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Discuss your thoughts of the leaked CD tracks ...


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With any other band or artist, I would tend to think of the "leaks" as just that: a mistake, something that they didn't want or didn't intend to happen. But with Axl Rose, I could beleive that he may actually be trying to do more than release an album. He may just be the evolution of music distribution as we know it today.

Now I don't expect you all to beleive this is what he's thinking, but I do beleive he could be capable of it. Just throw away the paradigm for a minute and think about this with an open mind. I'm not trying to pass this off as official, this is just my thoughts.

Think about it. Right now, the music comes from the artist and passes through how many middlemen to get to you and I as fans (record company, label, promotion and advertising, manufacturer of medium, shipping to distribution warehouses and stores, etc.) All those middlemen have to make money all along the way, which is why CDs cost what they do when we finally buy them. But what if you cut all that out, and put out music on the internet directly to people?

Now I'm not saying that these "demo leaks" constitute the final product and final delivery method of Chinese Democracy. But it's something to think about if an artist could find a way to get high quality music directly to fans over the internet: no compact discs to manufacture, no stores that have to be stocked with thousands of copies, no big promotion campaigns on TV or official "singles" released as videos on MTV or tracks sent to a radio station for "official" airplay. Think how happy Axl would be if he could release his material like that and how happy we would be to get it, both having spared the additional expense and hoopla we don't care about anyway.

Now internet distribution is nothing new. But having a loyal community that shops from an internet site is rare. Michael Dell said that an internet based industry needs three things: content, commerce, and community. For an artist like Axl, he has the content. Commerce would be getting into the hands of the fans: ie delivery method. With internet, Axl could throw away his record company and fire his marketing agents and managers because he wouldn't need them to strategise to release his content through normal mainstream media channels. The last thing, and the most important thing, is community. It just so happens we have a community here. We're a loyal fanbase, and we all stick around here because we're all interested in the same thing: Guns N Roses.

Imagine the possibilities of that type of model, and what it could do. It's happening already in other industries, and many companies are realizing the advantages and running to take part in order to stay competative. In the music industry, you could cut out all the bullshit and deliver from the studio right to the fans. Realize that the reason it doesn't work most times is because not many people are willing to change their thinking and go to a website rather than the store; there is no online community. Does anyone else see where this could lead? The capabilities are there, the community is here at MYGNR.

What Axl will do, no one but him knows. This is just my speculation, nothing more, but it does present an opportunity. What remains to be seen is whether or not the right person sees it.

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no inside info or anything on my part

but i could see Axl releasing his record with none of this music(leaks/demos) on it.

i know this cat has got to have some real awesome stuff just waiting in the wings.......

and I doubt very much that anyone has heard the "big guns" yet

maybe T.W.A.T will be on it but the rest ......

i dont think so.

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The album does have a lot of strong material so far.

Just think of the *hopefully* top secret shit that is being kept out of the hands of leakers that might blow all of this current music away. Never know, could go either way. But outside of SilkWorms, I have thoroughly enjoyed all other tracks (yes, even Rhiad).

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Just been listening to the 3 songs leaks alot.. and I have come to the conclusion that 0:54-1:06 of TWAT sounds really bad and is hopefully cleaned up before the actual release. I hope Axl is lsitening because TWAT is a great song except for that part. Regarding IRS at 0:14 is Axl's vocie and the guitar seem to not coexist very well. Sounds shit... the song is okay though, Not as good as BEtter or TWAT. K Now on to the best track.. Better.. the 2 minutes or so of this song just rocks and I love the guitar work at 1:22-1:28... Fuck that Radio station for saying the guitar playing is generic.. I think it sounds good where it needs to be. I wish i could hear the whole version I bet there is a monster of a solo in this song some where.

Anyways are any of you guys on board with my thoughts?

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Just been listening to the 3 songs leaks alot.. and I have come to the conclusion that 0:54-1:06 of TWAT sounds really bad and is hopefully cleaned up before the actual release. I hope Axl is lsitening because TWAT is a great song except for that part. Regarding IRS at 0:14 is Axl's vocie and the guitar seem to not coexist very well. Sounds shit... the song is okay though, Not as good as BEtter or TWAT. K Now on to the best track.. Better.. the 2 minutes or so of this song just rocks and I love the guitar work at 1:22-1:28... Fuck that Radio station for saying the guitar playing is generic.. I think it sounds good where it needs to be. I wish i could hear the whole version I bet there is a monster of a solo in this song some where.

Anyways are any of you guys on board with my thoughts?

no :ph34r:

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