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Axl predicted Slash would do car commercial

Frozen Inferno

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I think the only line you draw is doing something that you don't want to for the money. You can do a single with Paris Hilton, a cover of Tiffany's I think we're Alone Now, but if you want to do it then it's not selling out. If you just do it for the cash, then it is.

Edited by wasted
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This is just insane. I guess I'm "on team Axl", but to laugh at Slash saying he is an embarrassment, making a fool of himself and, the most ridiculous one, "hurting the GNR legacy", talking about "how and when it went wrong"... You people have to have some serious issues with denial. I would be very careful about talking about those kinds of things in a direct or indirect comparison to Axl. Make a public poll, hell, make a poll with only the kind of people you actually respect (NuGnr fans excluded), and we all know what the results will be. Seems to me some of you think Axl's embarrassing moments will go away by pointing in Slash's direction, but it just makes you look deluded. Hell, the guy can have the biggest popstars in the world dressing up as him in videos and at the same time still work with almost any respected rocker he wishes. You got to give it to him.

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While I REALLY don't approve of what happened at the SuperBowl ( lol... ), Slash's worst moments aren't nearly as laughable as Axl's as far as the "GnR legacy" is concerned.

I know Axl meant well by hiring people like Buckethead and Finck, but if you want to entirely change the artistic direction of a legendary band, then you have to be 100% focused on doing so because otherwise you get the VMA incident and it all goes downhill from there...

Sure, Axl rarely "sells out" as in "he does not do stuff he would never do just for money" but he hardly does anything at all to be fair...

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Your right.

I meant to put most solos.

Anyways my poInt was that slash just doesn't run through pentatonic scales he mixes it up.

Im not afraid to admitt when I'm wrong.

Wasn't trying to start shit.


That's cool, sorry if i was a bit heavy handed. Slash uses other scales too, from Pentatonic, to natural minor(Don't Cry), Harmonic minor(Sweet Child) etc. I don't know if he knows all the scales like the melodic minor or Diminished scales etc, but he knows enough.

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Your right.

I meant to put most solos.

Anyways my poInt was that slash just doesn't run through pentatonic scales he mixes it up.

Im not afraid to admitt when I'm wrong.

Wasn't trying to start shit.


That's cool, sorry if i was a bit heavy handed. Slash uses other scales too, from Pentatonic, to natural minor(Don't Cry), Harmonic minor(Sweet Child) etc. I don't know if he knows all the scales like the melodic minor or Diminished scales etc, but he knows enough.

exactly, a lot of his stuff you hear and immediately recognize that it's not pentatonic...

I doubt he knows them scales as such. More likely just plays what feels right.

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Your right.

I meant to put most solos.

Anyways my poInt was that slash just doesn't run through pentatonic scales he mixes it up.

Im not afraid to admitt when I'm wrong.

Wasn't trying to start shit.


That's cool, sorry if i was a bit heavy handed. Slash uses other scales too, from Pentatonic, to natural minor(Don't Cry), Harmonic minor(Sweet Child) etc. I don't know if he knows all the scales like the melodic minor or Diminished scales etc, but he knows enough.

exactly, a lot of his stuff you hear and immediately recognize that it's not pentatonic...

I doubt he knows them scales as such. More likely just plays what feels right.

Excerpt from Slash interview from Bangkok Post on his playing and modern guitarists

BP: Speaking of miracle, many view Slash as one. As long as the media makes the ''best guitarist'' list, Slash is most likely to appear on it at some point. In 2009, Time Magazine put him on number two of the ''best electric guitar players of all time''.

Slash: ''All things considered, it's very flattering. But I was thinking today that there're so many fantastic guitar players and I sort of feel humbled by them. When people put me on top of the list, I think it's really nice, but I don't like to talk about it because I know that there are so many guitarists who are better than me and I'm working really hard to be as good as [they are],'' he said.

