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Everything posted by SoulMonster

  1. I don't think State of Grace needs a solo. I like the guitars as they are. And the vocals in the second half are mind-blowing. Not very easy to hear what he is singing, so a new vocal take would probably be needed.
  2. Here's my chapter on why they ended up with three guitarists and how they split the parts between them: (55) 25. AUGUST 2004-MAY 2006: FINALIZING CHINESE DEMOCRACY; LAWSUITS; RETURN TO NYC (a-4-d.com)
  3. If you can't help but feel let down when things don't go as expected then you should avoid getting excited to begin with. I think I am able to feel some excitement but still kind of keep it in check because I know deep inside that it will most likely not happen. Thus I am saved feeling disappointed yet I don't get to feel the highs from expecting something. I do get happy when things happen, though. I just don't get to feel much excitement before it happens. But even if you take my position, which is basically to never expect something, you still don't have to be a downer and rain on other's parade (not talking about you, just in general). I mean, it is one thing to kind of kindly help to adjust expectations somewhat to prevent people from being too disappointed, and to ridicule or mock those who believe. But yeah, it is s fine line to walk if you want to be a reasonably content GN'R fan.
  4. Here's what I think has happened: The band obviously wants to release more of the unreleased CD songs, that's clear from everything Slash has said. They were then working on releasing Perhaps this year but didn't want to make an early announcement of it impending release without a release date, although Duff vaguely mentioned that we could hear news within a couple of weeks, which could be about anything. As the band was preparing for the release, Tom Mayhue kind of spoke out of turn - the band had no intention of announcing anything - and media went with it. It was still too soon to make an announcement for the band because they wasn't sure on when the exact release date was gonna be. What were they going to say, "Yes, erm, as Mayhue pointed out, we are going to release a new song, we just don't know when"? So while we started to get excited about the release of Perhaps, the band continued to work out the arrangements and ended up on a tentative release date of August 11, with promotion/marketing being prepared to actually announce this release some days prior. Unfortunately, we figured this date out before it was ready to be announced, because the band needed some extra time to finalize it. The band is now not going to publicly say that the release has been postponed, because the actual release isn't even publicly disclosed yet. They will finalize the arrangements and then they will either make an announcement in advance, or just drop the single. Hopefully, whatever is left to be arranged will be minor and we get to hear Perhaps next week.
  5. If the single wasn't to be released at all, like ever, then I think the band should make some kind of announcement (even though no one in the band has stated a single was to be released now, that came from Tom Mayhue, and Duff just talked vaguely about "news"). But if we are just talking about a small delay here, like a week, then the band doesn't have to make an announcement about this postponement, because they have never officially announced the release to begin with so there is nothing to clarify or correct. Hopefully a announcement about the imminent release will come in not long, or they decide to just spring it on us without any announcement at all. In either case, we are very close to get a new single from GN'R. Cheers, don't brood over the fact that we happened to find out that the band originally had a tentative plan to release the single some days earlier than it will eventually be released. Be happy that they haven't given up on releasing music altogether, even if it is years between each single song they put out.
  6. Well, it makes sense when they also don't mention Weiland or Kushner.
  7. The band doesn't need anything, they do just fine. The fanbase, on the other hand, definitely need someone to put things in perspective when it is starting to unravel at the seems over something as trivial as a band that doesn't release much music. I wouldn't call it being an apologetic, though. And although not releasing much music is entirely normal, the communication is truly piss poor
  8. Yeah, it has mostly been a problem since 1994. But still, the single is obviously coming and since something delayed it's release on the 11th it is likely to be just around the corner. I have no doubts. I am afraid it has diminished a bit. Still, it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to play it live before they release it. Always hope, never expect.
  9. Yes, it was I get what you mean, but no, it is surely not coming out this week, let's wait for a release new week instead.
  10. Many bands stop releasing new music and just continue touring (if they have the audiences) or break up. There is nothing dramatic about this, it is quite common. Fortunately for us, GN'R is not such a band. Well, not entirely, since they do the odd release now and then, whether it is singles that most haven't heard (like Shadow of Your Love or Hard Skool) or live music (like old UYI era shows or more recent shows). We all would like them to release more but it doesn't make sense to paint GN'R as some weird anomaly in the world of music because they focus on touring.
  11. Hmm? I think Chinese Democracy is a better album than Use Your Illusion I and Use Your Illusion II and that is purely because I am a fan of the music, it has nothing to do with any of the band members, including Axl. I like to think I am that objective. That being said, I think the Illusions contain some really good individual songs, but also too many duds, and as an album they are terribly disjointed and all over the place. CD also contains great songs (There Was A Time, Better, Madagascar, Shackler's Revenge) and some duds (If The World, Scraped, This I Love) but is more cohesive and overall better album, in my humble opinion. That's just a personal opinion but I disagree it has anything with me being a fan of the band members. Furthermore, although I vastly prefer Appetite for Destruction to any of the other GN'R albums, including Chinese Democracy, I have no issues with Tommy prophesizing that at some point Chinese Democracy will be considered the best GN'R album. When all us who lived through these albums have died out and people judge them entirely objectively, who knows what album will stand out to these people of the future? Personally, I think Appetite will have the most appeal but I take no issue with Tommy having a different and legitimate opinion.
  12. Relax, people. The single is obviously coming, and more likely next week than the week after. Signs point in that direction. A small delay is not unusual. A lot of things can go wrong and cause small delays when you have to coordinate with band and the media and the label and streaming platforms. What is unusual is that hardcore fans managed to figure out the tentative plan before everything was settled. So relax and chill a bit and sooner or later we will hear newish GN'R music again.
  13. We know from the soundcheck that the overall structure of the song is intact and what changes Slash had made to the lead guitar. We don't know if any changes has been made to the vocal melody, lyrics or how the vocals are arranged in the chorus. Any changes here could -- for me personally -- lift the song from good to great. Since the song was found on Rough Mix CD1 in the locker leaks I assume Axl considered it finished (even though the verses are a tad repetitive), so I guess there will be no surprises. Still, I am allowed to hope, right?
  14. When will you guys stop setting yourself up for disappointment like this? Never, let me repeat that - NEVER - expect a release at any given date. Always hope, but never expect.
  15. Furthermore, here are the number of times GN'R has played shows in various regions of the world: USA: 533 Rest of the world: 508 Or with some more detail:
  16. Another random fact, by the end of this month Richard will have played more shows with GN'R than Izzy, Gilby and Matt combined.
  17. Not so fun but a nerdy fact nonetheless: With the last show in Montreal, Pretty Tied Up has been played more times live than Dust N' Bones (46 versus 45 times).
  18. Again, I don't think they see it as their job as trying to steer Axl (or GN'R) in any direction. They take directions from him. You can argue that they should be more Alan Nivesque as managers and try to make Axl do stuff that he doesn't want to do, but for whatever reasons that doesn't seem to be their approach (and I can think of a few good reasons). So with this in mind, it is hard to blame them for the lack of releases or whatever.
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