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Engineering a Reunion


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Mum, I have I told you lately that I'm really glad you're back?   ;)  They call us Axl fans like it's an insult or something.  I never denied it.  Did you?

Axl presented those songs to the band so he told Matt how he wanted the drums to sound. Duff's bass line would have to coordinate with the drums. Slash probably had to write his own guitar parts. Just like he did with Estranged, Axl thanked him for those guitar licks that he wrote for that song.

Well I imagine it'll be pretty much the same thing with the new stuff except it won't be Duff, Matt, and Slash.  But just as before it'll be what works with Axl's vision.  So what's the problem?  They're both Axl products.  Works for me. :)

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hi ther? i dl slash snekpit  and i tell you what i thing of it, it wes not bad but  if that is what slash has to over, i rather  not  want to see  slash  with AXL  back together  no way  man  AXL have a beter  vision  wher GNR is  going.  so sitt  back and chill  tell  chinese democracy  is out.   iam a AXL  fan.

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Axl's mum your are an Axl fan.

And you're not Da?

As I see it, you can be an Axl Rose fan AND you can (but not necessarily) be a GNR fan (new band or old).  But I don't think you can call yourself a GNR fan without being an Axl fan.

Myself, I'm both an Axl AND GNR fan.

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I am a fan of Guns N Roses with all the original members. And i think the main reason why Axl is keeping the name GnR is because he has some sort of animosity torwards the old members. I am a fan of Axl's music, but as a personality, i think he is the biggest a$$hole ever. He is a d*ckhead to his bandmates, he is a d*ckhead to his fans. The reason why he is keeping the band GnR is because he is being a d*ckhead. I think Slash should of whooped his a$$ at the Daytona Ohio show in 1992. (If you know what I am talking about.)

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... And i think the main reason why Axl is keeping the name GnR is because he has some sort of animosity torwards the old members...

Honey, are you smoking something? lol. Please share.

Axl assumed the legal rights to the GNR name while the original lineup was still together and touring.  This didn't happen AFTER the breakup. So your theory doesn't make sense.  

I mean, do you think that Axl had some psychic vision back then where he knew that the other band members were about to abandon him? And, so, in anticipation of this prophecy happening, he thought he would attain the rights to the GNR name - for one reason only according to your theory - just so that he could torment, irritate and punish those awful unloyal bandmates after they left?!    :o  Give me a break.

Call it a smart business decision on Axl's part. Call it stupidity or drug-induced apathy on the part of the other members. Call it whatever you like. But Axl legally owns the right to the GNR name. And, since he was the heart, the soul, the attitude, and spirit behind GNR, I have no problem with him exercising this right.  ;)

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some of the heart and soul but not all. I believe that they were all pieces to the big puzzle. None of us do not know what was going on while they were on tour. But from what I heard, they were not getting along even then. So yeah, Slash and everybody leaving was probably anticipated.

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It's true, there was a lot of talk about conflicts between the band members back when they were touring.  But if the wounds were truly that deep, and everyone was anticipating a breakup, then why did the other band members agree to sign over the rights to Axl?

And even if there had been thoughts of a possible breakup back then, I don't believe Axl went after the GNR rights out of spite. I think it was a smart business move on his part, but I also think it may have been his way of trying to keep the band together. (He was basically warning them that the GNR name would live on with or without them).

It wouldn't have been the first time he took an unusual step like that to keep the band going.  If you remember back around 1990 or so (before the UYI albums came out), Axl went on stage and threatened to quit if some of the band members didn't stop giving in to  ''Mr. Brownstone.'' In an interview later, he explained that some of them had become too wasted on heroin and he didn't want to continue if they didn't clean up abit.  And it worked.  

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the man loved this band, can you blame him?

i once read 'bout how Axl love this band so much so he wanna continue this band with or without help from the old gunners. And he's a good song written, i don't see the reason why he can't continue this band after everybody abonden him.

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Well I can't say that I am a 'new GNR' fan as I have not heard too much of the music nor a studio version to give an opinion. I must say that I am an 'Axl' fan or an 'old' GNR fan. I love the old music, as we all do, and I will give the new band a chance, regardless of what it is called.

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I remember the thing about the heroin situation. But that was to get everyone focused on being successful. But as far as the break up, i believe that everybody was focused. I think that Axl got too big headed with all of the sucess that he had a My Way or the Highway attitude.

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I think all of the members had healthy egos by the end of that tour, not just Axl.

And they didn't want Axl to continue to control the direction the band took.

So, they chose the highway  .. and just look where it took them - nowhere.

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Right, it took them nowhere, they should have been willing to follow Axl and his plans for the future. Yeah he had something different in mind for the band, but look at the differences in AFD and UYI I & II. They have different sound, but both are equally successfull. But I also think that Axl shouldn't have been so pig-headed about it. He might do excellent with this band, but he could have done years ago with the orginial members.

And we all know what's done is done, there's no going back and be satisfied with what we have right?

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If you actually go back and read all those posts, you're either probably really bored or are just way off your rocker.  I would just read the latest, like Docmagoo said

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Mark!   :)

I wouldn't bother with the beginning either Bi Polar.  That was pretty much just me rattling cages cause things were so boring around here.  And the argument doesn't change much.  Axl is brilliant and some of us would follow him anywhere.  Some on the other hand think he's a pig headed attention seeker with little or no talent.  Don't have to tell you what side I'm on I'm sure.  

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I am a fan of Guns N Roses with all the original members.

Da, let me point something out to you and others,  to try and show you guys that you are wasting your breath on this old and new thing.

Gnr have gone through a few different phases and there is one in particular that I should point out.  The original contained Adler, Izzy, etc.  For UYI, new drummer, Gilby joined at some point, etc.  Can't be bothered checking true dates and stuff but you know what I am talking about - CHANGE OF MUSICIANS.  So, my point is, you accepted these changes to the 'original' line up with no questions and still call them the original line up.  If you really want to be as antzy as you are being, then you should hold true love for the AFD days only.  Your arguments about this new band are extremely hypotricial - why can past changes in band members be ok and not now?

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Welcome BP, you raise some good points.

We haven't communicated much on the other board, it gives me the shi.ts these days so I don't say much but I like your style.  Also, whatever drugs you are on, do share!  ;)

Mum, I have I told you lately that I'm really glad you're back?     They call us Axl fans like it's an insult or something.  I never denied it.  Did you?

Cheers LW, never denied it!

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