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Would you rather the band delay the US tour until CD II is released?

ITW 2012

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Would you rather the band delay the US tour until CD II is released? Provided that the album comes out next year of course. It isn't unrealistic to think that's not possible considering all the unreleased material they have. A US tour behind Chinese Democracy almost seems completely pointless at this point. I don't think it can possibly help the band or help album sales. They are just going to get made fun of by the media for touring an album that came out over two years ago--that they didn't release any videos or do interviews for. I guess I'd just like to see them give themselves and CD II a real shot at success by doing things right this time.

Edited by ITW 2012
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that they didn't release any videos or do interviews for.

i always thought this was a pretty ballsy, highly respectable move. it sort of says that Axl just didn't want to be bothered with doing many interviews (he did do SOME, though) or releasing any videos, but still continued to live on his own terms anyway. Pretty much, I think he's done exactly what he's wanted to do so far. Album was released, toured behind it, looked like he had a great-assed time traveling, partying, tweeting, etc.

I mean, besides basic self-expression, why does an artist make videos or do talk-shows when their album or movie or whatever comes out? To promote the product. Promote, because that will help sales... So, I think with the lack of tv appearances and stuff, all it says is that Axl is satisfied with the way things have gone. Didn't care about money or unit numbers or media spotlight, just that Democracy was released for those who wanted to hear it and tickets available for those who wanted to see the show. I could be wrong, but I really just think Axl is above all kinds of traditional styles of promo and public glitz/glamour. Pretty awesome, I think.

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No chance in hell there could just suddenly be a new release before February.

Are you all insane here ?

Why the hell are you talking about early 2011 or even 2011 at all?

Don't you know what is it to do an album ?

Are you aware that they don't even start to think about CD II ?

If we could listen to new music before 2013/2014, it would be great.

Don't say shit about "december" or whatever... Just the mixing part represent at least 3 months, for example so if you are saying "february" you are also saying that the cd is finished...

Edited by JVesper
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No chance in hell there could just suddenly be a new release before February.

Are you all insane here ?

Why the hell are you talking about early 2011 or even 2011 at all?

Don't you know what is it to do an album ?

Are you aware that they don't even start to think about CD II ?

If we could listen to new music before 2013/2014, it would be great.

Don't say shit about "december" or whatever... Just the mixing part represent at least 3 months, for example so if you are saying "february" you are also saying that the cd is finished...

Uh, I meant February as the month when the US tour is supposed to begin, not as when they would release something. So I'm not suggesting there could be an album next year.

Edited by Jyrgen
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No chance in hell there could just suddenly be a new release before February.

Are you all insane here ?

Why the hell are you talking about early 2011 or even 2011 at all?

Don't you know what is it to do an album ?

Are you aware that they don't even start to think about CD II ?

If we could listen to new music before 2013/2014, it would be great.

Don't say shit about "december" or whatever... Just the mixing part represent at least 3 months, for example so if you are saying "february" you are also saying that the cd is finished...

I'm not talking about a new album that's written and recorded by the new band. That would probably take at least 5 years. I'm talking about the rest of the songs that were recorded for Chinese Democracy. We've got 14 but there should be another 18 by now if the interview from below is any indication.

2006 Rolling Stone interview:

"We're working on 32 songs, and 26 are nearly done", he said in the interview. "People will hear music this year", he said. "It's a very complex record, I'm trying to do something different. Some of the arrangements are kind of like Queen. Some people are going to say, 'It doesn't sound like Axl Rose, it doesn't sound like Guns N' Roses.' But you'll like at least a few songs on there."

Edited by ITW 2012
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Yeah my bad, i was talking to everyone anyway.

Even the song like Thyme, The General (etc) are not finished, for sure... We will wait at least 2 or 3 years.

That interview was from 06 so I kind of think that it might be possible for most of those songs to be finished by now. Throw DJ on a few tracks for the hell of it and then release it.

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YES, to be honest, I dont care at this point in time if the current band writes any new songs or not, as if they start right now, as a person said above me, itll take at least 2-3 years at the bare minimum for a album from the 'current' band to be released

Just give me the 'old chinese songs' and ill be happy. Axl most likely has some really good shit up his sleave, and probably better stuff than what was on chinese, or just as good, so I dont care if the current band are writing anything, and I bet Axl doesn't care either.

No disrespect to the current band, but lets face it, the enthusiasm Axl had in talking about the unreleased songs ( such as soul monster) in the chats, I bet a new album with the current band is the furthest thing from his mind.

Give me what Ron called' the old chinese material' and forget anything else.

They could tour off that old chinese material for the next 10-15 years and Axl could retire and all would be good

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YES, to be honest, I dont care at this point in time if the current band writes any new songs or not, as if they start right now, as a person said above me, itll take at least 2-3 years at the bare minimum for a album from the 'current' band to be released

Just give me the 'old chinese songs' and ill be happy. Axl most likely has some really good shit up his sleave, and probably better stuff than what was on chinese, or just as good, so I dont care if the current band are writing anything, and I bet Axl doesn't care either.

