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The fatist comments directed at Axl are cruel and unnecessary


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Are you guys even fans of this band? Or are you just living in your parents basement because you can't find a job so you come on here?

The economy really sucks, doesn't it.

yeah, that's it. i'm fat and poor and live in my mom's basement.

unless you guys failed to notice, lots of people around the world are talking about axl's weight gain. why would you expect the people on an axl forum to be any different? if anything, we'd probably want to talk about it more.

The issue is when "fat" is used to criticize and hurt, to say: "he does not sing as before because he is fat", or "we did not pay to see a fat axl in a concert".

This is aggressive!! you see?

I expect respect

Edited by Blummas
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Wow, it's getting nastier and NASTIER out there(press and pubilc). I'd like to take whoever started the "any press is good press" and make him Axl's PR manager. :o

Its a GnR revolution !!!!! Everyone on Team Axl, we must go to the streets as a team, I will gather the wood to make torches, have your sword ready, and bring your shield, we must fight till the end, once we get to Axls fortress we shall act in accordance, and no stealing, not even the rain coat. ahhhhhhhhh.......

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You don't have to defend him, it was his choice.

Guns n Roses are and always have been a very image-based band. They always dressed the part. Nearly every member past or present has a distinctive look unique to them. It's not like they're wearing everyday stuff. Rarely do I see a guy in a kilt and catchers pads walking down the street with a dude in a tophat and a boa constrictor. They CHOSE to be a band that has an image. They wanted that rock n roll look. This was a conscious choice.

Now, good bad or indifferent Axl put on some weight and it was really unflattering. I could care less, but after 20+ years of "hey look at me!" clothes, hair,and style you can't expect him not to be looked at and not have his appearance paid attention to. Even as recently as a couple years ago he had some photo spread done to show off his classy new clothes and look. He wears $300 jeans at every show. Axl Rose WANTS to be looked at. Or at least he did. For 2 decades he wanted to dress and look in a way we would notice. So when we look at him at RIR, it's because of the lifetime of him telling us to. I think if he always wore normal clothes and had a low key appearance, he could have put on 20 lbs without anyone saying a word.

He chose to be someone that had a certain image. and now he's chosen to not take care of his weight. it was all his call, so you can't get mad about people noticing.

I personally could care less how much he weighs. But I think it's kinda lame to be like "don't make fun of him! it doesnt matter how he looks!" when he's the person who made it matter how he looks

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All the fatist comments directed at Axl are well below the belt. He looks like any other normal man approaching his fifties.

I like GNR because of the music not because of how Axl Rose looks. If his waistline is that important to you, you're either a very shallow person or in the closet about your hidden homosexuality.

That's right Towel! Some of these people on here are the reason Axl has to put plastic owls on his house to scare them away. Where is Soul Monster and Thyme?

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One of the funnier articles about Axl's weight:


Porky Axl Rose Needs to Lay Off the Pies

October 05, 2011 11:45 AM EDT

1 person recommends this | comments: 1

It seems the excesses of the "good life" have transformed Axl Rose from a lithe, snake-hipped pin-up boy into a bloated gut bucket with a taste for lard.

The 49-year-old crazy ginger nut with a taste for the "Reckless Life" and an "Appetite for Destruction" looks like he has finally bitten off more than he can chew judging by his "larger than life" appearance at the recent Guns n' Roses gig in Brazil.

The flame haired, loose-lipped hot head that is Axl Rose, took to the stage as distraught fans looked on in abject terror as the virtually unrecognizable singer wobbled and warbled his way around the place like a slightly hysterical jelly man in a ginger wig.

A chubby but cheerful Axl attempted to cover up his portly frame in a terribly nauseating yellow overcoat. It didn't work, and hordes of sweaty and breathless females were said to groan in despair every time one of Axl Rose's chins shook along in time to his vocal gymnastics.

Compared with former Guns n' Roses bad boys such as Slash, Duff, and Izzy, who have all retained their skinny rock n' roller physiques, the glutton Axl Rose appears to have ballooned out of all proportions along with his ego in a grotesque comedy of errors. Hell, even the king of the chumps himself, Mr. Steven Adler, looks in better shape than this ginger lard ass.

Axl pictured above before the "Sweet Pie of Mine" got the better of him

On the strength of his public appearances throughout the last decade, fat Axl appears to be harboring some deep-rooted weight issues. He seemed to slim down and tone up for the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards, but then in 2010 he terrorized fans with a lardy look that appeared to come right out of nowhere. It didn't! It came straight out of the portly poser's larder.

Somewhat unkindly, rival rocker Scott Weiland has called an emotional Axl a "fat Botox-faced wig wearer." Which no doubt has led to old blubber guts running like a cry baby to the nearest fast-food joint to comfort eat his way to oblivion.

It's time to "Get in the Ring," Axl. That's if you can still fit through the ropes your lardy little punk.

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I would love to see pictures of all the posters on this forum who made snarky comments or exaggerated claims about Axl's weight.

