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Guitarists that can match up to Bucket?

Vincent Vega

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Buckethead sounds better.

Quit with the ignorance. You perceive Buckethead to to sound “better. However it's entirely subjective.

No it's not. By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

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Buckethead sounds better.

Quit with the ignorance. You perceive Buckethead to to sound “better. However it's entirely subjective.

No it's not. By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

You can't prove someone "sounds better". He's right, it's subjective. The only thing tangible when comparing guitarists is how technically sound they are.

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Buckethead sounds better.

Quit with the ignorance. You perceive Buckethead to to sound “better. However it's entirely subjective.

No it's not. By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

It could really, one of those two is not designed for ingestion which makes for a poor analogy. I'm not really a fan of the idea of consuming either. Ron and Bucket are both very accomplished guitarists therefore the only thing that can really divide the two is personal preference. This is actually the best discussion that has been had on this topic for a long time because more and more people are conceding this point rather than just everyone going "MY CHOICE IS BETTER YOURS SUCKS LALALALADINGDONG"... There are of course still people doing this, but it's really unnecessary... you can prefer one without being a cunt about the other.

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Buckethead sounds better.

Quit with the ignorance. You perceive Buckethead to to sound “better. However it's entirely subjective.

No it's not. By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

You can't prove someone "sounds better". He's right, it's subjective. The only thing tangible when comparing guitarists is how technically sound they are.

Which bumble has more of.

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Buckethead sounds better.

Quit with the ignorance. You perceive Buckethead to to sound “better. However it's entirely subjective.

No it's not. By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

You can't prove someone "sounds better". He's right, it's subjective. The only thing tangible when comparing guitarists is how technically sound they are.

Which bumble has more of.

Learn when someone's on your side and when not to push it, we'd reached a good balance and one which Ron would be happy with... no need to take the fight that was levelled at you, reach a ceasefire and then try and turn it around because you think you can win, it will just lead to a bigger mess.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

By that logic the question "what tastes better - shit or champagne?" could not be answered objectively either.

Really? That's the analogy you're going with? But yes. Although the vast majority of people would prefer champagne there are still skat enthusiasts. And the minority's opinion is not any less legitimate than the majority's. So indeed that is also a subjective matter. Well done.

How can you legitimize your belief that champagne tastes better than shit? The reality is you perceive champagne to taste better than feces. And your perception is not superior to anyone else's.

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I initially wrote Bucket off as a shredder, but some of his solo albums (Electric Tears, for example) are anything but. I like Bumblefoot as a person and he's gotten better in GN'R (his solo on YCBM improved drastically as time went on) but I do still feel he leans a bit more towards the heavy-metal-shred thing than I tend to enjoy...I've heard a lot of his solo work and have a couple of his albums and they're all pretty much in the same vein. I suppose I'd say Buckethead was more diverse with his playing but that's not necessarily a knock against Ron.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

Duh duh Buckethead is better than Bumblefoot because he does nicer things to my ear passages duh duh. I don't have any regard for any otherwise opinion duh duh.

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I dont care for either of them. When I listen to a guitarist his technical ability is the last thing I care about. Unfortunately, that's all these 2 guitarists have.

One only need to listen to Soothsayer to know that's not true at all.

Bumblefoot is quirky, but imo has plenty of emotion too.

Edited by Rovim
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Buckethead shots his load over these guys CD's every night before he goes to sleep.

Buckethead has a wad to shoot?

Go read about his studio time with GNR, apparently he used to seagull aforementioned wads onto the walls whilst in recording with the band...

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Guitarists on Bucket's level include Chris Broderick of Megadeth and Guthrie Govan.

To the people who automatically say BBF(which is their opinion and thats cool) but then proceed to shit on Bucket. This is for you. Bumble's Riad solo was shit, there was a vote here and the majority liked Bucket's initial solo. Fact. Bucket's TWAT solo is one of the defining moments on Chidem, Fact. Bucket's solos on Sorry, If the World, TWAT etc were all praised, none of Ron's were. Ron's Shackler's solo sucked and recieved alot of backlash(elephant noises etc) Fact. Bumble can do acoustic sweeps? Big fucken deal, im sure Bucket has never done those before. Bumble uses a fretless so it automatically makes him a better guitarist? WOW, i should just learn "Happy birthday" on the fretless and that would make me better than Yngwie Mamlsteem. Someone said Ron knows more theory? Um how do you know this? Is it just because Bucket never says "ok this is a C minor arpeggio started at the fifth"??

Can you imagine if Ron was to do the TWAT solo, it would have been a disaster, all squeals, thimble harmonics, elephant noises and shredding wankery. I do think Ron is a really nice guy and a very very good guitarist. But Bucket is on a different level.

Edited by Young_Gun
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Just saw this video of Bucket shredding

It's crazy. It shows how much talent it takes to make a guitar

sound like a computer

How dare you post dat dere video of Bucket. He doesn't use a fretless or a thimble!!! That automatically makes him bad guitarist!!! WAHHHH WAHHHH!!!!