''I'm not a technique guitarist. I admire technique guitar players because they know a lot of stuff that I don't. But the thing that affects me most, that I strive for is emotional content and melodic content. I feel it when I'm playing, and you feel it as a listener. That's what I strive for.''

BP: And that's exactly what the fans receive, and possibly the reason why people are drawn to Slash while other guitar heroes often get ignored or left dusting in the corner. Slash's guitar playing might not be complicated, but the end result is driven by universal communication. A model to younger generation, Slash himself seems perplexed by modern days, but has readied himself to go with the flow, be it musical styles and new recording technology.

Slash: ''There are not a lot of guitar players that I listen to right now. But you know, the generation after mine, you got people like Jerry Cantrell, Tom Morello, Kim Thayil and more. Those guys are great guitar players. Now guitarists are kinda hazy. There are a lot of shredders in a lot of different bands, but I can't really tell them apart. In this new technological age that we're in, on one hand it's amazing how convenient everything is, and how fast you can do it. So many different things you can do with a touch of a button. But I have to say that from an audio point of view, the sounds start to suffer as a result,'' he said, adding that he'll have to turn to protool for his next album now that analogue is completely obsolete.

Complete interview



Slash definately plays with feeling. I doubt alot of guitar players sit around and say, O, Im going to play phrygian mode on this section and dorian mode on this one. It just natuarlly happens because their ear is so good and their responding to whatever chord is being played by the band. When their ear is drawn to notes in the chord that the band is on in the song, their target notes change to the notes of that chord, thus changing the mode. Its all the same notes anyways, your just changing what note you think of as the root note, and that changes your target notes.

The mode discussion comes after the fact when the solo is discected by fans or guitarist. IMO. Thats the way I look at it.

Sure, Im sure their are exceptions, but, the great ones that just let in flow with passion and emotion dont get caught up in thinking about planning their rips. It just takes away from the overall feeling of the solo.

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Your right.

I meant to put most solos.

Anyways my poInt was that slash just doesn't run through pentatonic scales he mixes it up.

Im not afraid to admitt when I'm wrong.

Wasn't trying to start shit.


That's cool, sorry if i was a bit heavy handed. Slash uses other scales too, from Pentatonic, to natural minor(Don't Cry), Harmonic minor(Sweet Child) etc. I don't know if he knows all the scales like the melodic minor or Diminished scales etc, but he knows enough.

exactly, a lot of his stuff you hear and immediately recognize that it's not pentatonic...

I doubt he knows them scales as such. More likely just plays what feels right.

The Pentatonic scale is only five notes(hence the "pent" meaning 5) and is quite limiting. When musicians like Dave Mustaine say things like "I only know the pentatonic scale" it doesn't mean they do not throw in other notes from outside the scale. Since there are only 5 notes, adding one or two more can make it sound like a natural minor scale or what have you. Alot of musicians use the pentatonic scale and then just go by ear. Some just go by ear altogether!

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axl is such a genius

he's trying to be successful using the name of a band that doesn't exist anymore but he doesn't do it for money, no, no

axl is not a sell-out, he certainly gave all the money he got from his last tour with fakegnr to some charitable organization

You're not a whiny douche, don't want to suck Slash's dick, are funny, etc.

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Have you seen RIP Magazine Commercials with Axl and Slash ?

There's so many kids here that don't even know how Axl was in the 80' and 90's.. Axl did a lot of interviews, and GNR merchandising was excessive!!, Axl somehow was a "sold out" too...

Edited by sergiodefenders
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Have you seen RIP Magazine Commercials with Axl and Slash ?

There's so many kids here that don't even know how Axl was in the 80' and 90's.. Axl did a lot of interviews, and GNR merchandising was excessive!!, Axl somehow was a "sold out" too...

Well yes and no. Cause he never did 'a lot' of interviews, But yes, he did interviews. But Slash and Duff always did way more. Merchandising was excessive, yes.

But really, I don't care if Slash does commercials. Good for him easy, fast money, he has a family. You almost never hear people complaining about all the basketball/soccer/footballplayers or actrices etc..who are also doing this? Why can't Slash?

