small time period. If they recorded 30-40 songs and planned to release an album every 2 or 3 years - then it makes sense.

But to wait 6-7 years between albums.....then that is where the initial strategy really ended up failing. Because now that follow-up album isn't going to be that cohesive. You'll have a song written by Axl and buckethead TEN years ago mixed in with songs written by Axl (in a completely different space and attitude now than a decade ago) and DJ......the big question is will those songs flow together?

Probably not and this is one of the main reasons that CD failed to success

Over tinkering the songs with a dozen of various people and when they gonna play live the songs, most of the core musicians/song writers was gone....mainly because Axl's megalomaniac behaviour and record company wishes a reunion somehow so they fucked up everything too...

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why would any artist release sub-par material on purpose?

makes zero sense


What people are forgetting is that Axl had lost control of the CD release strategy at that stage. He'd blown the bank and his backer's patience. Even divas like Axl can be controlled when it comes to the almighty dollar.

I'm willing to bet the label took what was ready and shoved it out to start recouping ASAP. Axl went into that epic huff and disappeared which proves he'd lost his place at the table where how GNR things would be done was decided.

I'm sure the label owns Axl's masters (as they do in 99% of cases) and "Atlas" or "The General" or any of the other "big guns" were ready they'd have been in there instead of "Scrapped" and "Rhiad". The label would have wanted the album to be stellar, to at least valiantly attempt to match the level of insane speculation that was swirling around it. Nobody with any hearing to speak of can say that "Scrapped", "Rhiad", "Sorry" and "Chinese" really stand up to the idea that they rightly took over a decade and twelve million bucks to craft, especially when fans knew that songs like SCOM were done in a day.

This is the proof that money NEVER make really legendary songs and therefore doesn't really neccesary (ok, equipment isvrequired but you can catch my drift)

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To expand a bit on what I wrote earlier: I think a case could be made that GN'R fans have a history of being gullible. Of course, Axl's erratic behaviour and the band's ridiculous dysfunctionality is largely to blame for newbie fans expecting too much. But in addition you have fans who expected "new guns" to rival the classic lineup, fans who expected that just because great talent was combined great music would result, fans who believed axl's words on when new music would come out, and etc. But lately I think the fan base has (diminished) and wised up. Massively wised up. People, in general, don't trust whatever they hear from the band anymore, people don't expect new music to take the world by storm like AFD did, people don't expect Gn'R to ever become the greatest rock band again. People have become less disillusioned andmuch, MUCH more realistic. I simply don't find this fan base more gullible anymore than other fans. So no, I don't agree. But at the same time the pendulum has swung. Now you have fans who almost seem to compensate for earlier positivism by being overly negative and dismissive of anything that could and should be construed as good news. Kids tend to be a bit black and white and the whole fan base comes off a bipolar at times. Slow cycle bipolar. And this defeatism is equally unrealistic, in my opinion, in addition to oozing unpleasantness rather than benign optimism. And I guess some of this is bitterness and failed expectations talking, but some is probably also caused by that interesting social dynamics where people tend to prefer to say things that will be welcomed (look at Facebook), rather than things that are plausible and resasonable yet not within the current "zeitgeist".

Finallly a poster who was capable of wording the EXACT definition of all GNR forums ever

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says.

So you agree with his statement that "I believe Axl has stopped working on new music" despite the very fact that Richard just said Axl was in the studio laying down vocals? :D This ties in veeeery nicely with what I said earlier about the pendulum having swung and members being unrealistically negative and cynical.


ProstituteComa became a gimmick cupcake and he is not funny anymore like Broski or any other shithead

South Americans suck at trolling and suck at being fans too

Edited by Motivation
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I believe Axl has stopped working on new music because he has lost control and support funding from his label.

Which would seem plausible except for the fact that he hasn't given any inclination of not wanting to release new music,

Think about that for a second..why would Axl admit such a thing? He's supposed to be an artist not a cabaret singer.

Not releasing music would be an admission of defeat considering the grand ambitions he so publicly shared about trilogies etc over the years.

Also, think about what's happened the last 6 years...

- Axl said "Don't know, don't care" when asked about new music. Sound like a man who enjoyed releasing CD 1?

- Pitman when asked about the whereabouts of new GNR music stated that there was no point in releasing music any more as you can't get paid - wonder where he got that stance from? The boss maybe?

- Bumble stated that this band have never made music together.

- Dizzy, GNRs longest surviving member doesn't even know if there is anything happening musically.

- The rumor mill was in overdrive saying that Axl was clearing house.

- Richard may be speaking the truth but Axl was in and out of studios for over a decade for CD with years of nothing to show...

Axl may not be saying it...he's not saying anything concrete at all as usual in fact..but the one fact is that the music business is clearly not to Axl's liking any more (his CD saga spoke to it many times) and he's a long way from the star he was..pair that together and roll the dice and I'd say I'd be amazed if we have anything new with this band by next year or at all.

Axl feeds off of grandiose gestures and huge scale but there's not a record company on Earth going to pay for him to have that...unless the old crew are back.

This is cherry picking of things that have happened. We also have Axl and band members talking about new music and releases. This combined with the other things I mentioned, particularly Richard comment on Axl being in the studio now working on new music, makes the statement that Axl has "stopped working on new music" implausible.

Richard's comments my bollocks...go back over how many times Richard has stated this kind of thing and nothing ever came of it.

Hence, I ignore band members talking about new music because they always do talk about new music and fuck all ever comes of it.

What other facts have I left out? I have cited facts that back up my position that I don't really believe Axl is coming back with new music any time soon.

Axl said "he was looking seriously at" the whole idea of new music - note the word "looking". Looking is not anything other than just that.

This is the guy who screamed "ROUND 1" when he first appeared with the new band at the MTV awards and then delivered nothing...for several years..

So, in summary I'm cherry picking nothing, just discounting the completely discredited and dis empowered bleatings of Axl employees who obviously know almost nothing about their own band.

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says.

So you agree with his statement that "I believe Axl has stopped working on new music" despite the very fact that Richard just said Axl was in the studio laying down vocals? :D This ties in veeeery nicely with what I said earlier about the pendulum having swung and members being unrealistically negative and cynical.


ProstituteComa became a gimmick cupcake and he is not funny anymore like Broski or any other shithead

South Americans suck at trolling and suck at being fans too

lol Crash Diet

lol "shithead"

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says. If Axl is recording vocals now, then the situation is worse than I imagined. Axl said the album is done. Unless he's working on another album, looks like CD2 is far from done.

The last six years have shown Axl has no interest in releasing new music. He might have claimed otherwise but his past actions speak louder to me.

You could turn it around though and look what happened to CD1. Yeah sure Dizzy, DJ and Richard have been talking about this new album for years now, but likewise CD1 was talked about for years. In the end it did come out and so I believe CD2 will be relased too.

even a stopped clock reads the correct time twice a day.

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Intercourse should win the best poster award. Really hard to disagree with what he says. If Axl is recording vocals now, then the situation is worse than I imagined. Axl said the album is done. Unless he's working on another album, looks like CD2 is far from done.

The last six years have shown Axl has no interest in releasing new music. He might have claimed otherwise but his past actions speak louder to me.

You could turn it around though and look what happened to CD1. Yeah sure Dizzy, DJ and Richard have been talking about this new album for years now, but likewise CD1 was talked about for years. In the end it did come out and so I believe CD2 will be relased too.

even a stopped clock reads the correct time twice a day.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

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