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Posts posted by Arnuld

  1. 48 minutes ago, KURT19 said:

    I played it for my wife this afternoon and here is her review:

    “OK, that’s a horrible song and I can only understand three words: ‘motherfuckers’, ‘absurd’ and ‘you are’.  Is he singing thru a megaphone?”

    I told her that she’s wrong. That’s four words.

    My wife really likes GNR. And she liked Chinese. She listened once and was I like I don’t know about that one. It’s a little hard core. 

  2. I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this (thread is 39 pages) but this is very similar to them releasing Shacklers first via rock band in 2008. It got some buzz going with a pretty weird GNR song and then they followed with more traditional type singles with CD and Better. May be a similar strategy going on here. Plus Axl has that weird sense of humor and I think releasing a song called Absurd first appeals to that. 

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    • ABSUЯD 1
  3. It’s just such a shitty move to debut that song from the vault. It’s like If CD was Use your Illusion 1 and we knew use your illusion 2 existed and some of it was supposed to be incredible and Axl was like I know what to play first -My World. Absurd (face it it’s fucking silkworms and it always will be just like Street of Dreams will always be The Blues) is the My World of the CD era. A complete piece of shit that never should have been recorded or played live. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Gibson_Guy87 said:

    Something about "toning it down" and "warm, fuzzy feelings."

    He made that same joke at ACL two years ago. It’s so boring. I never thought GNR could become boring but they are so boring. 

    14 minutes ago, RussTCB said:


    I never thought I'd see the day where I'd want Better put out the pasture, but the time has come. 

    It should have come years ago. God he used to crush that song. In 2006 it was so incredible. Now it’s just a falsetto wheeze 

  5. Is it at all possible that Axl refused to promote CD because they released it without the proper booklet? Is it possible that the booklet artwork was being held up (because everything is always held up with Axl) and he asked for a slight delay in the release date (maybe Christmas vs Thanksgiving) the label and or Best Buy said no and released CD without the super weird and somewhat awesome booklet and Axl just freaked the fuck out? Because let’s face it the booklet we got DOES NOT fit the vibe of CD at all. It feels rushed and cheap. And when you have toiled over something for so long you want everything to match and be perfect and this shit rush job booklet just broke Axl’s brain. It seems too insane and insignificant right? But it wouldn’t be to a crazy artist. A crazy artist would want his booklet with the weird art and weird manifestos and shit. It completes a part of the vision. I think the Red Hand and Grenade are what Axl wanted. I’m sure the Bike cover would have been fine too had the inside been the same as the Red Hand. Just some food for thought…….

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  6. On 6/24/2021 at 7:57 PM, RussTCB said:

    I was there. What a show to be at. Seeing the first live performances of Better, IRS and There Was A Time was stunning. 

    I'm a big Robin fan and he was absolutely on fire the whole show. 

    I went to one of the Hammerstein shows as well. And Robin was playing out of his mind and had moved from looking like an alien (see 2001 and 2002) to looking like a weird bearded wizard with a smock. (See all of 2006 and 2007) 

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    • GNFNR 1
  7. On 6/20/2021 at 6:36 PM, Gordon Comstock said:


    They played a demo of it for a Kerrang journalist when they did the Marquee 1987 shows. It might've only been instrumental(?) but since there were some lyrics in the AFD booklet, it was probably fairly complete in the AFD era, at least in the same way that Ain't Goin' Down, Back Off Bitch, Don't Cry etc. were complete. In Slash's book he said he "always thought it should've been on AFD".

    Had You Could be mine made AFD and taken the place of say anything goes…..OMG…..it’s breaks my brain to think about…..AFD is already one of the top ten greatest hard rock albums ever and you add buy far the best hard rock song from the illusions to that…..yowzers 

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/8/2021 at 5:25 AM, rumandraisin said:

    Hammerstein 2006 has to be in the top 5 nu gnr shows 

    I was at show 4 or 5 honestly I can’t remember. But it was a very badass show. No one had seen Axl in almost 4 years. 2003, 2004, and 2005 were pretty hopeless days for GNR fans. I wasn’t sure if I would ever hear any of Chinese. Then the rolling stone article came in January 2006 where he confirmed Chinese was still happening. Then the leaks. Then Hammerstein. He should have gotten Chinese out for fall 2006. That was actually the best time other than 01 or 02. 

    On 6/8/2021 at 9:25 AM, RussTCB said:

    No, I haven't been to MSG. I was supposed to see Michael Jackson there in 2001 but my travel didn't work out. That was the only MSG show I've ever had tickets for. I really want to see a show (nearly any show) there some day though. 

    I did see GN'R in 2002 though, here in Detroit. That show is notable for a few reasons. They played Riad that night, which I believe is the only time they've ever played it in the US. The show is also notable for Axl's mic throw / show walk out during and after Patience 

    They played Riad at the 1/1/01 show in Vegas. 

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