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Didn't Axl pretty much quit going to school when he became a junior? I am not sure where I got that idea from. The deep dusty recesses of my mind tells me that he pretty much quit school as a junior and attempted it again for a short time as a senior (possibly a different school?) then quit for good. He said something about preferring to go to the library to learn? If I'm remembering right then he would have been 16 or 17 when he quit school.

 (Your discussing school stirred my curiosity.)


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1 hour ago, sanity_lost said:

Didn't Axl pretty much quit going to school when he became a junior? I am not sure where I got that idea from. The deep dusty recesses of my mind tells me that he pretty much quit school as a junior and attempted it again for a short time as a senior (possibly a different school?) then quit for good. He said something about preferring to go to the library to learn? If I'm remembering right then he would have been 16 or 17 when he quit school.

 (Your discussing school stirred my curiosity.)

That's correct.

I think it's in the 1989 Rolling Stone interview:

Let's go back to your childhood. Were you a bad student?
No. On the placement tests in school, I was always in the top three percent. I dropped out in the eleventh grade, went back as a senior, then dropped out again.

Why did you drop out?
'Cause I couldn't make school work for me. I was having to read books, sing songs, draw pictures of things that didn't stimulate or excite me. It just didn't do anything for me. So I dropped out and started drawing and painting at home and spending a lot of my time in the library. Basically I started putting myself through Axl's school of subjects that I wanted to learn about.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/the-rolling-stone-interview-axl-rose-19890810#ixzz4AaOvrAuN 

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On 30.5.2016 at 7:45 PM, Lumikki said:

My mother tongue isn't English either by the way. It's German. Seems like we have a lot of non-native speakers here :heart:

WHAT? I was sure you are from Finland because of your username! 

1 hour ago, cheesecake said:

Welcome to the jungle. 

Aren't you afraid Apollo will penalize you for being here?:P:lol: j/k

Lol no :lol: Is he against us or what?

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19 hours ago, pinkforgirls said:

I went ahead and ordered the Marilyn because I like it's weirdness. I only wish for it to be cooler tho. Summer nights in Florida are blazing. <3

Sounds ideal for me - I'm in the sunny (sometimes) UK! Have a blast. 


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Ha Ha media thread has gone to pot without us, I've just read two pages of biscuits/cookies/scones.

Ive never read Stephens book, it always came across as bit a bit depressing.

I have read Duffs which I thought was really good, and I had a lot of respect for him at the end, Slash on the other side was more of a light read a little trashy in places not particularly insightfull but entertaining. 

As a whole I don't really like biographies,  I have read a few where I end up thinking, You know what I don't think I would like you very much if I met you.  So I've given Stephens a miss as I have read a lot of comments that he has a tendency to blame others for his misfortune, which I feel I would end up getting annoyed with. Opinions please.

Really gutted not going to see Axl/DC my husbands an AC/DC fan so we looked at it  but it's a Childcare issue with us. Never mind.


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Anyway I've always wondered why Axl said in an interview  that Slash's book was full of lies...I'm curious to know which lies Axl was referring to.

I know as Marc has said that Slash tells little lies to look cooler but surely he doesn't come across as someone who doesn't say the truth.  Also at the time the book came out there was still bad blood between them so probably Slash didn't feel too comfortably to talk about Axl.

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1 hour ago, Archtop said:

Ha Ha media thread has gone to pot without us, I've just read two pages of biscuits/cookies/scones.

Ive never read Stephens book, it always came across as bit a bit depressing.

I have read Duffs which I thought was really good, and I had a lot of respect for him at the end, Slash on the other side was more of a light read a little trashy in places not particularly insightfull but entertaining. 

As a whole I don't really like biographies,  I have read a few where I end up thinking, You know what I don't think I would like you very much if I met you.  So I've given Stephens a miss as I have read a lot of comments that he has a tendency to blame others for his misfortune, which I feel I would end up getting annoyed with. Opinions please.

Really gutted not going to see Axl/DC my husbands an AC/DC fan so we looked at it  but it's a Childcare issue with us. Never mind.


Loooool I instigated some of that biscuit thread. The differences in language and slang across countries always interests in me.

I read Duff's book a few weekends ago. I was pretty impressed with it (I lean more towards fiction). I kinda wished he had delved more into the AFD songwriting stuff. Though I understand he was probably hammered though a lot of that. I like how he cleaned up got healthy. He looks great now--fit and happy!

I wouldn't read Steven's book either for the same reasons. I place too high a premium on personal responsibility. 

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5 hours ago, Archtop said:

Ha Ha media thread has gone to pot without us, I've just read two pages of biscuits/cookies/scones.

Ive never read Stephens book, it always came across as bit a bit depressing.

I have read Duffs which I thought was really good, and I had a lot of respect for him at the end, Slash on the other side was more of a light read a little trashy in places not particularly insightfull but entertaining. 

As a whole I don't really like biographies,  I have read a few where I end up thinking, You know what I don't think I would like you very much if I met you.  So I've given Stephens a miss as I have read a lot of comments that he has a tendency to blame others for his misfortune, which I feel I would end up getting annoyed with. Opinions please.

Really gutted not going to see Axl/DC my husbands an AC/DC fan so we looked at it  but it's a Childcare issue with us. Never mind.


LOL! I think I threw in a post there. :)

I like Duff's books a lot. He's a wonderful writer with an engaging style (and he wrote his own book!), and I like that he's honest with and about himself. He also seems to consider others' perspectives objectively when he's talking about different incidents, which is cool.

Slash and Steven's books are more traditional ghostwritten memoirs, IMHO. Slash's has some interesting stories. I agree with the assessment that in Steven's book he really spends a lot of time building himself up and blaming others for everything that's happened, and it didn't strike me as being especially accurate or truthful.

I am not a fan of biographies overall, unless they're really, really well researched. A lot of the time they're skewered to one angle or another, they repeat things that aren't true, and you end up reading an interpretation which might or might not be accurate. I do like memoirs/autobiographies, though, if they're well written - in those cases you're getting the story directly from the person.

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