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Discuss your thoughts of the leaked CD tracks ...


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After hearing all of the new material numerous times, I hate to say it, but I am worried that Chinese Democracy is not going to live up to expectations, not even close. Nothing so far has even come close to the epics from GNR's hayday. Even songs that weren't singles like Civil War, Locomotive, Breakdown, Dead Horse are better than anything Axl has been able to come up with by himself. While some of us on here will convince ourselves everything Axl does is genius, I am really worried that old GNR fans are going to HATE this new incarnation. Hate is a strong word, but when you replace all the original members of the biggest band of the 80's/90s and make people wait 14 years for a song like TWAT, there are going to be a lot of disappointed people.

Why you have to compare this songs to the old ones ? i mean as you seem to understand in your post this songs have a total different style , they have a different direction . Plus what you heard were only demos is not the final work on the cd . From the demos to the real cd a lot can change ;)

Ah the new band hatters ....yeah somehow to me you sound like one of them . Well not really hate , but you cant accept the old band is not together anymore . So you always need to compare the stuff the new band does to the original one .

Well if right from the start you dont give it a chance you will never be able to like it . Because you listen to the new stuff saying "hmm this migh be good but will never be as good as before"

I do find beautiful your love for the old band , but unfortunally the other guys are not there anymore . I know i would love to see the old band together, but thats not the reality ...so i just try to enjoy the new material this guys can give to us that is actually pretty good (in my opinion)


To say Slash's absence is killing this new band is an understatement. None of these new solos do anything for me...They just come and go on the songs, but nothing is soulful the way Slash's solos used to be. I am very worried for Axl, very worried.

Well this is a big proof of what i said . Slash isnt there anymore you cant expect to have the same kind of guitar solos . Do you want to see any of the new guy trying to be smilar to him ? dont think so, that is not create music

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Steven is perfectly fine, hes on tour right now with his band Adler's Appetite. He's not like he was in the VH1 behind the music, he can speak fine and hes normal now. As far as the other guys go I dont think the VR guys would want to leave their current situation especially leavin Weiland out to dry. But that would be nice now wouldnt it

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Basically, I disagree with everything said by Kaneda.

I think these demos are very good and show a lot of potential. In my opinion, a song like There Was A Time can become a classic just like November Rain, as long as they do everything right in the studio (mixing, etc.).

And besides, this is a new sound and a new band, so I don't know why you (and some others) expect to hear something like Paradise City or Welcome To The Jungle. Those kind of songs will never happen again, not even if the Appetite band was still together.

Finally, I don't miss Slash. He was great back in his GN'R days, but nowadays I haven't heard him do anything special. Even his work on the song Street Child, which is very praised by his fans, hasn't blown me away. It's good, but nothing out of the extraordinary.

Just my opinion.

By the way, I just hope you don't start making new threads every day, like you used to. :rolleyes:

Just ask a mod to pin one of your threads and name it ''Kaneda's teachings'', since you seem to think you are the one who knows everything that's going on, and what everyone thinks... :)

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some things never change

1) Kaneda..for many years u complained about the lack of events and things..now u got festivals confirmed.... songs leaked..rumors of a soon release that will happen...still not happy.... i guess kaneda will always complain..

2) You guys wanted him back...well u got him..this is kaneda...

3)Kaneda's posts were always quite popular with replies telling him how pissed off people are...

some things never change i guess :rofl-lol:

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The Illuision albums had some GREAT songs but they also had their share of turds. (My World, Shotgun, Blues, Right Next Door to Hell, Dust N' Bones, etc). I personall like the 2.5 songs we've heard from the new album and think that if this is a sign of what's to come, GNR will rule the charts.

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It's been a few month's but now that there is actually something concrete to discuss instead of mere speculation, I thought I would drop my two cents in about the leaked material. I've listened to the material all day long and here is my initial response:

14 years and the most expensive album ever for this? These songs are good, very different from GNR of old, but nothing earth shattering here or even revolutionary...

I found the songs very innovative and modern. He wasn't afraid to push the envelope when it comes to sound, which is cool and far more courageous and bold than other bands trying to play rock today who take the safe approach and just replicate the sound that worked 10 years ago.

So yes, I think the songs do break new ground and take a new direction - a more modern approach to rock than his days with the old band. He's always been that way -- always progressing - just as he did between AFD and the Illusions.

For me, the tracks are better than I had hoped, and I commend him.

.. T.W.A.T. : Most disappointing of them all. I really expected so much from this song as it has been tauted for such a long time as a hit by those that have heard it, but man, it's a sporadic mess. It's too chaotic, the music is going in 5 different directions at the same time. Too much layering of music ontop of music. Listen to it again, Axl gets so lost in all of the music fighting for attention...