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[quoteThis whole argument is pointless. Different guitarists, different styles. No need to bash Slash, Axl, or anyone else 24/7.


exactly .... i like both axl n slash and i dont understand the bashing on either one , seems you have to like one or the other around here .

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[quoteThis whole argument is pointless. Different guitarists, different styles. No need to bash Slash, Axl, or anyone else 24/7.


exactly .... i like both axl n slash and i dont understand the bashing on either one , seems you have to like one or the other around here .

That is one of the strangest things about this forum. In the older days, it leaned more towards there being more fanatic-Axl fans, who defended him no matter what and had a lot of anger towards Slash. But today the spectrum has really changed. Now there is a large group of Slash Fan Boys who go way overboard on their bashing Axl and the new band. Slash quit GnR over a decade ago, has released several albums, has a new band....but these SFBs spend more time on here bashing Axl than they do celebrating Slash's career.

SFBs....if Axl was such a terrible band member, if he was such a prick, if he is such a douchebag now.....shouldn't you be happy that Slash escaped away from him? Shouldn't you be happy that Slash isn't in a band with such a terrible monster like Axl? Instead of being happy about that, and instead of celebrating and enjoying Slash's career...you guys spend your lives bashing a singer of a band that Slash hasn't been associated with for over a decade. Weird.

Most normal people like both musicians. We follow both guy's careers (as well as other members of the old band) and we enjoy their music and wish them ALL nothing but success. But the SFBs can't seem to get "over" the break-up. The actual members of the band have gotten over it and moved on....but a handful of fans on here cannot. It really is pretty pathetic.

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Sorry Slash, but this commercial being released after Axl's statement on GTA San Andreas makes this totally hilarious.

Plus, I never thought Slash would like to compare himself to a soccer mom... I thought he'd be more in line with some vintage motown metal, like the GT350H he "drove" in the Don't cry video... Then again, he's no AJ Foyt, maybe the minivan is more in line with his driving skills and ETs.

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[quoteThis whole argument is pointless. Different guitarists, different styles. No need to bash Slash, Axl, or anyone else 24/7.


exactly .... i like both axl n slash and i dont understand the bashing on either one , seems you have to like one or the other around here .

That is one of the strangest things about this forum. In the older days, it leaned more towards there being more fanatic-Axl fans, who defended him no matter what and had a lot of anger towards Slash. But today the spectrum has really changed. Now there is a large group of Slash Fan Boys who go way overboard on their bashing Axl and the new band. Slash quit GnR over a decade ago, has released several albums, has a new band....but these SFBs spend more time on here bashing Axl than they do celebrating Slash's career.

SFBs....if Axl was such a terrible band member, if he was such a prick, if he is such a douchebag now.....shouldn't you be happy that Slash escaped away from him? Shouldn't you be happy that Slash isn't in a band with such a terrible monster like Axl? Instead of being happy about that, and instead of celebrating and enjoying Slash's career...you guys spend your lives bashing a singer of a band that Slash hasn't been associated with for over a decade. Weird.

Most normal people like both musicians. We follow both guy's careers (as well as other members of the old band) and we enjoy their music and wish them ALL nothing but success. But the SFBs can't seem to get "over" the break-up. The actual members of the band have gotten over it and moved on....but a handful of fans on here cannot. It really is pretty pathetic.

All things considered, with Axl running the band and the direction his music was heading , yes I am happy Slash quit GnR...I got 5 albums worth of new music. A live VR DVD. Over a dozen pro recorded live Slash solo show, numerous tours...It is great time to be a Slash fan...

