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Everything posted by 2020_Intensions

  1. Ok well you can go look it up lol call it deluded all you want but a simple look at the band's wikipedia page shows an incredibly successful career. You saying "they could have been the next Stones" is deluded thinking when trying to downplay the impact and success they've had.
  2. Yeah it definitely would work great as an opener. For my trilogy playlists, I have Zodiac as the beginning of the grand finale for the 3rd part, starting right after This I Love for the same reason you just described.
  3. I'm talking purely financial success. The NITL tour is one of the highest grossing tours of all time. Since the reunion the band has profited over half a billion dollars. My point is all the complaining and criticisms we have fall flat when the actual reality is they are very successful in what they have been and are doing.
  4. They're still an all time best selling touring act though. So where from our perspective we see disaster, in reality they are incredibly succesful, more so then not only their peers, but contemporary acts too.
  5. Funny, my biggest problem with the 2021 version is the extended chorus at the end. Just feels awkward.
  6. The intro was my favorite part of the Village version. Because when the main riff starts coming in with the drums it builds a lot of anticipating for when the song actually starts with the fast drum roll and then Axl's vocals. Kick ass
  7. A new covers album would be awesome. The first one was dedicated to their punk rock influences. A new one should be dedicated to their classic rock influences.
  8. It's a legendary and kick ass classic rock song and GnR (as usual) do a fantastic job covering it. Also, it kinda is like Axl's theme song ...
  9. I'll take a well done cover any time over the train wreck that would be Axl trying to do Perfect Crime or Garden of Eden
  10. Hershey was the first show of the US leg 2 years ago and is the first show of the US section of the NA leg this tour. Pretty cool. There's A LOT of tickets still available too. Prices keep dropping. Does anybody know when the cut off is for purchasing tickets?
  11. Thank you. I understand. I apologize to everybody I have been a dick towards. I go, in peace.
  12. That's the impression I get when a mod tells me they're selectively enforcing rules against me because the general sentiment of the forum is against me. Are you suggesting people are not being aggressive towards me? Because they are, especially lately. And then you have certain people that like every post somebody makes in opposition to me, like right now with your post I'm responding to. Very passive aggressive. Whatever though.
  13. Forced out of here by the mob. I'm the new villain. I'm sure I'll be forced out soon enough too. Very frail sensitivities on a GUNS N FUCKING ROSES forum.
  14. Awww no Perhaps, huh? What a shame .. I was sooooo looking forward to hearing it TONIGHT
  15. Oh ... Lame. Must feel nice to reminisce on stage making all that money meanwhile he ruined his relationship with that person he's reminiscing over
  16. Yeah I think they already did damage with the casuals in that department. Absurd was an .... absurd song to release as the first new song in 13 years. And then the lack of promotion for both songs they did release followed up by no album and now 2 years later and still not another new song makes them look like clowns. But like I said, it ultimately doesn't matter. Every show of the reunion I've been to I've heard lots of shit said about how bad Axl sounds, but they keep touring and keep making money. Nobody I talked to had any interest in new music either, it was all "we came to hear SCOM and WTTJ"
  17. I love AIC and never have seen them live so it would have been a cool experience.
  18. I'm fucking devastated that I have to get the Pretenders as an opener and not Alice in Chains .... Serious kick in the balls ....
  19. I'm sorry to say, but nobody cares. Most of the people that read these news articles are old farts that still talk shit about Axl as if it was still the 90s, and trash the band as only having 1 good album, some even say no good songs! Nobody cares about new music from GnR except more serious music fans and of course us hardcore fans. There is no exposing. This is billion dollar touring machine. They'll be just fine continuing on till retirement without releasing anything new.
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