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So now that he can sing again


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Do u think he spent 05 re-recording the vocals...

Because the vocals on the leaks are really weak..

Exept Better And its clearly thats from after the 02 tour

They arent weak and in reality you havent got a clue when the demo of Better was recorded.

And no I dont think he spend 05 re-recording the vocals.

Edited by .Seal
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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

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i prefer the leaks from 99 just sound better

Me too. I find his voice sounds stronger and more defined. I'm not sure if that is because of a stronger voice or if it's because the other ones have the intruments drowning out his voice.


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You think he chose to sound the way he did at the VMA's? I think the last thing he wanted to sound was like that. he had the presence and the charisma still but he sang like an out of breath has-been. He gave it his all but that performance was an example (no matter how earht shattering it was at the time) of how much better Guns would do it nowadays if they had the opportunity. They OWNED that stage even with a lacklustre performance because of the songs they sang and Ax's Charisma. Now with the addition of bbf i rreckon they could kill radio city.

I think axl spen tthe years between 02 and 06 being vocally coached and getting the band to gel into the solid rock outfirt we see today.

Edited by Graeme
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You think he chose to sound the way he did at the VMA's? I think the last thing he wanted to sound was like that. he had the presence and the charisma still but he sang like an out of breath has-been. He gave it his all but that performance was an example (no matter how earht shattering it was at the time) of how much better Guns would do it nowadays if they had the opportunity. They OWNED that stage even with a lacklustre performance because of the songs they sang and Ax's Charisma. Now with the addition of bbf i rreckon they could kill radio city.

I think axl spen tthe years between 02 and 06 being vocally coached and getting the band to gel into the solid rock outfirt we see today.

No he dident want to sound like he did on the vma`s....Who the hell thinks that?

The show was awsome, there was so much energy it was great. But the voice...Idident

hear it was Axl.

And If u put on IRS f.ex to your nabor he will never be able to say its guns n roses,

not because IRS are different from the old guns because this good easly been on illusion.

But hes voice, its weak.

Axl knows

hes the best frontman because of hes many voices and the stage apperence.(ofcourse great lyric melodys)

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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

Dead on.

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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

Dead on.


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Do u think he spent 05 re-recording the vocals...

Because the vocals on the leaks are really weak..

Exept Better And its clearly thats from after the 02 tour

They arent weak and in reality you havent got a clue when the demo of Better was recorded.

And no I dont think he spend 05 re-recording the vocals.

Who cares, as long as the album sounds good?

But anyway, he probably re-recorded vocals (perhaps not in 05). What else has he beeing doing since 98?

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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

Dead on.


You guys are seriously fucked in the head if you think Axl CHOSE to sing the way he did in 2002. It's a simple fact: he had no voice, that's why he sounded like that.

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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

Dead on.


What planet are you guys on?!! He sang in 2002 like that, because that’s the best he could do at that time!

My guess is he hadn’t sang for a while and ‘lost’ his raspy voice. If you don’t use the rasp then it will go and you need o build it up again. You could hear that in MSG 2002 that his voice was starting to get better, slightly more rasp, more power.

I think that he has been singing and practising his vocals, maybe with the aid of a vocal coach, to build up the strength of his voice for this tour.

If you think Axl would choose to sing like he did in 2002 then you are in denial BIG TIME, and you need to realise Axl isn’t super-human! It frightens me sometimes people believe this bullshit….


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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

Dead on.


What planet are you guys on?!! He sang in 2002 like that, because that’s the best he could do at that time!

My guess is he hadn’t sang for a while and ‘lost’ his raspy voice. If you don’t use the rasp then it will go and you need o build it up again. You could hear that in MSG 2002 that his voice was starting to get better, slightly more rasp, more power.

I think that he has been singing and practising his vocals, maybe with the aid of a vocal coach, to build up the strength of his voice for this tour.

If you think Axl would choose to sing like he did in 2002 then you are in denial BIG TIME, and you need to realise Axl isn’t super-human! It frightens me sometimes people believe this bullshit….


Now that's dead on.

I also just said this like 2 post above. The reason he sang like that in 2002 is because he couldn't sing any better. He obviously has been working hard to get his voice back in shape.

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Am I the only one who like hes 01'/02' voice?

Dude you'd like Axl if he sang opera with a backup band of moustachioed italian eunuchs. His 01 02 voice SUCKED. The band and his Presence were good. His voice was far from it.

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i just don't know what to think on that one.

the difference is huge. how can a voice deteriorate so badly and build up so great so quickly??

thats why a lot of people assume he chose to sing that way.

The voice works like a muscle, you can build the strength back up in the matter of a couple months. Just like working out, you start to see (on average) a cahnge after six weeks (of working out). A couple months for the voice and it's good to go, from then on you just keep it up.

The other part I don't see anyone really looking at is the fact that it's not just the strength of the voice but also the cardio shape, that made more of a difference in 2002 than anything. Yea, his voice was weak in tone too but the guy was out of breath BAD. That will (and has) get better as he tours and is running around on stage a lot as he does. The things that really affect this are the smoking, weight, lack of exercise.

He's still short of breath sometimes but not nearly as bad. It does look like he's going off stage for oxygen a lot. If he droped 10 pounds, quit smoking the cigars and started walking or running a few times a week, his performance would greatly improve.

But WTF, it's rock n' roll :shades:

Edited by mcalldp
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There is little doubt in my mind that Axl has been able to pull of the rasp since the 80s. But in 2002 he choose to try and be something he's not. Just sing with a high pitch clean sound. Unfortunate for him it was a major set back.

And I do think he originally planned that the "micky mouse on helium" voice would be on chinese democracy. But he changed that after the reveiws and talk on the net after 2002.

I also think he was exploring that option becouse it don't wear out and damages his voice as much as the rasp does.

Dead on.


You guys are seriously fucked in the head if you think Axl CHOSE to sing the way he did in 2002. It's a simple fact: he had no voice, that's why he sounded like that.

I think this could have been a little bit of a choice. When Axl was heavier, and out of stage shape, if you listen to his speaking voice, it is generally higher than his normal pitch. Now that he has lost some weight, and has been performing regularily, his speaking voice seems to be back at its normal low level, and he seems to have pretty much the meat of his old range back. I think 2002 was part expiramentation, and part adaptation to his body's state at the time. Now that he is back in touring shape, as long as he doesnt start having throat problems, which still only generally effect the rasp, he should be able to maintain his normal range, and will keep kicking out killer performances.

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Am I the only one who like hes 01'/02' voice?

Dude you'd like Axl if he sang opera with a backup band of moustachioed italian eunuchs. His 01 02 voice SUCKED. The band and his Presence were good. His voice was far from it.

I liked his voice back then, I think it really fitted the new songs, and some old.

Its not his best voice, the one he got now is much, much better.

But I like it, what are ya gonna do about it?

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