But yet...you are still here on a daily basis bashing Axl........that is what I don't understand about you and a couple others on here. Your idol quit the old band, which enabled him to get away from the oh-so-evil Axl Rose, who clearly was just dragging Slash down. Slash is doing everythign that you fan boys think is incredible. So why do you spend more time bashing Axl on a GnR forum, rather than praising Slash on the VR forum??? From all the crap you guys say about Axl, you all should be thrilled that Slash is in a different band now. It is over. Move on. Let it go. In the words of fan-boy Moreblack......"lots of great bands out there, why spend time in a forum of one you dislike."

If it is a great time to be a Slash fan.....why are you here on a daily basis bashing Axl?

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[quoteThis whole argument is pointless. Different guitarists, different styles. No need to bash Slash, Axl, or anyone else 24/7.


exactly .... i like both axl n slash and i dont understand the bashing on either one , seems you have to like one or the other around here .

That is one of the strangest things about this forum. In the older days, it leaned more towards there being more fanatic-Axl fans, who defended him no matter what and had a lot of anger towards Slash. But today the spectrum has really changed. Now there is a large group of Slash Fan Boys who go way overboard on their bashing Axl and the new band. Slash quit GnR over a decade ago, has released several albums, has a new band....but these SFBs spend more time on here bashing Axl than they do celebrating Slash's career.

SFBs....if Axl was such a terrible band member, if he was such a prick, if he is such a douchebag now.....shouldn't you be happy that Slash escaped away from him? Shouldn't you be happy that Slash isn't in a band with such a terrible monster like Axl? Instead of being happy about that, and instead of celebrating and enjoying Slash's career...you guys spend your lives bashing a singer of a band that Slash hasn't been associated with for over a decade. Weird.

Most normal people like both musicians. We follow both guy's careers (as well as other members of the old band) and we enjoy their music and wish them ALL nothing but success. But the SFBs can't seem to get "over" the break-up. The actual members of the band have gotten over it and moved on....but a handful of fans on here cannot. It really is pretty pathetic.

All things considered, with Axl running the band and the direction his music was heading , yes I am happy Slash quit GnR...I got 5 albums worth of new music. A live VR DVD. Over a dozen pro recorded live Slash solo show, numerous tours...It is great time to be a Slash fan...

But yet...you are still here on a daily basis bashing Axl........that is what I don't understand about you and a couple others on here. Your idol quit the old band, which enabled him to get away from the oh-so-evil Axl Rose, who clearly was just dragging Slash down. Slash is doing everythign that you fan boys think is incredible. So why do you spend more time bashing Axl on a GnR forum, rather than praising Slash on the VR forum??? From all the crap you guys say about Axl, you all should be thrilled that Slash is in a different band now. It is over. Move on. Let it go. In the words of fan-boy Moreblack......"lots of great bands out there, why spend time in a forum of one you dislike."

If it is a great time to be a Slash fan.....why are you here on a daily basis bashing Axl?

But see thats where your wrong Apollo. If you had any idea of my posting habits you would know I rarely jump into a proNuGnR thread related to Axl and the new band unless someone starts bashing Slash or offering an alternate fictional history of how they broke up.

I am not bashing Axl as everything I am posting can be found in the numerous interviews I uploaded for yours and others viewing pleasure.


I am simply stating the facts of what happened to the old band based on the interviews with the principals involved. It is a fact that Axl wanted total control of the band and now owns the GnR name. It is a fact that all the other band members, Duff, Izzy and Slash, stated Axl became a meglomaniac and wanted them to sign employee contracts. It is a fact that Axl rarely showed up to rehearsals and initially rejected the Snakepit material......and it is a fact that the old band members pretty much tell the same story which conflicts with Axl's version and that he is the only one supporting his version................I could go on and on stating the facts but I think you get the picture..

All I am doing is correcting Axl fanboys when they try to rewrite GnR history to try to make Axl look like the victim and Slash the bad guy so I am not sure how stating the facts can be considered bashing.

I don't hate Axl, I think he is an asshole and treats people he deals with poorly, but I don't hate him. I think he is incredibly talented and I am actually looking forward to numusic from the current band as I was not a fan of ChiDem and I think Axl can do better as he has a very talented band behind him.

