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Security at Winnipeg show instructed to turn away people if they showed up in Slash shirts/tophats


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in 2006 ? C'mon I was at two concerts in 2006 and I've noticed anything like that, what's more my friend came with Slash t-shirt and not a single security guy took notice - BS

Maybe it happened at Winnipeg I don't know, but for sure it didn't happen in 2006

Yup. I had the same experience at three 2006 shows.

If it varied from city to city, then it cannot be a GN'R-implemented rule or else we'd see it everywhere.


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that's ridiculous !!!

i wouldn't wear a slash-shirt or anything like that, but that's not the point.

no one could tell me, what i have to wear - even someone called axl rose.

i'm sure, axl wouldn't accept it, if someone would tell him what clothes he has to wear.

why should his fans accept that ?

edit: ............but i'm thinking about buying a slash - shirt for a guns-concert, now !!

Edited by anja
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I love Axl, but this is just too damn far. Why the fuck would you want to alienate the fanbase any further? I can't believe he's this insecure.

You know Axl, a line doesn't have to be drawn in the sand. People can be fans of both lineups!

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I don't see the point in wearing a Slash or VR shirt to a NewGnR show,

To be honest, I think it makes complete sense. It's reasonable to assume that most of the fans going to these shows are into the older material, and probably got into the original band first. I don't think wearing a t-shirt for a band featuring the original guitarist of such a hugely popular band is blasphemy or an intent to start a fan revolt. It's more likely that some 14-year-old kid who loves GN'R has a VR shirt and would wear it to a gig without thinking twice, especially since "New" GN'R shirts aren't exactly easy to find if you're not buying through their official store or at a show. Which you could get turned away from if you wear the wrong shirt. Somewhat ironic.

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It gives me a case of crazy head that you guys are all automatically assuming this is Axl's doing. Why does it have to be his word against everyone else's? Why does Axl always have to be the villian in everyone's minds? I'm not saying it's impossible that this comes directly from him, but why does everybody have to lose their shit and blame it on him when it isn't confirmed from any trusted sources?

I swear, this is what pisses me off about the fans of Guns N Roses. There are so many people who claim they're fans but want to turn their back on the person who helped to create it the instant a stupid rumor like this happens.

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It gives me a case of crazy head that you guys are all automatically assuming this is Axl's doing. ... why does everybody have to lose their shit and blame it on him when it isn't confirmed from any trusted sources?

I'd say Madison is a trusted source.

Now, maybe her source is misinformed and the order actually came from one of Axl's entourage -- but when you represent something, whether it's a band or a company, you're responsible. If it wasn't his specific order, then he definitely needs to keep a closer look at what's being dictated with his authority.

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Wow,some of you are unreal. Now you are trying to say that Axl doesn't know about this? Come the fuck on. The buck in GNR starts and stops with Axl. If GNR will stop playing songs written by Slash then I will not wear my VR shirt to the show. As SoFine said, why can't people be fans of all the lineups? Even the biggest Axl fan can't possibly defend this move.

Another thing,what the fuck would the security director have to gain by telling Madison,the order came from Axl? If anything he could get in trouble. Again,this is no guard, she spoke to a Director.When this shit makes it to Rollingstone.com/other media expect the fucking floodgates to open with fans wearing Slash/VR shirts to the shows.

Agreed. People need to stop kidding themselves. The order sure as shit didnt come from Bumblefoot.

I just hate the fact that this feeds the "You're either with us 110% or not at all." mentality. I happen to love both the original and current lineups of GNR, and am a supporter of both Axl and Slash.

If he wants to continue his now very public beefs with Slash, fine. He can do and say what he pleases. Leave the fans out of it.

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this is just sad

no, it's rock and roll! fuck Slash and his tshirts.

You like to have me

Jump and be good

But I don't want to do it

You don't know why

I won't act the way

You think I should

You thought they'd make me

Behave and submit

Apparently refusing to follow orders is only cool and "rock n' roll" when Axl does it.

If a fan refuses to submit and take off their tee shirt, they're just trying to "ruin it for everybody."

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All due respect, what is the point of this thread? What is gained by bringing this up? In all honesty, your source is nobody (literally- you just said "a security manager.") There are so many different routes you could go with that make what you wrote seem extremely questionable. I'm very curious to know your motives with this.

For the record -and because I know Axl, Fernando, Beta, etc. may browse here from time to time, I don't buy this story.

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Anyone who thinks it isn't possible that something was done on Axl's behalf without his authorization should go back and re-read his response to the LAX incident and the press release that followed.


Then I guess Axl/Fernando/Beta better tell us that it is OK for people to wear Slash/VR/Old GNR shirts to the shows. I say this will hit Rolling Stones/other music sites soon.

I'm just saying, history says that things do happen related to GN'R without Axl's consent:

Axl Rose denies releasing press statement regarding rumored LAX incident. "I did not release any statement or authorize either any statement or anyone to release a statement regarding anything at any airport anywhere.

We had recently began working with newer individuals in management in relation to our current Asian tour in support of our Guns N' Roses album "Chinese Democracy" in addition to Irving Azoff's though as it happens we are once again touring Asia without management of any kind.


The "Twitter war" hasn't been picked up by any major news outlet. In the grand scheme of things, this is a relatively minor issue and may not make any news service. After all, people are saying it happened in Winnipeg in 2006 and it was never reported then.


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It gives me a case of crazy head that you guys are all automatically assuming this is Axl's doing. Why does it have to be his word against everyone else's?

This is totally in line with the type of behavior we would expect out of him. After all, he is the same guy who essentially bankrolls the webmaster at a popular Guns message board in exchange for totalitarian style censorship to create the propaganda world he wishes he could implement every where.

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Anyone who thinks it isn't possible that something was done on Axl's behalf without his authorization should go back and re-read his response to the LAX incident and the press release that followed.


True, but that's just more proof that he really needs to monitor what's being issued/ordered under his authority.

Agreed. I know he's a busy guy and has a show to play that night that he needs to get ready for, but bigger issues like this, with potentially negative ramifications, have to be run by him.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


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