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Everything posted by Voodoochild

  1. Not very familiar with SRV, but he's more bluesy. The only thing I can relate to that is Robin's 2007 solo spot (which I love).
  2. It could be a track that we already have, but Axl mentioned that Robin did a Stevie Ray Vaughan type of solo in an unreleased song.
  3. I don't think I had much to add, but like I've said before when it leaked: I like the song, I even prefer it to Monsters because of Slash's solo at the ending and because I really think the lyrics are powerful. This doesn't mean I like the mastering, of course.
  4. I don’t get what people are talking about the ending. Sounds absolutely normal to me.
  5. Song shouldn't look like a brick there. It should've been more dynamic, with less of this blue stuff. This below is the song Evidence, by Faith no More. It's a slow song and clean song, but it's good to show how a more dynamic track should look like. Keep in mind, this song was ripped from YouTube, that apply compressing on its own - the track on a CD should look better than this. BTW, this song was produced by Andy Wallace. So yeah, my ears didn't tricky me. I believe that audio file I have was also ripped from YouTube. You know when you put any song in the maximum volume on your earphones or speakers and it starts to distort? That's like clipping. The frequency shouldn't be cut (in that blue waveform you can see where it's quieter). With a good pair of headphones or speakers, you can actually hear the drums distorting, like a crunchy blip.
  6. I didn't have a better quality version of Perhaps here, but you can see that at least it's not clipping all the time (the dark blue part is not hitting the ceiling as much). It does look compressed and loud, but to my ears it's a lot better.
  7. Absolutely. This is one of the worse things I've seen and heard in the last few years. I bought a pair of semi-professional speakers recently and oh boy, it's clipping fest. Hahahaha now I definitely need to watch it.
  8. LOL Yeah, there's no defense for Caram on this one. Hahaha, YouTube algorithm recommended it to me, but I've never watched it. Didn't know he said all that, now I guess I'll watch if for shit and giggles.
  9. Yeah, that's what I thought. He said the sitar pedal effect would be used live (and it did), but I don't think he said anything about studio.
  10. I can't seem to identify what he did on that. Maybe the sitar was his playing? Or that strange dissonance during the chorus on Slash's side? I don't know, I see no other part where he could've been. And before people start with conspiracy theory: no, it's not his solo for gods sake. Then again, I don't see the need for three keyboardists credited there. And you're right, Caram's presence there implies that this song was mixed quite some time ago. Now people can blame him for that.
  11. To me it sounds good, but guess that's subjective. The problem is about the quality of the audio, because the mp3 had clipping issues unlike any other release, including Hard School. So I guess this will be solved in the official release.
  12. Don't know, there's not too much for me to say. I do think that Porto Alegre jam reminded me a bit of how SMKC's Anastasia builds up.
  13. It makes sense. Those jams from last year indicates that they were working on new stuff, at least instrumentals - which of course doesn't mean Axl would actually work on them.
  14. Unlike you I know right? I mean, people thought it was a demo because of how Axl’s vocals are sounding, as if this wasn’t clearly his intention. Also keep in mind that even thought he recorded it 15 years ago, any demo wouldn’t sound like a cassette tape as if this was from the 80s.
  15. I'm ok, but maybe you're the one who needs to chill. I didn't want to upset you with my comment. But I didn't say you SAID that, I said you stated your opinion - that both albums were supposedly BETTER than CD - as a fact. I said that was just your opinion, not a fact, and that's what I meant when I said it was subjective. When I said that I like CD a lot more, that's subjective too, of course. And that's what I said: it's your opinion, and I said my opinion - that you promptly dismissed as "fandom talking", which I don't appreciate either, but it's all good. Anyways, I apologize if what I said offended you, but I stand by what I said: what you said about CD is just your opinion, and that's subjective.
  16. No, it’s still subjective. Why would you pigeonhole my opinion as being “fandom speaking” while you state your opinion as gospel? Also, the album didnt leak on MySpace, the band released it there. It was actually a bold move, even if not the smartest. BTW, I don’t give two flying fucks to sales and being “successful”. I like what I like, and I didn’t like those other two albums at all back then and never really wanted to get back to listen again.
  17. I know it’s not the place, but the trailer leaked and Rockstar just dropped the real thing. GNR could have learn with it.
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