No disrespect to the current band, but lets face it, the enthusiasm Axl had in talking about the unreleased songs ( such as soul monster) in the chats, I bet a new album with the current band is the furthest thing from his mind.

Give me what Ron called' the old chinese material' and forget anything else.

They could tour off that old chinese material for the next 10-15 years and Axl could retire and all would be good

That's how I see it. There's no guarantee that Axl will even like the material that DJ and Ron come up with. I don't think he spent all those years working on CD to just scrap it either. He sounded pretty proud of Soul Monster when he mentioned it in the chats.

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YES, to be honest, I dont care at this point in time if the current band writes any new songs or not, as if they start right now, as a person said above me, itll take at least 2-3 years at the bare minimum for a album from the 'current' band to be released

Just give me the 'old chinese songs' and ill be happy. Axl most likely has some really good shit up his sleave, and probably better stuff than what was on chinese, or just as good, so I dont care if the current band are writing anything, and I bet Axl doesn't care either.

No disrespect to the current band, but lets face it, the enthusiasm Axl had in talking about the unreleased songs ( such as soul monster) in the chats, I bet a new album with the current band is the furthest thing from his mind.

Give me what Ron called' the old chinese material' and forget anything else.

They could tour off that old chinese material for the next 10-15 years and Axl could retire and all would be good

That's how I see it. There's no guarantee that Axl will even like the material that DJ and Ron come up with. I don't think he spent all those years working on CD to just scrap it either. He sounded pretty proud of Soul Monster when he mentioned it in the chats.

He even talked about Oh My God in some depth, which means hes main focus are those songs, and this was while Ron was in the band. Even in the chats in 2008, he was talking about redoing parts of a song that is over 9-10 years old, instead of creating new songs with Ron etc...

it must be a kick in the guts to Ron and now DJ, but it is what it is, and I wanna see the new version of Oh My God, Thyme, General etc, cause those songs have Bucket/Finck/Brain and possibly Brian May,

Seriously you cant get better musicians on an album than that.

Edited by gunns5
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YES, to be honest, I dont care at this point in time if the current band writes any new songs or not, as if they start right now, as a person said above me, itll take at least 2-3 years at the bare minimum for a album from the 'current' band to be released

Just give me the 'old chinese songs' and ill be happy. Axl most likely has some really good shit up his sleave, and probably better stuff than what was on chinese, or just as good, so I dont care if the current band are writing anything, and I bet Axl doesn't care either.

No disrespect to the current band, but lets face it, the enthusiasm Axl had in talking about the unreleased songs ( such as soul monster) in the chats, I bet a new album with the current band is the furthest thing from his mind.

Give me what Ron called' the old chinese material' and forget anything else.

They could tour off that old chinese material for the next 10-15 years and Axl could retire and all would be good

That's how I see it. There's no guarantee that Axl will even like the material that DJ and Ron come up with. I don't think he spent all those years working on CD to just scrap it either. He sounded pretty proud of Soul Monster when he mentioned it in the chats.

He even talked about Oh My God in some depth, which means hes main focus are those songs, and this was while Ron was in the band. Even in the chats in 2008, he was talking about redoing parts of a song that is over 9-10 years old, instead of creating new songs with Ron etc...

it must be a kick in the guts to Ron and now DJ, but it is what it is, and I wanna see the new version of Oh My God, Thyme, General etc, cause those songs have Bucket/Finck/Brain and possibly Brian May,

Seriously you cant get better musicians on an album than that.

I think a remix album fits with what dizzy said about releasing the various "mixes" of the songs. Great idea. Let the fans choose which they want.

Maybe the second disc could be the unreleased material unless there is a big glut of it. If only 12-14 songs then a double album would be cool.

I agree though Bucket/Brain/May/Finck are all gold in the studio. Shouldn't throw that away.

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Yep, more studio material is definitely needed to maintain/ restoke interest imo.

Tours are great, but like axl himself once said they are like a one night stand.

Studio albums are the real prize I suspect for him and the fans, too bad there's so much bullshit with the record company :(

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Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

Of course I would like a new CD but if I was American I would be pretty annoyed that they toured Europe etc and skipped us :fuckyou:

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Of course I would like a new CD but if I was American I would be pretty annoyed that they toured Europe etc and skipped us :fuckyou:

I cannot believe the arrogance, by a bunch of uninformed nimrods, that have no fkn idea of what activity is going on in GNR land, So there was no promotion,no media-whoring, and no selling out,after the release of CD,that is something special that it still went platinum, still is regarded in non-cupcake circles as something special or the usual group of idiots wouldn't be taking the tracks apart,I am still listening to it, still attending concerts (soon)and continue to support the band I have loved since 87', when you find something you really love you don't turn coat or jump camps-Don't like GNR? don't fucking attend the concerts,simple!

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