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Mass Effect is much better.

Bioshock is one of the most overrated games in recent memory for me. Buy COD4 or Orange Box if you want an amazing FPS.

Yeah I'll be getting both of them, I hope COD4 is better than the tiny exposure I've had of it (played a multiplayer and had no idea what was going on, it was my first time playing an Xbox), and my computer has never been good enough for Half Life 2, so I'm looking forward to Orange Box. Mass Effect it is, I'll trust your judgement ;)

Mass Effect has a roleplaying element.

So be warned.

It can get a bit boring choosing what the guy has to say. Did this make any difference?? On the second time through nothing seems to change.

If You want a brutal shooter get COD4 - everyone's got that one. Everyones playing it online.

BioShock is more of a movie and was fun to play solo but has no online mode. Disturbing really.

You have to get Gears its the law.

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I hired out Gears of War and it was pretty like "meh". I can see the potential in it but I was bored of the single player after about an hour (I was playing co-op too and that's always fun), the multiplayer seemed pretty fun too, but I never had a chance to play it on Live. I love Burnout though, always have, the Showtime mode in it is more than worth getting the game for, it's so ridiculously fun, I love unrealistic driving games. Maybe I might kick out Halo if you convince me, because I've been pretty unimpressed with it really, except for the Rocket Races which are fun.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

Gears of war? and you call bioshock over rated... check your ratings again please.

Cliffy B created what is perhaps the most shallow game I've ever played. There is nothing more to it.

Bioshock on the other hand has so many ridiculous levels of depth that it ranks in my all times greatest list.

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Mass Effect has a roleplaying element.

So be warned.

I need at least one good story game, Mass Effect seems to be the one. 

@Ridin' - :lol: maybe so. Gears really didn't leave an effect on me either though...so I don't know. Has it got an online multiplayer or what? That could be interesting to play (I can just play Halo 1 and I would barely tell the difference between it and 3, except that Halo 1 has better multiplayer levels).

Edited by FunkyMonk
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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Remember, Funky, Jack is always wrong with gaming opinions. This should be all you need to convince you.

well if having culture and refined tastes opposes to your "majestic" point of view, and you'd consider it as wrong, that's up to you.

I base my stuff on fact and knowledge.

I'm trying to keep my game bashing at a minimal, but when I see such ridiculously stupid statements like "gears of war is better than bioshock" I just have to intervene.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Bioshock has a better story.

Gears is more fun to play. Thus Gears > Bioshock.

And yes, Funky, Gears has awesome multiplayer. It's the single player campaign that really stands out for me, though.

You are perhaps the only person I've heard say that. The GOW multiplayer is dead at that since everyone has moved over to better online multiplayer experiences (Halo 3 and COD4.)

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

well, honestly, I dislike both. However, halo has the edge, since it has the endless multiplayer experience.

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Do you have Project Gotham Racing 4 or Dirt?

I assume that's for me? I don't have any games, that's why I'm being careful picking my first 5 games, something that shows me my money wasn't wasted on this Xbox.

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gears of war isn't great. its good, but without the huge ammount of hype and money microsoft pumped into publicity, it wouldn't have sold as well. it is a good game, multiplayer is now dead, but its not brilliant. i'd much more reccomend COD4 and the Orange box (don't buy the orange box on ps3 if anyone with a ps3 is reading)

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Bioshock has a better story.

Gears is more fun to play. Thus Gears > Bioshock.

And yes, Funky, Gears has awesome multiplayer. It's the single player campaign that really stands out for me, though.

You are perhaps the only person I've heard say that. The GOW multiplayer is dead at that since everyone has moved over to better online multiplayer experiences (Halo 3 and COD4.)

IMO Gears multiplayer is great, but not many play it anymore, thats its only downfall.

still a great game.

Halo3 is very good too, i really like it. multiplayer is very good.

I have both games, i probably play halo more for one reason, there is always loads online.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
And my computer has never been good enough for Half Life 2, so I'm looking forward to Orange Box.

What PC you playing on, jeez?

I understand that you may want to appreaciate it more, but it isn't that spec intensive.

my pc can't run it either, not everyone cares for pc games.

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And my computer has never been good enough for Half Life 2, so I'm looking forward to Orange Box.

What PC you playing on, jeez?

I understand that you may want to appreaciate it more, but it isn't that spec intensive.

my pc can't run it either, not everyone cares for pc games.

So, you're telling me Jack that you do not have:

1) 1.2 GHz processor

2) 256 MB RAM

3) DirectX 7 level graphics card

And an Internet connection

You on an atari or something?

My old Tiny PC had better specs than that, and that was probably out like 10 years ago.

Jesus, how do you get by?

*Edit - Oh wait, you're on a Mac, my bad. Someone's missing out.

Edited by The Sandman
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Guest Jack_the_ripper

I do also have a pc aside from my macbook.

It has a shit graphics card.

Don't get me wrong, my macbook could EASILY run that, I just don't care for pc games, or fps at that. People don't move that stiffly in real life, therefore it's failing at what it's meant to accomplish.

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I do also have a pc aside from my macbook.

It has a shit graphics card.

Don't get me wrong, my macbook could EASILY run that, I just don't care for pc games, or fps at that. People don't move that stiffly in real life, therefore it's failing at what it's meant to accomplish.

Mine has a 5200GT, which is like five years old. It runs it very well (well, used to - although not as well as I would've liked -_-)

Your Macbook probably could, depends, as it isn't designed to run on there and some games don't work. I'm sure that one probably would though.

And, I wouldn't call it stiff at all, ragdoll certainly counteracts thatt.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
I do also have a pc aside from my macbook.

It has a shit graphics card.

Don't get me wrong, my macbook could EASILY run that, I just don't care for pc games, or fps at that. People don't move that stiffly in real life, therefore it's failing at what it's meant to accomplish.

Mine has a 5200GT, which is like five years old. It runs it very well (well, used to - although not as well as I would've liked -_-)

Your Macbook probably could, depends, as it isn't designed to run on there and some games don't work. I'm sure that one probably would though.

And, I wouldn't call it stiff at all, ragdoll certainly counteracts thatt.

I'm talking about the fact that it's meant to be a simulation of you holding a gun and shooting. I mean, you don't move your entire body for that, tilt your head and the such, but you can't do that in games (you can to an extent on the wii). Plus, your not always looking at what your shooting either. All this leads to a very arcade experience, and it doesn't achieve what it's meant to do.

More so, just join the army if you want amazing graphics.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Yeah or just buy a real Ferrari if you want to experience a good driving sim. Gran Turismo doesn't achieve what it's meant to there.

You really are a moron.

Gran Turismo is a good simulation of reality though. Things react as they should.

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