I guaran-fucking-tee that a significant percentage of those shit-talking motherfuckers are obese. Some of them are probably even morbidly obese. Now, if I'm right, then it goes to show: those individuals are here for one sole reason: to cupcake.

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I would love to see pictures of all the posters on this forum who made snarky comments or exaggerated claims about Axl's weight.

I guaran-fucking-tee that a significant percentage of those shit-talking motherfuckers are obese. Some of them are probably even morbidly obese. Now, if I'm right, then it goes to show: those individuals are here for one sole reason: to cupcake.

It's the internet, what do you expect? It's best if you don't let it bother you. Why care about something you can't control? And plus, a cupcake is just an actor. They're theater. There's no point in getting all pissed off at someone who's acting.

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My issue with these comments is... We're not the media. I feel like we should have his back by supporting him. Not by calling him Snaxl, although the failure to marinate thing made me laugh.

It's like if I went on a Rush fan forum and people were saying, "Geddy Lee's a fatty; he dined WAY too much on honeydew and OD'd on the Milk of Paradise," you'd get an army of Rush fans supporting Geddy. But on this forum, we're the ones making the comments. O_o

This is the weirdest fanbase ever. Which is why I keep coming back, I suppose. :P

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I would love to see pictures of all the posters on this forum who made snarky comments or exaggerated claims about Axl's weight.

I guaran-fucking-tee that a significant percentage of those shit-talking motherfuckers are obese. Some of them are probably even morbidly obese. Now, if I'm right, then it goes to show: those individuals are here for one sole reason: to cupcake.

Your logic is supremely flawed. Axl made his living off his image. As another poster pointed out; he was the guy who chose to be a front man, take his shirt off, run around in biker shorts, etc. That is how the public knows him and it benefited him. When you are in the public eye and image is a big part of your livelihood, you will catch shit for showing up on stage fat.

I suppose the dozens and dozens of reporters who chose to put out articles about Axl's weight are also "cupcakes." Bottom line, it is newsworthy when someone who looked so good who is very famous looks as shitty as Axl did the other night. And by the way, Axl isn't exactly the most compassionate guy when it comes to ridiculing others. He is fucking ruthless.

For the record I lift twice a week, run 5 miles 3 times a week and am in pretty good shape at 39 years old. Maybe that will be different when I'm 49, but I can tell you that if I were fronting a rock band and had the time to train that Axl does, i wouldn't look bloated.

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Maybe it's because I am American so to me fat is like morbidly obese, but Axl does not look fat to me.

Axl is not fat. He's average for his age. And I live in rio, land of body image superficialness.

What are the girls like there as far as looks go?

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Maybe it's because I am American so to me fat is like morbidly obese, but Axl does not look fat to me.

Axl is not fat. He's average for his age. And I live in rio, land of body image superficialness.

What are the girls like there as far as looks go?

If you like brunettes and asses, here's where you look first. You know that Kim Kardashian, Nicole Scherzinger, Nicole Bahls type of look. In my case I like blondes and boobs so it's harder to find here hahaha

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It's the internet, what do you expect? It's best if you don't let it bother you. Why care about something you can't control? And plus, a cupcake is just an actor. They're theater. There's no point in getting all pissed off at someone who's acting.

First of all, don't presume that you know what I'm thinking. You're not psychic. I'm a fast typer and I have a good vocabulary. When you see me unleash a rant, remember something: I might be having fun. What a concept.

I have the ability to break cupcakes. I have the ability to counter-cupcake them and meta-cupcake them. Oh let me tell you, there's nothing more satisfying than when a cupcake gets riled up at me. They can create all the new user accounts they want. They can cupcake to their hearts' content. In the end, arguing on the internet is like the special olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded.

But that gold medal is mine, and don't you ever forget it.

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Maybe it's because I am American so to me fat is like morbidly obese, but Axl does not look fat to me.

Axl is not fat. He's average for his age. And I live in rio, land of body image superficialness.

What are the girls like there as far as looks go?

If you like brunettes and asses, here's where you look first. You know that Kim Kardashian, Nicole Scherzinger, Nicole Bahls type of look. In my case I like blondes and boobs so it's harder to find here hahaha

I like brunettes and boobs, is that any easier to find?

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Could Axl turn the recent negative press about his weight to his advantage? Some ideas:

-Perhaps having Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts sponsor the tour?

-An appearance on "The Biggest Loser: Celebrity Edition?" Maybe he could be on a team competing against Vince Neil, who has also porked up and they could finally have the showdown everyone wanted to see in 1991.

- Rename the tour from "Chinese Democracy" to "Chinese Take Out"

-Steve Adler's band is called "Adler's Appetite." People have all kinds of problems with Axl using the GNR name. Maybe he could rename the band "Axl's Appetite" to appease the critics.

-Bring Buckethead back and cross-promote with KFC. Axl could actually eat fried chicken out of KFC buckets and place them on buckethead after he finishes.

-Axl could actually literally sit in a bowl of "Chinese Stew" (like in the lyrics to Chinese Democracy) while signing.

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