Actually all I see you doing these days posting complaining how we all treat Axl so badly. Instead of complaining join the debate and offer some counterpoints as your constant complaining about "Slash Fan Boys" is falling on deaf ears as we really don't care if you don't like our posts.....Stop complaining and start contributing.....

rawker, "Facts based on interviews" hardly makes them facts,but a collection of heresay,and opinions by people seeing situations from their own viewpoint,I do not see how the band breakup can be attributed in it's entirety to one person,but a escalation of clashing personaliities that had been building for years,it was not a sudden break,but a culmination of an addition of

personality conflicts,and differing priorities including all parties involved,and the addiction/co-dependancy issues cannot be downplayed nor overlooked,The band name was signed over legally by slash and duff,they didn't claim to be under duress nor file lawsuits at the time the contract that allowed this was signed,as it would have made perfect sense for them to have filed a legal suit at that time,if indeed they had been threatened or were under duress at the time,however the addictions/co-dependancies affected their thought processes at that time,Agreed that the snakepit album was initially rejected not only by axl,but also by duff,although later it was agreed to use 2-4 of the songs,but slash had already decided to use them for snakepit and withdrew their availability,slash also mentions being unduly upset at Paul Huge's guitar tracks being added to the mix on SFTD,I never understood why it garnered such a big reaction since the tracks were added,his contributions weren't removed,and imo the song sounded great,it has been mentioned also that slash did not want to do the songs Estranged,nor NR,I was a fan of his solo's on both songs,So in short the communication breakdown,as well as band breakup was not one person's doing,as much as some would like to believe that,it was the end result of a rift that had been building for numerous years,and was inevitably explosive enough to spur on numerous lawsuits,as well as ill will, multiple remarks over the years,by all parties involved,Everyone involved contributed to the breakup in one way or another,The degree is left up to the individual interpretation of what has been made public,and full disclosure nor a repair of the rift may never happen,it seems to have affected all in different ways,and to different degrees,both those personally involved,and the ones that watched it all unfold over the years.

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Great response Trilogy.

Rawker, your response to Trilogy was strong as well.

Bottom line - everybody in the band shares some blame to the breakup. And Axl probably shoulders the largest percent. But like it or not, Slash played his role in the band breaking up.

My concern is why people care so much now about that? It's like arguing with the brother of the woman that your cousin got divorced from 15 years ago about whose fault the divorce was. Who cares. It is over with and done. No whining, moaning or wishing is going to change the fact that it is over and done with.

And you ask why I keep posting the same thing? Because I get sick of the way the rabid Slash Fan Boys on here judge the two artists differently, or hold them to different standards. I'll keep this short, so I'll use one example. Awhile back was a topic on why is Axl still obsessed with Slash (or something ridiculous like that). And Slash Fan Boys were using the "he's in my ass" comment from a concert (ONE COMMENT in 100-plus shows?) and then the cancer remark as signs that Axl was still obsessed with Slash. So SFBs used 2-3 comments over a 10 year period to "prove" that Axl was still obsessed with Slash......BUT then Slash does his 100th interview where he blames Axl for the split. And the Slash Fan Boys come on here and defend his comments, saying he is just speaking his mind, etc.

See the double standard? Axl makes 3 comments in 10 years and that shows he is obsessed. Slash makes 100 comments in 10 years and he is just speaking his mind.

I'm a fan of all the members of the old band. And I wish them all nothing but success. And I think the fact that Izzy and Duff have both appeared on stage with Axl says a LOT about how Axl treated the old guys back in the day. Izzy and Duff were willing to forgive and move on with their lives. Axl and Slash clearly aren't at the point yet.

I just think both sides get a little ridiculous. Both guys have to shoulder the blame of breaking up the best hard rock band in the world. It wasn't all Axl's fault - despite what Slash Fan Boys want to believe.

I wish both guys success. And really don't understand fan boys on either side, who hate the other guy. And who continually bash one or the other on a forum.

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