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Revolver's trip to Canada


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I'm just wondering why Eric bends over for Axl instead of sticking up for Madison and/or just deleting the thread/posts that Axl didn't like.

What's in it for him? Backstage passes? Tickets? Plane rides? Is he officially appointed the new Jarmo since Jarmo's board is no longer relevant?

Excellent question.

I'd like to hear the answer to that one as well.

if you ask a third time you might get an answer, but im only the messenger right? :)

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I don't doubt that someone told Madison people were being turned away for having Slash shirts, but maybe instead of attacking Madison you should find out who told that guy she talked to. Because it's probably not too good that a head of security at a show is under the impression (regardless of whether it's true or false) that Axl personally gave out these demands about the shirts. This all seems like wasted energy, but what do I know - I'm just a bitch boi.

Actually, I think it is Madison that should have gotten independent verification if the guy she talked was correct in saying the order came down from Axl BEFORE posting that bit on the forum. If she couldn't have gotten independent verification of that, she should have never mentioned it. It was irresponsible to do so and only helped to perpetuate a rumor.


shut up.

she talked to the HEAD OF SECURITY for the show?


What you're really trying to say, is you feel like madison should have gotten the ok from gnr's camp before she posted the story.

Ah, yes. The mature response I would expect from you. Perhaps the phrase "independent verification" eluded you either when you read what I wrote or when you were responding. I'm aware of who she talked to. The issue isn't whether or not the ban happened. Its about who INSTRUCTED it to happen. I didn't see any secondary confirmation that what the head of security said about Axl giving the order is true.

Way to twist my words :rolleyes: I said she should've gotten secondary confirmation that what the "head of security" said is true before posting. That way, you are standing on more firm ground when you try and pass something off as fact. Otherwise, it's just one guy spreading a rumor, which she in turn helped to spread.


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I honestly think people are taking this too seriously. It's a GnR fan site, whoopeefuckingdoo. If you don't like Axl you're not a GnR fan....it's as simple as that.

Without Madison, there would be no Guns n Roses

I hope your joking...

It is a joke indeed, not in her head though

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... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

What an absolutely ridiculous thing for you to say! America still loves Guns, open your fucking eyes. And maybe if you'd taken the time to browse this forum, or at least this particular thread, you would've seen all the reasons why Axl came down so hard on Madison. You saying that she can endlessly bash the band, continue to perpetuate stupid rumors even after they've been confirmed as lies, and Axl is just supposed to ignore this? Mygnr's a huge community and bullshit perpetuated here gets spewed all over the internet. People who talk shit deserve shit, and seems to me this is what she got. No less than what was coming to her.

As for how Axl treats his fans, how the fuck would you know? Maybe you should read Revolver's post at the beginning of this thread, how warmly he and the rest of us were received by Axl and everyone in his camp. I don't think I've ever met more down to earth, unassuming and friendly people. Axl et al. are highly misunderstood.

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I'm just wondering why Eric bends over for Axl instead of sticking up for Madison and/or just deleting the thread/posts that Axl didn't like.

What's in it for him? Backstage passes? Tickets? Plane rides? Is he officially appointed the new Jarmo since Jarmo's board is no longer relevant?

Excellent question.

I'd like to hear the answer to that one as well.

no offense to u but maybe eric agrees with axl? Not to the degree of all the names but in general at least

and also wat does it exactly matter? you are still here, just not with a "mod" status. does it mean that much to u?

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... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

What an absolutely ridiculous thing for you to say! America still loves Guns, open your fucking eyes. And maybe if you'd taken the time to browse this forum, or at least this particular thread, you would've seen all the reasons why Axl came down so hard on Madison. You saying that she can endlessly bash the band, continue to perpetuate stupid rumors even after they've been confirmed as lies, and Axl is just supposed to ignore this? Mygnr's a huge community and bullshit perpetuated here gets spewed all over the internet. People who talk shit deserve shit, and seems to me this is what she got. No less than what was coming to her.

As for how Axl treats his fans, how the fuck would you know? Maybe you should read Revolver's post at the beginning of this thread, how warmly he and the rest of us were received by Axl and everyone in his camp. I don't think I've ever met more down to earth, unassuming and friendly people. Axl et al. are highly misunderstood.