Bucket can make all these crazy sounds with only a Les Paul, no other additions(except a killswitch, which doesn't change the sound), while Ron needs a thimble, fretless, etc.

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Guitarists on Bucket's level include Chris Broderick of Megadeth and Guthrie Govan.

To the people who automatically say BBF(which is their opinion and thats cool) but then proceed to shit on Bucket. This is for you. Bumble's Riad solo was shit, there was a vote here and the majority liked Bucket's initial solo. Fact. Bucket's TWAT solo is one of the defining moments on Chidem, Fact. Bucket's solos on Sorry, If the World, TWAT etc were all praised, none of Ron's were. Ron's Shackler's solo sucked and recieved alot of backlash(elephant noises etc) Fact. Bumble can do acoustic sweeps? Big fucken deal, im sure Bucket has never done those before. Bumble uses a fretless so it automatically makes him a better guitarist? WOW, i should just learn "Happy birthday" on the fretless and that would make me better than Yngwie Mamlsteem. Someone said Ron knows more theory? Um how do you know this? Is it just because Bucket never says "ok this is a C minor arpeggio started at the fifth"??

Can you imagine if Ron was to do the TWAT solo, it would have been a disaster, all squeals, thimble harmonics, elephant noises and shredding wankery. I do think Ron is a really nice guy and a very very good guitarist. But Bucket is on a different level.

No, Govan is much (and by much I mean so fucking much) above Bucket's level. Just like Ronald. Funny when you say that BBF's own TWAT solo would have (here we have an important thing: you assume something that never happened to fit your useless post, a post solely based on your own ignorance toward's BBF's style, technique and playing) a lot of patterns thrown in, when Bucket's solo is nothing more than a collection of his own patterns put together in a solo. I listened to a lot of his solo work, and if you haven't heard the huge amount of patterns the guy played with GNR you don't know a thing about the man. Ron's Catcher in the Rye solo, on the other hand, sound much more diverse, there's no patterns in it and there's no thimble and shredding wankery neither!

The thing about fretless guitar (again, here you show all your ignorance on the subject) is about the tone and the fretting hand, since there's no frets and the fingers should be placed exactly where the frets would be. If Bucket's bending couldn't even be accurate on the NR outro solo, I can't imagine him being a very good fretless player. Ron's perfect ears (He's got a really impressive perfect pitch) and his immense accuracy and technique make him one of the best fretless players out there, so there you go.

Don't go out there claiming that your opinion is a fact - the only fact here is that you have shown us all your immense ignorance towards BBF.

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Bumblefoot can match up to him maybe...but he cant beat him.

EDIT: Sorry. Bumblefoot just can't make as much quality music with his guitar as Buckethead can. He can match up technically (cliche, i know) but I consider Buckethead to be the overall better musician. Bumblefoot's early music can just be fucking stupid...and not in a cool, experimental way.

Edited by ItsSuchACrimeUKnowItsJAKE
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That solo in Shadow just proved my point. Bumble is technically better than Bucket.

Buckethead sounds better.

That's an opinion.....I can't judge who's better by opinion. I can only judge using the technicalities. And that sexy acoustic sweep is just too impressive to pass up.

Let me get this straight--you're saying you're literally incapable of evaluating an inherently subjective question without trying to approach it objectively? Does anybody here know if there's a name for that condition?

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Guitarists on Bucket's level include Chris Broderick of Megadeth and Guthrie Govan.

To the people who automatically say BBF(which is their opinion and thats cool) but then proceed to shit on Bucket. This is for you. Bumble's Riad solo was shit, there was a vote here and the majority liked Bucket's initial solo. Fact. Bucket's TWAT solo is one of the defining moments on Chidem, Fact. Bucket's solos on Sorry, If the World, TWAT etc were all praised, none of Ron's were. Ron's Shackler's solo sucked and recieved alot of backlash(elephant noises etc) Fact. Bumble can do acoustic sweeps? Big fucken deal, im sure Bucket has never done those before. Bumble uses a fretless so it automatically makes him a better guitarist? WOW, i should just learn "Happy birthday" on the fretless and that would make me better than Yngwie Mamlsteem. Someone said Ron knows more theory? Um how do you know this? Is it just because Bucket never says "ok this is a C minor arpeggio started at the fifth"??

Can you imagine if Ron was to do the TWAT solo, it would have been a disaster, all squeals, thimble harmonics, elephant noises and shredding wankery. I do think Ron is a really nice guy and a very very good guitarist. But Bucket is on a different level.

Funking well said bro.

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No, Govan is much (and by much I mean so fucking much) above Bucket's level.

Now look who's claiming their opinion as fact. The hypocrisy is amazing.

One area that Bucket wipes the floor comprehensively with Govan (in my opinion) is his effortless compositional ability. Now, Govan might have the same or higher potential, I don't know - until he actually creates more output, we can't know for sure. I wish he'd stop teaching and focus on recording for a few years, it's a fucking shame he won't do this.

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