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Posts posted by axlsalinger

  1. 9 hours ago, shotsfired cro said:

    does anyone have links to those mails or knows where there they could be seen??

    The whole story of MSL and the memory drive is interesting and worth seeking out, but to sum it up,  somebody (supposedly) gave him a drive containing a massive amount of stolen GNR files and emails,  but they were never released publicly. All we got was a list of documents,  which you can view here: 




    And on topic,  Pitman was kind of a dick,  but if he was given an IOU for funds owed that was never fulfilled,  pay the man. 

    • Like 1
  2. Unfortunately every time there is a Nirvana thread, a bunch of people with damaged eardrums pop up out of the wordwork to criticize Kurt by typing a bunch of hateful bullshit, largely because he and Axl had a little spat 24 years ago that they still think is worth whining about.

    In my view, Nirvana was a great band, Kurt was very talented. He had a bit of an attitude problem but at the time grunge was growing in popularity as an alternative to what was seen as a bloated hair metal scene that had become the mainstream. GNR was part of that scene, but as we all know they were not a hair metal band and ended up transcending the genre. (In much the same way that bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam and AIC transcended the genre when grunge fizzled out a few years later).

    GNR is my favourite band ever (along with the Beatles) so I agree with your premise. They were both great bands and there's no reason to pick sides. You can like both. But while Nirvana did try to branch out a little bit on In Utero, it's fair to say there is a lot more variety in Guns' catalog than there was with Nirvana.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    Slash should wear that hat on stage.. The Tophat stapled to his head has become a bit ridiculous.. Just bust it out during the encore or something..

    Slash needs to get himself an #Ashbaswag beanie to replace that top hat ... hip, stylish, but still rock n' roll. And I believe Slash has recently re-connected with a certain someone who knows the proprietor of that website, and who should be able to hook him up with a 5% discount on the purchase.

    As for the topic itself, would be amazing news if true, obviously. I just don't see Axl as the kind of guy to just do a cash-grab tour. If he's back in and engaged, there will be new music.

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  4. Axlsalinger

    I'm confused.

    So it's smart to not announce plans during the holiday season (because people apparently don't check the internet on their phones while they are on vacation).

    BUT it's smart to spend a million dollars during the holiday season to tease a future announcement.

    Wouldn't common sense dictate that your logic for not doing the announcement would also apply to the non-announcement ads? Shouldn't it be a bad time to do that as well?

    And why in the hell would a venue or promoter spend a million bucks to advertise that GnR was playing? Every news site and music site on the web is going to announce it if GnR is reuniting at there show. GnR Facebook and twitter pages are going to reach 30-40 million people.

    GnR reuniting will be the biggest music story of at least the first quarter of 2016. Spending a million bucks to advertise one show would be one of the worse use of money in the history of concerts.

    You keep wondering why they don't make an announcement RIGHT NOW! If you can't see the basic reason why it makes more sense for ANYBODY to make a major announcement in early January rather than during the Christmas holidays, I'm afraid I can't help you further with that.

    You then mentioned the movie theater teaser. First of all, it's a teaser, which generally means it's meant to tease something coming later. As for people being busy during Christmas, there is obviously still a captive audience at the beginning of Star Wars. As for the teaser itself, I think it's rather odd to spend money on that myself, and have no idea who paid for it, or what they're up to. If I had to guess, I would think they want to stream the Coachella concert in movie theaters. But at this point, we simply don't know.

    Lol. The rumors have been trending on the web and have made Rolling Stone and even Time Magazine.

    But sure. Announcing the reunion on Dec 17 or 28 would have meant that NOBODY would have noticed.

    Posts by forum members are getting reported on major music sites as news.

    But an official announcement by GnR on Dec 30th would likely go unnoticed, seeing how people like to go to parties on the following evening.

    Yeah, that's exactly what I said. :crazy:

    Coachella has announced their headliner in January for the last 10 years. It makes sense for a company to announce something big in January rather than during the Christmas holidays. That doesn't mean NOBODY would hear about it, just that they want to maximize the impact of the announcement. Are these really difficult concepts to understand?

    You are the one who keeps adjusting your comments. You throw out these broad statements like they are fact. But when somebody points out the obvious holes on your comments then you resort to insults.

    How about this. Everything Axl does is perfect. His plans for the reunion have been magnificent. Better?

    I think you are confusing me with somebody else. My post really did not contain any insults, other than using an emoticon to show how taken aback I was at the bizarre summary you made of my previous post, which had nothing to do with what my previous post said at all.

    You then move on to your favourite "Axl Nutswinger" argument, which isn't me. I think it makes sense for Coachella to announce their headliners in January. They have done so for the last 10 years. I'm simply saying it doesn't make sense to me for any company to make a major announcement over the Christmas holidays. If there is a GNR reunion in the works starting at Coachella, they will have signed a contract. Every rumour we have seen says "2016". Maybe there's a press conference scheduled, and the guys aren't on the same continent right now. Maybe negotiations were still ongoing in November/December. Maybe Axl's astrologer said the announcement can only be made in a month that starts with J. I have no idea what is going on, and neither do you. None of this has anything to do with me suggesting that Axl is perfect. Let's just agree to disagree, and hopefully we get some amazing news next week.

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