America doesn't like Axl because he doesn't like Madison.Totally makes sense.

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I'm just wondering why Eric bends over for Axl instead of sticking up for Madison and/or just deleting the thread/posts that Axl didn't like.

What's in it for him? Backstage passes? Tickets? Plane rides? Is he officially appointed the new Jarmo since Jarmo's board is no longer relevant?

Excellent question.

I'd like to hear the answer to that one as well.

Maybe cause you deserve it after posting bullshit stories for years now? Get over it, you're done.

Edited by xBrownstonex
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I'm just wondering why Eric bends over for Axl instead of sticking up for Madison and/or just deleting the thread/posts that Axl didn't like.

What's in it for him? Backstage passes? Tickets? Plane rides? Is he officially appointed the new Jarmo since Jarmo's board is no longer relevant?

Excellent question.

I'd like to know the answer to that one as well.

The fact that Fernando came in here and started shooting down logical thoughts on what happened with a bunch of insults is all you really need to know.

Axl, man, you're a legend. I was at the Toronto gig last month after taking a 9 hour bus ride to get there. My first GNR show ever, and it was amazing. Thank you for a great show.

Just please, please don't put yourself in a corner and start stabbing at thin air - not everyone's out to get you. None of us know your personal life, and it must suck ass to have everyone over-analyze everything about you.

Madison did *not* deserve those comments from you, and you know it.

I lost some respect for you today.

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I think the 'lesbian' bit was in poor taste, but, whatevers. Insert beaner, mexican, black person, or whatever else and you get the point why...

And I hope someone lets Axl know that Revolver said "the rumor was bullshit" and backed Axl up. Axl's post made it seem like he thought Revolved went along with the rumor.

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When did madison lose her mod status and why? Was it Axl's request?

I know he came on here and had a go at her but what happened after that? Can't be asked to read through all of this to read about the aftermath- anybody willing to give a short summary? :)

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I'm just wondering why Eric bends over for Axl instead of sticking up for Madison and/or just deleting the thread/posts that Axl didn't like.

What's in it for him? Backstage passes? Tickets? Plane rides? Is he officially appointed the new Jarmo since Jarmo's board is no longer relevant?

Excellent question.

I'd like to know the answer to that one as well.

The fact that Fernando came in here and started shooting down logical thoughts on what happened with a bunch of insults is all you really need to know.

Axl, man, you're a legend. I was at the Toronto gig last month after taking a 9 hour bus ride to get there. My first GNR show ever, and it was amazing. Thank you for a great show.

Just please, please don't put yourself in a corner and start stabbing at thin air - not everyone's out to get you. None of us know your personal life, and it must suck ass to have everyone over-analyze everything about you.

Madison did *not* deserve those comments from you, and you know it.

I lost some respect for you today.

He didn't say what he said based on a single move of hers.Maybe you should read more carefully what he wrote and ask yourself why her name was "omitted" on C.D. Thank you list

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... He should have came out and said all this publicly.

Agreed. If he had come out right away and said that he believes fans should be able to wear whatever they wish, this would have ended the entire discussion. But he didn't.

And I have to say that it saddens me that Axl thinks the sources are "fake." The security manager is very real and I have his name and phone number if he's interested in following up. Also, our forum members who witnessed this firsthand had no reason to lie. Axl can talk to them as well if he doubts they exist.

Revolver - glad you had a great time. :)

What the fuck do you know? That's right! You don't know jack fucking shit you fucking ignorant, know it all, fucking deluded, misguided, self important, self righteous, pious, small minded, clueless, loud mouthed, arrogant cunt. No one needs your opinions n' having to deal with your constant abuse of privileges or the miniscule amount of power you've had here you wield like an angry, lesbian, wannabe, high school parking lot rent-a-cop always mouthing off like you're some kind of authority which you're far from. I have to say it saddens me you continue to babble your horseshit to unsuspecting fans n' any names n' numbers you have are of people like you who try n' hurt others to promote themselves at their expense. That's the only real thing you got bitch. It's like Revolver's if not edited, cloudy recollection of events as I've never asked for anyone's shirt bein' thrown out of anywhere let alone say I did but hey he won a contest so he must be credible, whatever, no good deed goes unpunished. I don't work for you or have to do a goddamn thing you think ever. Your opinions of anything whatsoever don't count or mean jack shit to me or anyone in this camp. You're garbage, plain and simple. You're not a fan or a voice of reason... you're a sick n' diseased mind spilling it's bile over the internet. Well now you can drink up the rewards of the crap that's been spillin' out of your pie hole forever here n' enjoy the fermented, feted n' vulgar response you've been cultivating n' aching for... for so long . Find another board this one doesn't need you. Oh n' feel free to jump in all you wanna be web warriors, ho defenders n' bitch boi's, you ain't needed either. For the rest of you... Surprise gigs comin'!!

