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Canadian GnR shows edging towards a sell out!


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Halifax is completely SOLD OUT...not even single tickets left!

Edmonton..floors sold out,all that's left is rear view,stands

Calgary..SOLD OUT,scattered singles on the upperlevel only

Winnipeg.. floors sold out,scattered singles left...pairs available only on level 3

Toronto ..floors sold out,level one pairs at back of arena only,mid and low level price - pairs 3/4 of the way back only.

Ottawa..100 and 200 levels sold out,300 level pairs (mid price) rear view stands only,low level price..pairs in the rafters only.Still some g/a available.

Quebec City..pairs and singles (back of arena only)..g/a still available.

Damn inpressive so far!!

Canadian Gunners..still representing!! :shades:

Edited by zint61
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actually...some of the U.S. shows I checked,are selling better than certain people would like us to believe. ;)

no no bro i totally agree, but in cali that have shows in bakersfield, fresno, oakland, sacramento, and like 3 in l.a., i just think that if they substituted a few of the shows then they would surely have sell outs instead of near sell outs.

yea i love how folks here are so negative about ticket sales, and then BOOM #1 on pollstar.

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ha, full booked shoes in Europe and Canada! :)

whats wrong with you yanks? :P

Too much competition in the US. There are lots of other bands touring at the moment, playing 20 year old songs. Def Leppard and Journey are doing pretty good on their joint tour in the US.

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Significantly rockin' news! Guns have to release a single and this whole fuckin' thing will explode.

exactly...this whole thing is going to go right through the roof!

Try getting tickets after it does! ;)

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actually...some of the U.S. shows I checked,are selling better than certain people would like us to believe. ;)

Exactly. People seem to enjoy making it out that this tour isn't selling very well. From what i've observed, it's selling just fine.

Not every show will be a sell out. To sell the amount they're selling, they're doing very well. People need to stop inventing reasons to bring this band down. ;)

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the yanks show clearly by their top 10 crap and whatnot, that if theres not a computer playing the music or some useless posuer at the helm, they wont listen to it, esp when the 'artist' has no real talent or ability and basically relys on everyone else BUT themselves to make the music 'listenable'. its not much different from the movie situation....'lets go back 20 years and remake everything we did that was really good or at least original then, and do it now, cause everyone will buy it now, AGAIN!' :P not much is original anymore...or even talented...

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Halifax is completely sold out...not even single tickets left!

Edmonton..floors sold out,all that's left is rear view,stands

Calgary..floors sold out,all that's left is rear view,stands

Winnipeg.. floors sold out,scattered singles left...pairs available only on level 3

Toronto ..floors sold out,level one pairs at back of arena only,mid and low level price - pairs 3/4 of the way back only.

Ottawa..100 and 200 levels sold out,300 level pairs (mid price) rear view stands only,low level price..pairs in the rafters only.Still some g/a available.

Quebec City..pairs and singles (back of arena only)..g/a still available.

Damn inpressive so far!!

Canadian Gunners..still representing!! :shades:

Lets just face reality...Americans generally have bad tastes in

1. Presidents (where do I start?)

2. Celebrities (Paris Hilton)

3. Music ( long live what? Anthrax?)


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There are only two single seats available, all the doubles, even behind the stage have sold out. So I guess that counts as a sellout huh?

Not bad, with no promotion at all. If you didn't listen to the radio, you probably wouldn't have even heard about it.

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