It's a demo dude. His voice won't be lost or overpowered by instruments in the final mix. It's a demo! As someone suggested earlier -- listen to the demo from November Rain -- and then listen to the final product -- and tell us again how Axl's voice was "lost" in the final mix.

.. Nothing memorable here. After hearing it 10 times, I still can't recall a memorable line or solo worthy of Guns N Roses. ..

I honestly can't figure out how you can describe these songs as "disappointing" or not 'memorable."

... Oh wait - yes I can -- you're still hoping that Axl will live out your life-long dream and call you out at one of his shows for all of your Axl-trashing posts on the forums. Well - he won't. Get over it dude.

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It's been a few month's but now that there is actually something concrete to discuss instead of mere speculation, I thought I would drop my two cents in about the leaked material. I've listened to the material all day long and here is my initial response:

14 years and the most expensive album ever for this? These songs are good, very different from GNR of old, but nothing earth shattering here or even revolutionary...

I found the songs very innovative and modern. He wasn't afraid to push the envelope when it comes to sound, which is cool and far more courageous and bold than other bands trying to play rock today who take the safe approach and just replicate the sound that worked 10 years ago.

So yes, I think the songs do break new ground and take a new direction - a more modern approach to rock than his days with the old band. He's always been that way -- always progressing - just as he did between AFD and the Illusions.

For me, the tracks are better than I had hoped, and I commend him.

.. T.W.A.T. : Most disappointing of them all. I really expected so much from this song as it has been tauted for such a long time as a hit by those that have heard it, but man, it's a sporadic mess. It's too chaotic, the music is going in 5 different directions at the same time. Too much layering of music ontop of music. Listen to it again, Axl gets so lost in all of the music fighting for attention...

It's a demo dude. His voice won't be lost or overpowered by instruments in the final mix. It's a demo! As someone suggested earlier -- listen to the demo from November Rain -- and then listen to the final product -- and tell us again how Axl's voice was "lost" in the final mix.

.. Nothing memorable here. After hearing it 10 times, I still can't recall a memorable line or solo worthy of Guns N Roses. ..

I honestly can't figure out how you can describe these songs as "disappointing" or not 'memorable."

... Oh wait - yes I can -- you're still hoping that Axl will live out your life-long dream and call you out at one of his shows for all of your Axl-trashing posts on the forums. Well - he won't. Get over it dude.

i wanted to say the EXACT same thing - but for some reason - it sounds better coming from you!!!

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It's been a few month's but now that there is actually something concrete to discuss instead of mere speculation, I thought I would drop my two cents in about the leaked material. I've listened to the material all day long and here is my initial response:

14 years and the most expensive album ever for this? These songs are good, very different from GNR of old, but nothing earth shattering here or even revolutionary...

I found the songs very innovative and modern. He wasn't afraid to push the envelope when it comes to sound, which is cool and far more courageous and bold than other bands trying to play rock today who take the safe approach and just replicate the sound that worked 10 years ago.

So yes, I think the songs do break new ground and take a new direction - a more modern approach to rock than his days with the old band. He's always been that way -- always progressing - just as he did between AFD and the Illusions.

For me, the tracks are better than I had hoped, and I commend him.

I honestly can't figure out how you can describe these songs as "disappointing" or not 'memorable."

... Oh wait - yes I can -- you're still hoping that Axl will live out your life-long dream and call you out at one of his shows for all of your Axl-trashing posts on the forums. Well - he won't. Get over it dude.

I agree with this post.

And fuck all the bashers who bash because deep down they want something they can't have,the old band.

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Weren't you saying this band does not Exist? :lol: ...there is no record!

You want a CD to blow you way?....you should have a better luck with a suicide vest.... that should sound better when it explodes your ass to pieces!

BTW- you're the same ol' lil bitch who never stop complaining about Axl....no matter what he does!....Your opinion means nothing!....and if Slash would have played them solos, you would have screamed Hail-Marry!

Keneda, admit it son.....I bet you cant wait to buy Ch-D.....


You know Kaneda, why don't you just admit you fucked up instead of trying to still diss Axl Rose. It's okay to make a mistake and own up to it. No one is going to fault you for that if you are just honest instead of trying to judge the greatest frontman of rock who mind you can still kick ass. You know damn well Axl will get the last laugh in all of this.

Edited by Just_a_little_patience
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2 year old demos Kaneda, please remember that.

I support Guns n' Roses. Whats the point in comparing to the old stuff. Think of that as a phase Axl went through, he does what he wants.

Edit- You dont even use the word "demo" at all in your whole essay of a post

First off, i pretty much disagree with Kanedas assessments of the new stuff BUT....