Jesus, what an insufferable asshole. No wonder America doesn't give a shit about Guns N' Roses anymore. Look at how the lead singer treats his fans.

What an absolutely ridiculous thing for you to say! America still loves Guns, open your fucking eyes. And maybe if you'd taken the time to browse this forum, or at least this particular thread, you would've seen all the reasons why Axl came down so hard on Madison. You saying that she can endlessly bash the band, continue to perpetuate stupid rumors even after they've been confirmed as lies, and Axl is just supposed to ignore this? Mygnr's a huge community and bullshit perpetuated here gets spewed all over the internet. People who talk shit deserve shit, and seems to me this is what she got. No less than what was coming to her.

As for how Axl treats his fans, how the fuck would you know? Maybe you should read Revolver's post at the beginning of this thread, how warmly he and the rest of us were received by Axl and everyone in his camp. I don't think I've ever met more down to earth, unassuming and friendly people. Axl et al. are highly misunderstood.

Except, she didn't do any of those things. She was told something that apparently other sources were also told and she reported it to us, just as she's always done. Considering that she has contact information to back up her claims, maybe it's worth a little investigating on Axl's part to see who from the Guns camp is spewing stuff like this, rather than just responding with a "FUCK YOU, FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK CUNT".

Yeah, I read Revolver's post at the beginning of the thread, and then I read in Axl's reply how he wasted no time taking a little swipe at Revovler ("Hey, he won a contest so he must be credible") - Axl is just a fucking asshole. It used to be cool, now it's not. That's why Guns played to half-empty arenas in the US in 2006 and will do the same if they tour here in 2010. The way to avoid his wrath is be a yes man, never question him or the band and agree with every stupid thing he says. Apparently some of you are getting that down pat.

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I honestly think people are taking this too seriously. It's a GnR fan site, whoopeefuckingdoo. If you don't like Axl you're not a GnR fan....it's as simple as that.

Without Madison, there would be no Guns n Roses

I hope your joking...

It is a joke indeed, not in her head though

I just fell in love with you.

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I'm just wondering why Eric bends over for Axl instead of sticking up for Madison and/or just deleting the thread/posts that Axl didn't like.

What's in it for him? Backstage passes? Tickets? Plane rides? Is he officially appointed the new Jarmo since Jarmo's board is no longer relevant?

Excellent question.

I'd like to know the answer to that one as well.

The fact that Fernando came in here and started shooting down logical thoughts on what happened with a bunch of insults is all you really need to know.

Axl, man, you're a legend. I was at the Toronto gig last month after taking a 9 hour bus ride to get there. My first GNR show ever, and it was amazing. Thank you for a great show.

Just please, please don't put yourself in a corner and start stabbing at thin air - not everyone's out to get you. None of us know your personal life, and it must suck ass to have everyone over-analyze everything about you.

Madison did *not* deserve those comments from you, and you know it.

I lost some respect for you today.

He didn't say what he said based on a single move of hers.Maybe you should read more carefully what he wrote and ask yourself why her name was "omitted" on C.D. Thank you list

I'm not a 6th-grade English teacher, so I don't think Axl's ramblings can be analyzed more without giving me a headache.

I wouldn't have expected her to be on the album liner notes, as Eric and Jarmo own their respective fan boards and that's why they're listed.

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I was a bit late reading "page 9" than most, but I've only ever laughed so much when it's a Noel G. interview before. Except this time it was laughing at not with... "feted n' vulgar + 100 random curses".

Least he didn't say motherfucker 20 times. Oh I'm not trying to get a "rise" out of a guy I thinks a talented singer, before someone winges.

Edited by Snake Eyes
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