There are alot of excuses being made for the new stuff and there needn't be.

The music was worked on considerably and mixed too, which makes sense considering Axl said he doesn't do vocals until the music is up to his standards. Axl said he doesn't work on the vocals until the music is finalized. minor changes aside this is probably more than likely the sound of the band. The vocals sound like they were scratch vocals i agree with that.

You can tell alot from these songs. Like how Axl will sing them. In his new higher pitched voice in the case of IRS, it may be more polished but it will be in that pitch.

I think we should remember that there are 26 songs so none of these may make the album and if they do they may not be in the form we heard live either. Chinese democracy is the title track so i assume that's the only one assured to make the first album.

And it wouldn't be the the first time a band didn't put the title track on the album.

The Doors did it with the album Waiting For The Sun,the title track was on a different album.

Absolutely, i thought of houes of the holy with Zeppelin which wasn't on HOH but physical graphitti. Great observation FF.

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I was going to start this topic myself, and I mostly just lurk.

This literally HAS to be the first single, or the second at the latest. The hook is just so damn catchy, so it will grab in the teenyboppers and the casual fans. The lyrics (so far) are classic Axl, relateable and excellent. And the music is just so damn different, not just from Guns, but from anything I think I have heard, and as I said, it sticks with you. I played the song for friends like two times Friday, and Sunday they were still humming it.

The song would literally destroy anything that gets radio play today.

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The Illuision albums had some GREAT songs but they also had their share of turds. (My World, Shotgun, Blues, Right Next Door to Hell, Dust N' Bones, etc). I personall like the 2.5 songs we've heard from the new album and think that if this is a sign of what's to come, GNR will rule the charts.

Righ Next Door to Hell and Dust N' Bones turds :unsure: ??? i think not.................... imo

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While your post is well-written and well-reasoned, Kaneada, it just boils down to different strokes. The musical "chaos" in TWAT can be easily attributed to it's demo status - We've got the general idea of the song, and the blueprint - And in my opinion, that much sounds terrific. The mix does indeed suck, but again - Demo.

As for the lack of good guitar solos - I know I'm in the minority, but the guitar solos in TWAT are among my absolute favorites ever. Listening to Contraband, I just find myself bored with Slash's soloing style - It has it's place, but the guy is content to do the same thing again and again. Even on well-liked songs like Don't Cry, I find myself bored with that "soulful" style of soloing - It just sounds typical and conventional.

The solos in songs like The Blues and TWAT display a ton of emotion, invention, and creativity, and hit me as hard as Slash's classic ones.

But again, different strokes.

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I think it would be cool if they released singles in the order that GN'R fans heard them.....

Chinese Democracy (the first Vegas song to surface)

then The Blues (came out about a week after CD if I remember)

then Madagascar (RIR3)

then IRS (April Fools demo)

then Better

then There Was A Time

That is, of course, provided these are the best of the new album. For all we know, EVERY single the band chooses to release could easily be songs we haven't heard (Catcher in the Rye, Seven, This I Love, Prostitute, and The General?).

Also, I agree with whoever said The Blues is a #1 single waiting to happen. I think it gets underappreciated on here because we mostly see things from a rock/metal perspective. The Blues is the one song we've heard from GN'R that can dominate the pop stations as well, which is the main way to run up the charts. I could really see this song being even bigger than SCOM. Now, this isn't to suggest that popularity is the end-all measure of a song's success.... I'm just saying that The Blues is a song which should gain a lot of universal appeal.

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This is the most excited I have ever been about a new album, I feel as though history is going to be made this summer (if the cd gets released). I mean from the songs that have been leaked, it seems as though this cd is going to possibly change the musical landscape, and we are here to support it from the get go. I would honestly not be surpsised if a lot of current bands get swept aside for new bands trying to copy the new gun n roses style, in an attempt for labels to cash in. If this does happen, how do you think axl will handle it all? Will he just say f*** it and go in hiding, possibly embrace it and tour a lot and push himself harder for another album, or may this possibly be his final cd, and he will just kind of not care and do minor touring and go on with his life...

I am just excited for this cd, and hope these songs are a sign of things to come.

Btw while this is my first post, I have been browsing these boards for a long time, just to say.

Edited by frunko1
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They should do something different, do a dual single relase at the same time. Maybe release a song like the blues, or better along side a song thats fast and hard ala garden of eden, so they can capture both sides of the fanbase in one big hit, and at the same time, wouldn't it be cool to be listening to the top 40 and the top 2 songs are gnr songs, or haha turn on trl and see a bunch of teenies sitting around watching 2 gnr videos.

Just an idea.

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